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Everything posted by yakup

  1. <p style="text-align:center;"><strong>Arama kriterlerinize ait bir kayıt bulunamadı..</strong></p><p style="text-align:center;"><strong>Eğer Pasif bir müşteri arıyorsanız Sol Menü'den Pasif Müşteriler Menüsünden arama yapabilirsiniz.</strong></p>
  2. yes it works, that's enough for me
  3. very good let me try it now
  4. 11 years have passed, I wish a feature that some people have needed for so many years had been added to the component.
  5. Merhabalar, Unidbgrid özelliklerinden EmptyText'i özelleştirebilmenin bir yolu var mı dikey yatay ortalayıp fontu büyütüp renklendirmek gibi mesela.
  6. I don't want this kind of scrolling because the scroll I marked in red seems unnecessary. Can't it push other objects underneath it?
  7. I adjusted it like that, this time it goes under the components below. Components are set to 'aling top'
  8. I want , the Unifieldset lengthens and shortens according to the theme so that it appears with all the order in it
  9. for example uni_windows11_triton and uni_win10
  10. Benim uygulamamda kullanıcılar Tema seçiminde özgürler, ama bazı temalarda editörler büyüdüğü için aşağıdaki gibi bazı nesnelerim kayboluyor. Bu ekranların her temaya uyarlanması için ne yapıyorsunuz. Unifieldseti genişletsem bu sefer diğer temalarda boşluk oluşuyor. splitter dışında bir çözüm var mı bu konuya.
  11. Last field in undbgrid. Invisible at design time in Unidbgrid, but it appears at runtime
  12. It was exactly what I wanted. thank you.
  13. Is there any progress on this issue?
  14. Actually, it would be great if my code worked correctly. UniCalendarPanel1.ShowMask('Ajanda Bilgileri Yükleniyor...'); work(); UniCalendarPanel1.HideMask;
  15. Bad idea, I don't like static definitions at all. What will happen if it comes in 10 seconds instead of 3 seconds in the future?
  16. It is visible for 2.20 seconds after the mask creation process then gone. Data appears 2.74 seconds after mask disappears
  17. 102 pieces, not that many.
  18. Unfortunately, the mask is removed before the event comes again.
  19. 1208(1).mp4 there is a problem , The mask closes before the list arrives.
  20. It's the entire form, how can I make it just a calendar?
  21. Hi, I save databasee UniCalendarPanel1 events and in form.onshow Load from database. Now the data has grown, it takes a long time. I want show message before installation after hide message. but not procedure TMainForm.LoadEvents; var mq: TMyQuery; ce: TUniCalendarEvent; i: integer; begin UniCalendarPanel1.ShowMask('Ajanda Bilgileri Yükleniyor...'); // UniSession.Synchronize; UniCalendarPanel1.Events.Clear; mq := TMyQuery.Create(nil); try mq.Connection := MyDataModules.MyConnection; mq.sql.Clear; mq.sql.Add('SELECT * FROM unicalendarevent ua WHERE ua.User=:user AND Deleted=0'); mq.ParamByName('user').AsString := UniMainModule.username; mq.Open; while not mq.Eof do begin ce := UniCalendarPanel1.Events.Add; ce.EventId := mq.FieldByName('EventId').AsInteger; ce.CalendarId := mq.FieldByName('CalendarId').AsInteger - 1; ce.Title := mq.FieldByName('Title').AsString; ce.StartDate := mq.FieldByName('StartDate').AsDateTime; ce.EndDate := mq.FieldByName('EndDate').AsDateTime; ce.Location := mq.FieldByName('Location').AsString; ce.Notes := mq.FieldByName('Notes').AsString; ce.IsAllDay := mq.FieldByName('IsAllDay').AsBoolean; ce.Url := mq.FieldByName('Url').AsString; ce.Reminder := Ifthen(mq.FieldByName('Reminder').AsBoolean, '1', '0'); ce.IsNew := mq.FieldByName('IsNew').AsBoolean; ce.Description := mq.FieldByName('Description').AsString; mq.Next; end; finally if Assigned(mq) then FreeAndNil(mq); UniCalendarPanel1.HideMask; end; end;
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