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Everything posted by Garry

  1. my apology, sent it in hurry and did not notice that it has already posted. Please discard this,I added a new post.
  2. Hello I used following code to create events on calendars, i expected 10 events to be created but i see only FOUR events(Meeting1 to Meeting4) on the calendar. what is wrong? am i missing any thing? Thanks procedure TMainForm.UniButton3Click(Sender: TObject); var E : TUniCalendarEvent; i : integer; begin UniCalendar1.Date:=Date; UniCalendarPanel1.StartDate:=Date; while (UniCalendarPanel1.Events.Count >0) do UniCalendarPanel1.Events.Item[0].Destroy; for I := 1 to 10 do begin E:=UniCalendarPanel1.Events.Add; E.CalendarId:=i; E.Title:='Meeting' +IntTostr(i); E.StartDate:=EncodeDateTime(yearof(Now),monthof(now),DayOf(now),8+i,0,0,0); E.EndDate:= EncodeDateTime(yearof(Now),monthof(now),DayOf(now),8+i,30,0,0); end; end;
  3. procedure TMainForm.UniButton3Click(Sender: TObject); var E : TUniCalendarEvent; i : integer; begin UniCalendar1.Date:=Date; UniCalendarPanel1.StartDate:=Date; while (UniCalendarPanel1.Events.Count >0) do UniCalendarPanel1.Events.Item[0].Destroy; for I := 1 to 10 do begin E:=UniCalendarPanel1.Events.Add; E.CalendarId:=i; E.Title:='Meeting' +IntTostr(i); E.StartDate:=EncodeDateTime(yearof(Now),monthof(now),DayOf(now),8+i,0,0,0); E.EndDate:= EncodeDateTime(yearof(Now),monthof(now),DayOf(now),8+i,30,0,0); end; end;
  4. is there any other component to display rich edir text?
  5. I don't get RTF text when a TWideMemoField field attached to TuniDBmemo.(i see the text with rtf tags but not formatted) is it supported or i am doing something wrong?
  6. Hello Farshad I am trying to convert a desktop application in to web application. for this, first of all i need login screen where user and password would be entered,after verification at database end one would be allowed to continue. after searching in forum i found this Link. Now condition is, main screen have calendar, that too visible while Login screen is just above it as showmodal, depending on the user logged in i will load calender,so showing main screen just behind the login screen is not appropriate. Note : I want MainFormDisplayMode = mfPage Do you suggest any solution since the link i attached here is more than 1 year old, so i think some solution should be there by now(may be entirely different approach). Regards
  7. Garry


    Thanks for your quick reply..It worked as expected. Regards
  8. Garry


    Thanks for your quick reply..It worked as expected. Regards
  9. Garry


    Thanks for your quick reply..It worked as expected. Regards
  10. Garry


    How to get windowless output on browser? Which property of the form to select to get windowless behavior? I made my application through wizard and then i am not able to windowless as shown in demo. Regards
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