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Everything posted by Int3g3r

  1. Can no one help or say anything about this problem ? Is this a bug, or do we something wrong ? Regards, Int3g3r
  2. Perfect that is what i'm looking for!
  3. Hello, Can someone explain me why the "labelTime" is showed in the "formEinkauf" ? (see picture) Both label overlap eachother but they are on diffrent forms. If i press the button "Einkauf" the frmEinkauf gets showed with "frmEinkauf.ShowModal()". Is it necessary to use some sort of container that contains the label ? Regards, Int3g3r
  4. This works, thank you. How can i select the .x-inner-el in a uniEvent without a css-class ? For example: function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.style = {'background-color':'#D3D3D3'} config.style.x-inner-el = {'background-color':'#D3D3D3'} //does not work }
  5. Hello, I'm struggeling at changing the background-color of a TUnimButton. // ExtEvent function added(sender, container, index, eOpts) { sender.addCls('mainBtnBg') } /* CustomCSS */ .mainBtnBg { width:120px; height:30px; background: #1E90FF; /* blue */ border: 5px solid #1E90FF; /* borda branca em volta */ margin: auto; /* centraliza com bordas automáticas nas laterais */ text-align: center; /* centraliza o texto */ font-family: Source Sans Pro; /* fonte */ font-size: 16px; /* tamanho da fonte */ color: #1E90FF; /* cor fonte */ border: 1px solid #ccc; border-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.1) rgba(0,0,0,0.1) rgba(0,0,0,0.25); border-color: #e6e6e6 #e6e6e6 #bfbfbf; border-bottom-color: #b3b3b3; border-radius: 4px; box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.2), 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.05); } The font-color changes to blue, but the background-color is still btnFace it should be blue. I copied the code from the example attachment. Regards, Int3g3r btnmobile.zip
  6. Hello, Is it possible to readout the Build Version of Unigui and Sencha Ex JS Version wich are installed in the Delphi IDE ? If yes where ? If not how can i find this out ? Regards Int3g3r
  7. I set the maxLength Property to 3 and the InputType to "tel". This works. Thank you.
  8. No, I have a subscription. I'm using the full version. PS: I have set the InputType Property to "number". Regards, Int3g3r
  9. Is it possible to readout the UniGui Build version in the Delphi IDE ? When yes how ? I installed follow Setup: Complete_Professional_1.90.0.1535
  10. Hello, Follow example: // Delphi/Pascal Syntax procedure TfrmHandel.edtScanChange(Sender: TObject); begin if Length(edtScan.Text) = 16 then begin edtScan.Enabled := false; doStuff; // it can take 10 seconds to finish (apiRequest) edtScan.Clear; btnCancel.SetFocus; edtScan.Enabled := true; end; end; The disabling / enabling of the edtScan (TUnimEdit) doesn't happen in the browser. The User should not be allowed to enter text while "doStuff" is not finished, so i would like to disable the element until it's done. How can i archive this behavior ? Regards, Int3g3r
  11. Hello, I'm struggling to set the maxLength on a TUnimEdit. I would like to set the maxLength to 3 characters. 1) I set the maxLength Property to 3. 2) I used the ClientEvents -> UniEvents with follow code: function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.cls='edtScan'; config.maxLength=3; } In both cases I'm able to write more characters than 3 into the Input field. Edit: InputType Property is set to "number" Edit: Complete_Professional_1.90.0.1535 Regards, Int3g3r Edit workaround : Set the maxLength Property to 3 and the InputType to "tel".
  12. TUniGUIServerModule.AutoCoInitialize I enabled the property and it works now. Thank you very much!
  13. Hello, I have a VLC application that uses a DLL. The DLL queries some data from a API. In the VLC application the DLL works just fine. If i use the same DLL in a UniGui(mobile) application it always tells me that "Microsoft MSXML is not installed". The MSXML is needed in the VLC application too, so it is installed. If i try to reinstall it, the setup shows that i only can "repair" or "remove" it. So i think this could be a UniGui issue ? Does anyone have a solution to this specific problem ? Had anyone the same issue ? Regards, Int3g3r
  14. Hello, I'm new to UniGui and don't quite understand the ExtJS part of it. I simply want to switch the color of a TUnimButton. I found follow post that doesn't work for me. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/5861-change-background-color-button-solved/&tab=comments#comment-30082 But my biggest problem is how to interpret the documentation. I found follow links to the ExtJS documentation. - extjs/4.2.1 - extjs/6.2.0 1) How can i find out wich version of ExtJS UniGui uses ? I know the basics of css, so i searched in the documentation for a method to change the style. I found follow methods: - 4.2.1 -> Ext.button.ButtonView.style() - 6.2.0 -> Ext.button.ButtonView.setStyle() Now i searched for "background". There are a lot of diffrent "theme tariables", i tried $button-default-base-color like follow. ObjectInspector -> ClientEvents -> ExtEvents -> added function added(sender, container, index, eOpts) { MainmForm.UnimButton2.style($button-default-base-color:#FFFFFF); MainmForm.UnimButton2.style($button-default-base-color: 'red'); MainmForm.UnimButton2.style(background:#FFFFFF); MainmForm.UnimButton2.style({background:#FFFFFF}); MainmForm.UnimButton2.style({$button-default-base-color:#FFFFFF}); //.. same with .setStyle() } In the post above he uses "CustomCSS" in the UniServerModule. I tried this too but that doesn't work either. 2) I know it's case sensitive but I don't know what i'm doing wrong. Regards, Int3g3r
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