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Posts posted by LogSistemas01

  1. Hello guys,

    I'm using Report Builder for printing.

    It's all done and printing on my computer, but on the Free Tier server on amazon, the print comes out on a bank.

    It is printing as in the example.

    The strangest thing is that by placing the demo project, it prints correctly.

    I reviewed the properties of the components, they are the same and I don't know what it can be, does anyone have any tips?

    I even took the RTM in the demo to use on mine, but did not print it, nor did it show the PDF, it kept loading until it crashed.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. i did!

    On editors gridonKeyDown

          gridPrecos.CurrCol := gridPrecos.CurrCol - 1;


         gridPrecos.CurrCol := gridPrecos.CurrCol + 1;





    Hello guys,

    I have this dbgrid where the MARGIN and PRECO columns are editable, when pressing ENTER in the edit above, the focus goes to the dbgrid in edit mode, when pressing ENTER in the MARGIN column, I would like you to move to the PRECO column already in edit mode and when pressing ENTER on PRECO, move to the next line in the MARGIN column in edit mode, does anyone know how to do it?



  4. Hello,

    I have the following scenario:

    A list of financial documents for the customer to select some.

    With each selection, I take the PK from the document and put it in a list inside a controller.
    This object is loaded from the database and the total of the selected list is presented to the user on the screen.

    The problem occurs when an item in the grid is cleared.

    After deselecting, the SelectionChange event is invoked, however, when it arrives at that event, the item selected in the grid is no longer the unchecked item, but the first item selected, in case there is still another item selected.

    That way I can no longer get the PK of the unmarked item.

    What can I do in this case to get the PK by deselecting?

  5. On 9/24/2020 at 5:33 PM, mhmda said:

    What about the '+'/'-' signs to expand/collapse row widget?

    This is how Extjs works (normal behavior), I don't see any problem with one click to expand/collapse rows.

    If you need to change the '+'/'-' icons OR you want to use DoubleClick to expand/collapse then you have to do it using client-side code (js).

    It would be interesting to be able to call manually because it may be necessary to put information, for example: 'More data', 'Items' or anything else

  6. On 8/23/2020 at 10:50 AM, mhmda said:

    What is the purpose exactly? it's not clear what you want to achieve. 

     Don't forget the case when you have a callback procedure in parent form.

    I would like to create a form that behaves like TUniPopup.

    Put any control inside it, TUniEdit, TUniButton, TUniDBGrid.

    For more or less this:

    Step 1:
    Normal Form:


    Step 2:
    Open popup form:


    If I click anywhere on the form in step 1, the popup form is closed.

    I know that if you put click routines on the form, it could work, but on a screen that could call 2-4 forms popup it would be bad, I would like something more automatic.


    Something like this too:

  7. On my login screen, the username and password is saved by google.

    I have another form where it is necessary to inform the user and user password again to perform the operation.

    On this screen, the password is loaded by google.

    After confirming the login details there is a problem with google chrome stating that there was a password violation.


    I would like to know if it is in this user validation screen, do not bring the loaded password (in the same case as the login screen) and avoid this problem of violation, but continuing to save the password at login normally.

    Thanks in advance.

  8. Folks,

    I have this frame that is inside this popup form, the enter does not work to go to the next field, not even the tab.




    The Form is configured 

      Position = poDefault
      KeyPreview = True
      NavigateKeys.Enabled = True
      NavigateKeys.Prior.Key = 13
      NavigateKeys.Prior.ShiftState = [ussShift]
      NavigateKeys.Next.Key = 13
      NavigateKeys.Next.HandleBrowser = True
      MonitoredKeys.Keys = <>
      Movable = False

    The frame is placed at run time.


    What intrigues me most is that injecting the frame in this way, directly into the main form, works correctly



    Does anyone know what can it be ?

  9. folks,




    I have the following situation

    When I'm in the product search frame for sale, in field 1 and hit enter, the focus goes to 2 and when I press enter it goes to 3.

    This is due to the main form's Navigate Keys.

    But when I'm at 3 and hit enter the focus goes to field 4, however, even if I ask to focus on field 1 again, the system takes it to field 4 and then goes back to 1.

    And as you can see, the 4 is below, that makes the flow bad, because the scroll down and back up.

    Does anyone know how I can change that.

    I focus with setfocus and 

    AControl.JSInterface.JSCallDefer('focus', [False], 100);


    thank you.

  10. Hello,
    I have a scroll box inside a tabsheet with several elements, which exceed the dimensions of the scrollbox and should show the scrollbar, but it doesn't.



    • UniContainerPanel_1 (alClient)
      • UniContainerPanel_2 ( AlNone - Anchor Top only)
        • UniPageControl_1 (AlClient)
          • TabSheet1
            • ScrollBox_1 (AlClient)
              • Container
                • Elements
              • Container
                • Elements
              • Container
                • Elements
              • Container
                • Elements
              • Container
                • Elements
              • Container
                • Elements
              • Container
                • Elements

    Before adding the elements to the scrollbar, the tabsheet was 500 high. After adding them, the tabsheet, UniPageControl_ and UniContainerPanel_2 changed to 2000, because the scrollbox did not create the scrollbar.

    The UniContainerPanel_2 is not alClient because it is to center the screen, leaving an empty space in the latets, the content is centralized.


    I was unable to attach the project. It appears that you are not able to attach files.

    Thank you!


  11. And now i got this


    [FUniMainModule.LoginBackground.ImageUrl-]:EFCreateError : Cannot create file "D:\Projetos\Delphi\xe7\DomynusXE7\Resources\cache\pdomynusunigui_exe\res\__4AA9E679886F9296D50EBA2D.png". O sistema não pode encontrar o caminho especificado : Addr: $004C1F9C


    After that, i jut runned(F9) again e it works

  12. Hello,

    I have received this error on some occasions, I cannot say which or why I am receiving it.

    I would like to understand and know what I can do.

    I think this is related to theme


    Unigui version:

    Theme: triton



    00001898: 17:06:17 []:Exception : Config Option: O162B->html:"\x3Cimg src='/ext-6.7.0/build/classic/theme-classic/resources/images/tree/s.gif' hspace='68' vspace='71'\x3E"<br/>is refering a previous request,<br/>it's not allowed in AJAX request or JS handler.<br/>Use equivalent Public Property or Method instead. : Addr: $0072DB92

    00001898: 17:06:17 []:Error creating SEQ file:D:\Unigui\Domynus Web\Resources\cache\pdomynusunigui_exe\fUnLfot8xV1064FF008\_SEQ\363, Error:3



  13. It worked.

    But, it is not positioned where I need it.

    If I take the parent out, I stay where I need to be, he puts himself in, he doesn't obey.

    How can I do this?
    I think it would be extclient routine

  14. 7 hours ago, zhyhero said:


    Doesnt work!

    Not even show the form.

    I call like this:

        .MostraEmbaixoDoComponente(btnAdicionarTipoPessoa, True)

     tye like this:

        .MostraEmbaixoDoComponente(btnAdicionarTipoPessoa, True)
      FrmSelecaoGenerica.Parent := abaOutrosDados;


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