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  1. Basit ama etkili bir yazdırma sunucusu. Mantık olarak unigui üzerinden lokal ip yi kontrol ettiriyorum daha sonra yazıcı ismini alıyorum daha sonra rest sunucusuna fastreportdan aldığım pdf verisine gönderiyorum. unit PrinterServerMethodsUnit; interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Classes, Datasnap.DSServer, Datasnap.DSAuth, Printers, IdBaseComponent, IdComponent, IdIPWatch, WinSpool, ShellAPI, gtPDFDoc, gtPDFPrinter, Types; type {$METHODINFO ON} PrinterServerMethods = class(TComponent) private { Private declarations } function GetLocalIp: string; public { Public declarations } function Connect(ip: string): Boolean; function GetPrinterName: string; function Print(data: TStream): Boolean; end; {$METHODINFO OFF} implementation uses System.StrUtils; function PrinterServerMethods.Connect(ip: string): Boolean; begin if ip = GetLocalIp then Result := True else Result := False; end; function PrinterServerMethods.GetLocalIp: string; var IPW: TIdIPWatch; begin IPW := TIdIPWatch.Create(nil); try if IPW.LocalIP <> '' then Result := IPW.LocalIP; finally IPW.Free; end; end; function PrinterServerMethods.GetPrinterName: string; begin if (Printer.Printers.Count > 0) then begin Printer.PrinterIndex := -1; Result := Printer.Printers[Printer.PrinterIndex]; end else begin Result := ''; end; end; function PrinterServerMethods.Print(data: TStream): Boolean; var pdf: TgtPDFDocument; pdf_printer: TgtPDFPrinter; begin try try pdf := TgtPDFDocument.Create(Self); pdf_printer := TgtPDFPrinter.Create(Self); pdf.LoadFromStream(data); pdf_printer.PDFDocument := pdf; pdf_printer.SelectPrinterByName(GetPrinterName); pdf_printer.ShowSetupDialog := False; pdf_printer.PrintDoc; Result := True; finally pdf.Free; pdf_printer.Free; end; except on e: exception do begin Result := False; end; end; end; end.
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