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uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by Linda

  1. Thank you very much! I'll check it out. I love your product and this forum has answered many, many questions for m.
  2. Can you just tell me how to detect the mouseover of the icon?
  3. I can go to current version if that is needed.
  4. Hi, I'm using the following code to create tooltips on UniTreeview nodes. It works just fine. But I'd like to sometimes only show the tooltip when the user mouses over the icon instead of the whole line. How can I do that? Thanks. NavTree.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values['viewready'] := 'function viewready(sender, eOpts) '+ '{ '+ ' sender.view.tip = Ext.create(''Ext.tip.ToolTip'', { '+ ' target: sender.view.el,'+ ' delegate: sender.view.cellSelector, '+ ' trackMouse: true, '+ ' showDelay: 500, '+ ' hideDelay: 10, '+ ' dismissDelay: 0, ' + // since the tip could be long, keep the tooltip up as long as mouse is over ' componentCls: ''overviewTip'', ' + ' renderTo: Ext.getBody(), '+ ' listeners: { '+ ' beforeshow: function updateTipBody(tip) { '+ ' gridColums = sender.view.getGridColumns(); '+ ' column = gridColums[tip.triggerElement.cellIndex]; '+ ' record = sender.view.getRecord(tip.triggerElement.parentNode); '+ ' cellTd = sender.view.getCell(record, tip.triggerElement.cellIndex); ' + ' if (cellTd) { ' + ' cellInnerDiv = cellTd.querySelector(''.x-grid-cell-inner''); ' + ' if (cellTd.hasAttribute("coverview")) { ' + ' tip.update(cellTd.getAttribute("coverview")); }' + ' else ' + ' if ((cellInnerDiv.scrollWidth > cellInnerDiv.offsetWidth) ){' + // ' && cellTd.hasAttribute(''overflow-tooltip'')){ '+ ' tip.update(record.data.text); '+ ' } else { '+ ' return false; '+ ' } '+ ' } ' + // if celltd ' else { '+ ' return false; '+ ' } '+ ' } '+ ' } '+ ' }); ' + '} ';
  5. How can you make images show on TreeMenu like they do in TreeView? Thanks, Linda
  6. These Digital Flame articles are awesome! Thank you for sharing them!
  7. Could I get some guidance on this?
  8. Hi all, I've been working with the trial version of unigui for the last few months. Web application programming is new to me so I'm on quite a learning curve. I'm about to purchase unigui and I have 2 questions: 1. I understand that I will get a vps like contabo to host my executable or dll. But how do I get my users from a url like http://www.myapp.com to c:\myapp.exe on the VPS? 2. Deployment - ISAPI vs WIndows Service - what factors effect this choice? Thanks, Linda
  9. Same here. I'm eager to start working with uniGUI!
  10. I'm having the same symptom. Just now installed uniGUI, so no successful run yet.
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