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  1. @SherzodPlease it's not trial edition
  2. @Sherzod Please I'm using UniGUI version 1.9
  3. To Check if the control in blank or not and send him a dislogmessage, I use this process. Some times it workin some times not. most on the firts time. after it don't show the warning. I don't know that if i don't use the good code or it's cookies. Please help me. if UniEdit.IsBlank then begin MessageDlg('Please you must fill this', mtWarning, [mbOK], procedure(Sender: TComponent; Res: Integer) begin UniEdit.SetFocus; Abort; end ) end else
  4. I Have ProductsFrame, wich avec a DBGrid for showing products. To save a new product, I use a form to enter the informations and after I click on Save button. I wrote a procedure in Products frame that make a request to update the ProductsDBGrid. My target is to call the Update request form the NewProductForm after the saving of the product. I try this, but it's not working
  5. @Farshad Mohajeri Please how to enable blocking mode
  6. Please i'm usin MessageDlg to ask and make warning in my web application. But it not workin well. The instructions after se click of the user don't execute. if MessageDlg('Did you Need to save Data ?',mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo] ) = mrYes then begin with DM.ADO_Enr_1 do begin close; SQL.Clear; SQL.Add('INSERT INTO Product (name, price) Values (:name,:price)'); Parameters.ParamByName('name').Value:= EdName.Text; Parameters.ParamByName('price').Value:= EdPrice.Text; ExecSQL; end; EdName.Clear; EdPrice.Clear; MessageDlg('Enregistrement réalisé avec succé',mtConfirmation,[mbok]); end else The block Begin ...... End is not execute. Thanks in advance.
  7. @Hayri ASLAN I'm using 1.9 build 1541 version
  8. Please I need your help about how to open form in UnicontainerPanel. I have many forms and I want to open each form when user click on the form button on the menu. I have an latteral menu bar on the left of my main form, so every form that should be opened will be on the containerpanel that is on the rigth side of my Mainform The illustation of my idea
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