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Everything posted by Arquem

  1. O problema sao os PARENTs... preciso pegar a POSICAO ABSOLUTA do componente... se um LABEL estiver DENTRO de um PANEL q ta dentro de outro etc... a posicao dele vai vir diferente da REAL. O componente é passado em tempo de execução. Gostaria de saber exatamente a posição do UniPanel2 ao aparecer o mainform para fazer aparecer outro unipanel3 bem proximo dele, no unipanel3 vai ter um botão que ao clicar ira levar para bem proximo do outro componente por exemplo unibutton4 e assim por diante. Vou mandar outra imagem para tentar explicar a ideia.
  2. Does anyone know how to use any of these within unigui that could help me with example: http://iamdanfox.github.io/anno.js/ http://panlatent.github.io/jquery-guide/ http://alvaroveliz.github.io/aSimpleTour/ http://tracelytics.github.io/pageguide/ http://clu3.github.io/bootstro.js/ http://linkedin.github.io/hopscotch/ https://xbsoftware.com/products/enjoyhint/ https://introjs.com/ http://bootstraptour.com/ Did I anoint the account? could anyone beast help integrate any of the links?
  3. I want to get the position of these components in yellow at runtime. Like a function that scrolls around and brings their position and names. I don't know how to do this, can you help me please?
  4. last paid version, bought and email is already in the register you requested 1.90.0 build 1505.
  5. Hello use unigui web application Framework 1.90.0 build 1505 I have this function that returns the position of the mouse click and positions the panel at the x and y coordinate. But I want to take a certain object that I will enter the name, then I want it to position next to it. Could you give me an example? procedure TMainForm.UniPanel2Click(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; begin for i := 1 to 3 do begin pStatus := TUniPanel.Create(MainForm); with pStatus do begin Name := 'Option_' + inttostr(i); caption := name; Parent := sb; Top := i * 41; Height := 40; align := altop; color := RGB(Random(255), Random(255), Random(255)); OnAjaxEvent := pAjaxEvent; ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values['mousedown'] := 'function mousedown(sender, x, y, eOpts){ajaxRequest(sender, "_mousedown", ["x="+parseInt(x+sender.getX()), "y="+parseInt(y+sender.getY())])}'; end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.pAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); var p: TUniPanel; x,y: Integer; begin if EventName = '_mousedown' then begin x := Params.Values['x'].ToInteger(); y := Params.Values['y'].ToInteger(); p := findcomponent((Sender as TComponent).Name) as TUniPanel; unilabel2.Caption := p.Caption; UniPanel3.Top := y; UniPanel3.Left := x; end; end;
  6. Hello use unigui web application Framework 1.90.0 build 1505 I would like to create something similar to that found on this site (http://iamdanfox.github.io/anno.js/). But I don't know how to use it inside unigui, would you help me with an example? I really need some help, even to replicate to other people.
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