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Everything posted by sicoobcooplivre

  1. @SherzodGood morning! Can you please help me with the above question? My calendar is almost ready! Thanks a lot for the help!
  2. @Sherzod It worked out! I'm almost done with my customization of the calendar, taking advantage, is there a possibility, please, to hide the options on the left side, and move the buttons from the right side to the left, as per the attachment? Thank you very much for your attention!
  3. @Sherzod Good morning! Please, I need some help, I already asked this question, but I did it wrong: In my calendar I just use "isallday=false"! Please, is there a possibility for me to invert the color via command, that is, leaving the background filled in, regardless of whether the event is set to "isallday=false"? I need this, because it's a request from my user, and I know how to do it! In the attached example, in the "day" and "week" view, the background of the event is correct, filled in red. But when my user goes to see the "month" view, there is no background, only the text turns red! My user uses colors to organize himself! I know it sounds silly, but it's important to me, and even inspecting the objects in the browser, I couldn't find a solution! Therefore, I ask again: is there a possibility that the event being set to "isallday=false", in the "month" view, does it fill the background of the event with the color that I define? Did I explain? Thank you very much for your attention! Great day!
  4. Good morning! Sorry, my fault! It worked, thank you very much!
  5. @SherzodGood afternoon! Please, is there a possibility to decrease the spacing between events, as in the attachment, so that I can display more events to the user? Thanks!
  6. Top! Sorted out! Thank you very much indeed for the help! Great week!
  7. @SherzodGood afternoon! Please, do you know if my question above is possible? It was a request from my users to be able to read the complete event through the hint. Thanks!
  8. @Sherzod Please, is there a possibility for me to display a hint with a different subject than the title, when the user hovers the mouse over the event? Thanks!
  9. @SherzodI found it, I did it like this: E := UniCalendarPanel 1.Events.Add; A.Title := and put the start and end time here! Thanks!
  10. @Sherzod Good morning! It worked with Allday-true, thanks! In the meantime, please clear one more doubt: it is possible to put the start and end time in the event description, for example using the attachment that I put above, the event of the 16th, display like this: 10:00 am - 11:00 am Meeting-4 My user would like to see the start and end time right there in the summary description, is it possible? Thanks!
  11. @SherzodGood afternoon! Is there a possibility to paint the background of each event with a bar, the same as the "TEST" event, regardless of whether the event is all day or not? Thanks!
  12. @Sherzod Good morning! Your help in this post served just right for my users who use a browser on the PC. But when doing a test on chrome mobile, the push does not work, and does not display an error! Please, can you tell me if it doesn't work in browse mobile? Can you help me please? Thanks!
  13. Okay, I'll look on the forum! Thank you for your attention!
  14. @SherzodGood morning! Please, is it possible to leave the unidbgrid the same as the attached image: do I need the unidbgrid not to have vertical borders, and when I select a record it turns light blue, as in the attachment? Thank you for your attention!
  15. @SherzodThere's just one more detail left for me to finalize my dbgrid: Is there any way I can pass a value to one of the roweditor fields via code, in the case of the example above, I wanted to send a value to the Field4 field via code, is there any way? Something like "field(4).setValue" ? I can't do this! Thanks again!
  16. @Sherzod Perfect thank you! With your answers, I understood a little more about how to send from the client to the server, the question is to learn javascript! I will study, thank you!
  17. @Sherzod Please help me assemble the code, as I still don't have that much knowledge! Thank you for your attention!
  18. @SherzodPlease, is there a possibility to display a showmessage with the validation of the field above? It worked just fine for my case, but I would like to display it in showmessage format! Thanks!
  19. Thank you very much! It worked out! Great week!
  20. @SherzodGood morning! Please, is there a possibility of leaving the button invisible instead of deactivating it? This topic helped me a lot, but my user wanted it to be invisible, if possible! Thank you for your attention!
  21. Perfect! It was exactly what I needed! Thank you very much for your attention and have a great week!
  22. What I need is to pass a value to the RowWidget that is expanded. The user types some values outside the unidbgrid, in a uniedit, and I need to get the RowWidget that is expanded and pass a value to it! If possible, it would solve my case, but if not, I think of another way to display the data! Thank you for your attention!
  23. @SherzodIs there a possibility to do as I asked: search for all expanded RowWidgets and pass a variable to each one of them? Thanks!
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