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Everything posted by MarcoC

  1. Hi Sherzod. I fixed the issue, apparently simply deleting the click event code for the panel , as the click event always seemed to go from button to parent panel under it (now I see correctly executed only the code linked to the buttons) So thanks, this should be Ok now. Marco
  2. Hi All. I'm a new user of Unigui (but a seasoned Delphi developer) and I have some problems with a form (MainForm) where I put, design time a scrollbox and, after, create runtime and put inside the scrollbox, a series of panels, top aligned, with a simple frame (3 labels and one button), client aligned, inside each panel. This, basically, is the code I use: procedure TMainForm.AggiungiPanACarrello(aindex: integer); var aPnl: TUniPanel; aFrame: TfrmCarrelloList; begin // First I create the UniPanel... aPnl := TUniPanel.Create(self); aPnl.Parent := UniScrollBox1; aPnl.Name := 'pnlCarrello' + aindex.tostring; aPnl.Align := TAlign.alTop; aPnl.Height := 92; aPnl.Visible := TRUE; aPnl.Tag := aindex - 1; aPnl.OnClick := TestPanelClick; // ...and after the UniFrame, inside it aFrame := TfrmCarrelloList.Create(self); aFrame.Parent := aPnl; aFrame.Name := 'frmPnlCarrello' + aindex.tostring; aFrame.Align := alClient; aFrame.btnEliminaCarrello.Tag := aindex - 1; aFrame.btnEliminaCarrello.OnClick := TestButtonClick; end; Panels and the connected frames seem to be created and rendered without problems on the scrollbox but.. Main problem is some (weird ?) behaviors with the mouse, first of all when I click on the btnEliminaCarrello tunibutton I never get what is normal with a Delphi desktop application, i.e. is only the button onclick event method that is called: 1) in one little test project I see always fired only the panel onclick event (also if I put panel+frame not into the scrollbox but simply top aligned into the form), 2) and in the real project both methods (panel+button) are called in sequence, though I clicked on button only... I stop here (i have another strange problem with mouse, but one thing at a time ) : here I'm a newbie so maybe I'm missing something really important for unigui frames, or unigui (events?) at all, and I hope that someone can help. Thanks a lot. Marco p.s. sorry, if you can tell me which is a pratical way to add a screenshoot to this forum posts I can show what I see on my browser
  3. MarcoC


    Great apps! Mohammad, where did you get the background images for your forms (they are great too!)
  4. Hi mohammad, and thank you, very nice example. The app shows itself only with the blank main form (without any internal component) if I don't have the browser window maximized (Chrome and also Safari tested) This with your link and also compiling your source by myself. Any help? Marco
  5. Hi all, we are working on our first webapp using uniGUI. We experience this problem (and I don't know if I'm missing something): when we copy the app (unigui standalone server) on a Windows 2008 Server (the candidate production server) the GUI of the app loses some details from the original one we designed (the main panel and all the edits lose their back color!). Attached the two different results. The only difference between the test app (running on a Windows 7 PC) and the deployed one is the ExtRoot property of UniServerModule (the server has a \ext-3.4.0 folder so before to deploy I do a compile with ext-x.y.z\ value setted). Any help appreciated. Marco
  6. MarcoC


    Hi all, I'm new to uniGUI and I have a question: where can I find the documentation about methods and properties of objects implemented in uniGUI? An example: I'm looking for simplest way to discover that the client that is calling my application is an iPhone. I was trying to use UniSession.UniApplication.ClientInfo (maybe?) but until now no ways to find the structure of TUniClientInfos. Thanks in advance for your help! Marco
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