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Everything posted by artem_niko

  1. Hello! I use last version on UniGUI (...1515) Professional. I have some question about this component: 1. How remove arrow in top item in tree? I don't that top level have arrow or plus. Top level is a top level. 2. How change cursor in UniTreeView? I was use property Cursor:=crHandPoint in Object Inspector, but this is not work. May be exist some code...
  2. Greate! Very very thank's to you!
  3. Greate!!! It;s work perfect!!! Thank you, @Sherzod!!! Say, is it will be work in MessageDlg? There caption need change on my text.
  4. Sorry, I can't do this because my project is very big and I have't so many time that create small project. May be you have worked example? It's will be goog, I will see where I make mistake.
  5. Not work. If I write that: Ext.get("messagebox-1001_header-title-textEl" or if I write that: Ext.get("messagebox-1001_header_title-textEl" Error stady exist...fuck...
  6. i'm was write that: procedure TUniFrameM1.UniSFBitBtnAddAccessClick(Sender: TObject); begin Prompt('Пожалуйста, введите новое значение кода доступа:', '', mtInformation, mbOKCancel, PromptCallBack); UniSession.AddJS('Ext.get("messagebox-1001_header_hd-textEl").setHTML("Новый код доступа")'); end; And I get error...
  7. And where I ,ust put this code? Show me on my quote with code.
  8. Hm...I'm writing that: procedure TUniFrameM1.UniSFBitBtnAddAccessClick(Sender: TObject); begin UniSession.AddJS('Ext.get("messagebox-1001_header_hd-textEl").setHTML("Новый код доступа")'); Prompt('Пожалуйста, введите новое значение кода доступа:', '', mtInformation, mbOKCancel, PromptCallBack); end; procedure TUniFrameM1.PromptCallBack(Sender: TComponent; AResult:Integer; AText: string); var proc: procedure (ACliHandle: Pointer; msccOrgRequisiteINN,msccCodeName,msccOwnerCode: WideString); begin if AResult = mrOK then begin ... end; end; and I get error and that mistake: This is full text of error: Ext.get("messagebox-1001_header_hd-textEl").setHTML("Новый код доступа");var m=Ext.Msg.show({title:"Information",msg:"Пожалуйста, введите новое значение кода доступа:",buttons:Ext.MessageBox.OK+Ext.MessageBox.CANCEL,fn:function(bid,t){ajaxRequest(O403,"promptcallback",{ButtonID:bid, text:t})},prompt:true,icon:Ext.Msg.INFO});m.textField.inputEl.dom.type="text"; Please, help!?
  9. I'm talking about this error: "FDQueryCards: Parameter 'UserName' not found." This error showing when I start enter value in UniEdit1.Text.
  10. Hello! I tryed apply sort to UniDBGrid. I was see demo and understatnd why error is exist. I'm talking about this JS error: "FDQueryCards: Parameter 'UserName' not found." UserName - is name of my field where I search. I set property: Write a code: procedure TUniFrameM1.UniDBGridAccessesColumnFilter(Sender: TUniDBGrid; const Column: TUniDBGridColumn; const Value: Variant); var V : Variant; I : Integer; begin if UniMainModule.FDQueryCards.Active then begin for I := 0 to Sender.Columns.Count - 1 do if Sender.Columns[I].Filtering.Enabled then begin V := Sender.Columns[I].Filtering.VarValue; UniMainModule.FDQueryCards.Params.ParamByName(Sender.Columns[I].FieldName).Value := '%'+V+'%'; end; UniMainModule.FDQueryCards.Close; UniMainModule.FDQueryCards.Open; end; end; And when I trying enter need value in UniEdit1.Text I get error. Please, help. I'm using UniGUI 1514 (registered).
  11. Look, I was understand that Caption of UniSBTile exist, but font is white, thats why I don't see him. But I'm not found where change color of fong in files of component on black color. Please, help:
  12. Ok, thank you. I will try check, may be I set White font and thats why I don't see captions. May be I use uni_bootstrap theme and that's why background is white, because in Demo is classic theme and there we see colored background. But, I have not idea, why if I set UniSbtTile.Color:=clBlack I don't see black background and stay see white color. All JS and HTML files exist in directory... One question. I put code create Metro UI in MainForm.onCreate event and wheb I run project and MainForm creating, I don't see created Metro UI. If I refresh Page and restart project - I see thar Metro UI is created successfully. Is it bug in component? I don't want use UniButton1Click(Self), I want use one procedure for create menu, for example, wheb MainForm is creating.
  13. Ok, I understand. But why I can not see background with TileTitle caption and groups caption?
  14. Ok, I was compiled bpl and component is Setup successfully. But, when I try compile Demo, I get error: If I remove uniGMap, I see that MainForm in my browser: If I'm not remove UniGMap - I compiling Demo, but I don't see title groups and TileTitle as Metro UI (with background) . Please, help?!
  15. How rename files? Can you help create right source this component? I can't finded this files in attachment.
  16. Hello to all! At the moment, I do that what. This is code of my Package1.bpl: unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, uniGUITypes, uniGUIAbstractClasses, uniGUIClasses, uniGUIFrame, uniGUIBaseClasses, uniLabel; type TUniFrame1 = class(TUniFrame) UniLabel1: TUniLabel; procedure UniFrameCreate(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TUniFrame1.UniFrameCreate(Sender: TObject); begin UniLabel1.Caption:=TimeToStr(MainForm.nowTime); end; initialization RegisterClass(TUniFrame); end. And this is code in my MainForm, in my Application: unit Main; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, uniGUITypes, uniGUIAbstractClasses, uniGUIClasses, uniGUIRegClasses, uniGUIForm, uniButton, uniGUIBaseClasses, uniEdit, uniPageControl, uniGUIFrame, uniPanel, uniTimer; type TMainForm = class(TUniForm) UniEdit1: TUniEdit; UniButton1: TUniButton; UniPageControl1: TUniPageControl; UniTabSheet1: TUniTabSheet; UniTimer1: TUniTimer; procedure UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure UniTimer1Timer(Sender: TObject); procedure UniEdit1Change(Sender: TObject); private FPackageHandle: Integer; { Private declarations } public nowTime: TDateTime; { Public declarations } end; function MainForm: TMainForm; implementation {$R *.dfm} uses uniGUIVars, MainModule, uniGUIApplication; function MainForm: TMainForm; begin Result := TMainForm(UniMainModule.GetFormInstance(TMainForm)); end; procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var AClass: TClass; AFrame: TUniFrame; begin FPackageHandle:=0; if FPackageHandle = 0 then begin FPackageHandle:=LoadPackage('Package1.bpl'); AClass:=GetClass('TUniFrame1'); if Assigned(AClass) {and AClass.InheritsFrom(TUniFrame)} then begin AFrame:=TCustomFrameClass(AClass).Create(UniTabSheet1) as TUniFrame; AFrame.Parent:=UniTabSheet1; AFrame.Align:=alClient; AFrame.Show; end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.UniEdit1Change(Sender: TObject); begin nowTime:=StrToTime(UniEdit1.Text); end; procedure TMainForm.UniTimer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin UniEdit1.Text:=TimeToStr(Now); end; initialization RegisterAppFormClass(TMainForm); end. I have not get errors and my App and Package1.bpl successfuly compiling and my UniFrame1 creating in my App. What I want? I want this: in my App exist something global variables with something values and I want tranfer this values of this variables, for example, to UniLabel1.Caption in my created UniFrame1. What I must do, that it is work? Please, help me, who know how do this!
  17. I'm using Delphi 10.3.3 Rio and I can't compile you component Please, help me!!!
  18. Добрый день! Меня интересует как управлять размером шрифта в подвале UniDBGrid? Я имею ввиду, когда включен постраничный просмотр данных, то в основании UniDBGrid есть поле с номером страницы. Мне нужно как-то увеличить размер текста в этом поле. Как? И второй вопрос по теме: как выполнить свое действие, при нажатии на кнопку "Обновить", которая находится в основании UniDBGrid? Я хочу сам сделать обработчик этой кнопки.
  19. Oh...I'm sorry...it' not me Can you help wIthout attachment, using info in my firts comments?
  20. I'm use uniGUI Complete Trial Edition (uniGUI Equinox)
  21. How create this using CSS? Can you create very small simple test project? May be I do something not right...
  22. Hello! Look, I create external CSS file and put him in ...files\: https://pastenow.ru/63SUB Also, I set property of UniPageControl1.LayoutConfig.Cls (see attachment Property.png) Proeperty.png But, this is not work... Header of UniPageControl1 not changing. In second attachment, my CSS file. https://dropmefiles.com/Okcs8 What is a problem?
  23. Thanks. I searxhed in forum, many read topics and find answer on my question, but not found.
  24. OK! Very thanks. One question. How set path to external CSS file and where I must put path? In UniServerModule, in CustomFiles? Path must be full?
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