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Posts posted by estrify

  1. Hi Farshad,


    I need your wisdom... I am trying to use a ExtJS plugin attached to a form control, but the init function of the plugin never fires (the constructor fires ok)... what I am doing wrong???


    1. the plugin is in a file, loaded in server module correctly

    2. the component is associated with the plugin within its OnBeforeRender client side event


    Is there any special considerations to keep in mind to use plugins in UniGUI?. It could be a bug?




  2. 700 USD is ok if it includes sources and support but (and, please, take in a constructive sense the following lines, keeping in mind that I love UniGUI)...


    The problem here is that UniGUI components are really great but are somewhat simple. For any "advanced" feature, we have to do it directly with ExtJS. With a small project, its ok, but with a medium or large project is somewhat difficult so Delphi Code + JavaScript Code must be maintained given that JS access, global visualization and depuration is not agile at all.


    This is why we think that UniGUI must have much more components, with much more options and properties, to minimize the usage of custom JS to those cases really needed, not for common functionalities. As example, we miss at least:


    • More sophisticated toolbar (vertical/horizontal, overflow, switcher, button group, with controls, panel mode, etc.)
    • More list components (Check/Radio Lists, columns, parameters item editor, native images and internal value systems,  etc.)
    • More tree components ([Check]Treelist, [Check]treegrid, parameter node editors, etc.)
    • More sophisticated buttons
    • More sophisticated tips
    • More sophisticated editors (with masks, clear buttons, direct calculated value, etc.)
    • ...
    • ...


    700 USD is Ok, but it is a price level for whose this set of components should be rather more complete.



    • Upvote 2
  3. Hi,

    This is a simple workaround to include in UniGUI framework the fantastic work done by Eirik Lorentsen and published at http://www.eirik.net/Ext/ux/util/AlwaysOnTop.html.

    For us, this is a must have feature needed as the developed application starts to get more and more complicated with more and more options, filters and parameters.

    With some time and dedication, it might be possible to achieve similar functionality provided by floating panels within professional applications like Photoshop or Lightroom...

    Attached, there is a simple project to show the how-to. Use it under your own risk so we don't know if there are significant inteferences with UniGUI framework.

    We hope that Farshad could consider to include this functionality within UniGUI framework as a "AlwaysOnTop" property of standard forms.

    Tested with UniGUI v0.93.0.996. IE8 and FF18 browsers.



    • Upvote 3
  4. ...


    5) Popup property for other components for auto popup




    We find Patmap's suggestions very interesting, especially this one...

    The set of all his proposals would greatly improve the usability of our applications...



  5. Farshad,



    I was not using ScreenMask and now I'm trying using it to see what happens. Thx!



    But I have another question...


    When I close and reopen a query, what should I do?


    Use EnabledControls / DisableControls or not?


    What's the best way?






    Take a bookmark first, Just close the dataset (or query) and reopen it and use the bookmark to reposition... We use this practically in every form we have... This way you can alter the query if you need and there is no performance issues for big amounts of data...

    For UniGUI components, you don't have to disable anything... UniGUI component responds to client events only, at least in web mode.

  6. Thank you!


    Farshad, the error happens in the local network too.


    estrify, Can you show me a sample code of how are you using the screenmask? I was looking at the mask demos but could not get it to work properly.


    Where you code to show the mask and where you hide?





    You can look at UniGUI demos directory (demos are very simple and clear. Farshad redirects to UIMask-Data demo)... However, you can look at test case of http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/2896-problems-with-screenmasks-and-showmodal/ where screenmasks are used (sorry for the title because the test case was for ShowMessage issue only, not for screenmasks issue, which we could not reproduce yet in a controlled way)...


    No mystery on it: simply activate the ScreenMask property of the button that will show the next form you will display. As Farshad said, also remember to enable WaitData property.



  7. Is there any news about # 1359?

    We want to implement a floating form with errors and warning messages, always on top, to help the user to navigate across the application to revise and fix his data.

    Is there any news about the possibility of the inclusion of this feature as a part of the framework?


  8. You must make sure screen masks don't overlap.

    Also in new versions of framework each control has its own ScreenMask property with new WaitData property. WaitData enables you to wait until all data are loaded into grid.


    See UIMask-Data demo.

    ScreenMask property is an important advance so thank you for including it.

    Our screenmasks don't overlap, however, we will review this point.


    One question: It's true that target property must point to a specific control?... If so, this control could be the form itself?... If so, when we activate it, the caller form produces an access violation error when tries to show it.


    Don't worry, if I could confirm this point, I will send you a test case within the Bug Report forum.



  9. Sometimes we have a similar response, always randomly, and always has to restart application. But, in our case, we think (are not sure) that some kind of delays are involved so the problem might be related with how the browsers+AJAX manage situations where are some more delay.


    Therefore, those random problems appears after "quick responses" from the user, when the proxy has more load than the average (our users access UniGUI application through a proxy) or when the server doesn't respond as fast as usual.


    This is why we are trying to include screenmasks everywhere to ensure 1) a complete page loading so there are no AJAX requests before the end of loading  

    2) and there are not excessive queued AJAX requests.


    We have seen that those forms called from ones that activate whole screenmasks are less likely to generate this problem. But those screenmasks don't run as well as expected (we have problems that we can't reproduce in a test case, may be because of complexity of some forms), hoping this issue will be solved in future updates of the framework.


    I do not know if this experience helps, but that's what happens to us.



  10. Hi,


    First: congratulations Farshad for the new features included. We found them very useful.


    In particular, column locking is a very, very good feature. So only one suggestion:


    If you have a lot of columns with 2 or 3 of them locked, you probably have to scroll horizontally to locate some information. Having the paging system, the user expects to maintain the horizontal scrolling when changes the page.


    It could be great if this feature could be included or if not, we appreciate a workaround to achieve it.



  11. Hi,


    I can't install those components. The message is:


    "Cannot load package 'uIndy14.' It contains 'uIdHeaderCoderPlain', which is also contained in package 'uIndi17'"


    UniGUI 0.90.976 and Delphi2010



    Hahaha... Sorry... Simply replace "17" with "14" within UniXComponents17.dpk...


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