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Posts posted by shawdown

  1. Hello friends I added in the create event and it worked perfectly.

    Having trouble using create?


    constructor TCustomControl.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
      JSAddListener('keydown', 'function(sender, e, eOpts){...}');

  2. Hello, I am creating a custom component inherited from uniEdit.
    In this component I would like to add a function in the ExtEvents KeyDown event.
    What would be the correct way to do it?


  3. Developing Unigui has no doubt been a monumental task, and considering that

    this has been done primarily by a single individual - with a lot of support and encouragement

    along the way of course - and followed up consistently through all the various

    challenges, is highly impressive. It has no doubt taken an extreme amount of

    dedication and discipline, and I am just happy that such people exist, to be honest.


    I would probably pay 10 times as much for Unigui subscriptions, if I had to.

    I know it might sound a bit far-fetched, but I don't have words to describe how much I appreciate it.

    Farshad has proven himself to be such a helpful character, that he will always be part of my prayers.

    And from what I understand, he has a lot of loyal supporters in here :)


    As a rule, I never praise people like this, but a couple of times in my life I can handle an Exception,

    knowing that all good gifts come from above, from a higher power :)


  4. Unigui died? 1 year without update, without news. How to make an investment that seems to be without future?


    Lack of information.
    You need to read a little more and drop the 1397 version.
  5. Hi,


    I need one of icons in fontawsome to be displayed in UniDBLookup trigger.

    I tried following two approaches and for both approaches icon looks Ok on TRITON theme.

    The issue is with other themes and icon is not displaying correctly on them (Ex. Nepton, Gray).



    Setting Lookup.Triggers->IconCls := 'x-fa fa-bars';


    Try2: using custom css

    .x-form-mylookup-trigger:before{font-family: FontAwesome; content: "\f0C9";}


    See attached image for output.


    So, what is the proper way to use fontawsome in UniDBLookup triggers?




    This would be interesting.

  6. Hi,



    Sorry, can you explain in more detail?


    Hello Delphi Developer.
    I was just mentioning to colleagues that I was able to make some changes to uniPanel and I posted my CSS.
    And I took the opportunity to mention that the only property I could not change via CSS was "text-align".
    I have no problem.
  7. .FormsPanelsPadrao1{

    background: #628290 !important; /**/

    padding: 6px 0px 6px 0px; /* espaços top right bottom left */


    color:#ffffff !important;

    -webkit-text-fill-color:#ffffff !important;

    font: 14px Tahoma, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;

    font-weight:bold !important;



    CSS above works.


    I just could not get the "text-align: left;"

  8. Hello, sorry to insist but it's because I believe extjs has it native and I would not like to reinvent the wheel.







    Note: If it does not exist and is not expected to be included let me know so I can do the routines manually. "the way I think I'm going to get it."



    Thank you in advance.

  9. Hello,


    I need a 99999-999 format for the user to enter their zip code. In the same field, I also need a button so he can select the zip code, if he prefers.


    To do this, you would have two options: InputMask in uniDBComboBox or Triggers in uniDBEdit. However, neither is available.


    Any suggestion?


    Thank you.

  10. Although it is not correct, is there any way to set the z-index for TUniPopupMenu?


    Because it would solve my problem.


    If not, I'll try to create a PopUpMenu with a TPanel and a few buttons.


    I am very happy to use uniGUI.

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