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Everything posted by cdev

  1. cdev

    Refresh of TUniMemo

    MainModule.EnableSynchronousOperations = True
  2. I have a number of calculations that take a long time. I would like to keep the user informed of the progress by putting text line per line in a TUniMemo. Unfortunately, the newly added line(s) are not reflected automatically. How do I refresh or repaint or update the TUniMemo so that the newly added line gets visible ?
  3. Hi, On a form or frame, I have TUniPageControl with an active Tabsheet. On that tabsheet I have a TUniPanel. I would like to center that panel in the middle of the tabsheet. I went through the examples but I didnot find the answer to my problem. Can anyone help by explaining how I should set the properties of the components ?
  4. But how do I catch the event that a particular column has been marked visible/hidden ?
  5. Yes, I want to store the column visibity of each column in cookies. When next time the user gets back to the grid, he gets his grid with the same visible columns as the previous time.
  6. OK, I can catch these events in the ClientEvents columnhide and columnshow. But now I have a new question: I have a global boolean in my unit bColumn0Visible. How can I set that boolean to True or False from within these ClientEvents ?
  7. Hi I can save the column widths of a grid in a cookie. Next time the user loads the application he gets his grid with the same column widths as he left the application. I save the column width information in the OnColumnResize event handler of the grid and I load the column width information in the OnAfterLoad event handler of the grid. Now, I want to do the same for the columns that are marked invisible or visible in runtime. But I don't know in what event handler I can catch this. Anyone has a clue how I could achieve this ?
  8. Anyone has an idea how the uniGUI Runtime Package can be installed on Microsoft Azure ?
  9. Hi, 1. I compile the most basic uniGUI application (this means, I create a new uniGUI application with the Application Wizard and choose ISAPI module) 2. I transfer by ftp the compiled project1.dll file to my wwwroot on Azure 3. I try to connect with my webbrowser: https://xxx(mypath).azurewebsites.net/project1.dll I expect to see my compiled MainForm in my browser, the only thing I see is an empty white webbrowser with the message : loading... What am I doing wrong ? What other files have to be transferred ? Thank you in advance. cdev
  10. Hi, When I change the TUniDBGrid.Weboptions.PageSize in runtime, this change is not reflected in the component. Doing a repaint of the control also does not help. Anyone has an idea what can be done to 'repaint' the grid with the changed PageSize ?
  11. Hello everybody, I have an application similar as the UniGui main demo application with the TUniTreeview at the left. I would like to display a hint (tooltip) when the mouse hoovers over a node displaying the caption of that node. In a normal Delphi VCL application, I would be able to work with the Hint and ShowHint properties of the treeview-component and change the hint in the mouse-events. With UniGui, I understand that such things should be handled on the client side, this means the programming should be done in JS in the ClientEvents.ExtEvents property of the TUniTreeView component. I found a Fiddle with an example on the internet of how a hint/tooltip can be displayed in JS: https://fiddle.sencha.com/#view/editor&fiddle/2flg This is exactly what I want. In fact, the example is more complicated, in the example a hint/tooltip is only shown when the caption of the node is not fully shown. In my case, I want to always show the hint/tooltip, regardless if it is fully shown. My question: In TUniTreeView.ClientEvents.ExtEvents. In what event should I code ? mousemove ? mouseover ? something else ? And how should this JS code look like ? (I am a JS novice) Thank you for any suggestions
  12. I did. I could not find a solution for this. Is the solution so complicated that you cannot answer this question in one phrase ? I managed to solve the issue by completely freeing the UniHTMLFrame-component and creating it again. But this is of course not a clean solution, I guess there must be a way to reload the graph in the UniHTMLFrame ?
  13. Hi, With the Html- and AfterScript-properties of TUniHTMLFrame, I managed to obtain a nice Highcharts graph. What is the code to 'refresh' or to 'repaint' the chart, this is the contents of the TUniHTMLFrame ? Thank you in advance.
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