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Posts posted by johnp

  1. This is very good question. It's very important for developers/project managers to minimize all risks, if we're responsible to our companies for software development/project management. We can't use any product if it's based on one person. Commercial projects can not be one man show. But actually we don't know who is in the uniGUI development team.



    I do somewhat agree on the risk part, however many one man shows have seen lots of success, and for most of us that is how we start out as I did. Programming can be isolated and lonely. It has become my policy, and I believe it should be of everyone else that you should not buy or even try software from someplace you cannot verify, or somehow conclude that the product has potential to serve well, which I believe it does. Do I know there might be some kind of trap or back door, well the answer is no. For what I have seen the developer has demonstrated good intent here and wish him the best, and as they say here in Canada the law always gets their man if there is any wrong doing. The only risk that I see is if I try to make something out of something that is not possible and that is why I am doing due diligence for this product as I try to learn what are the limitations as this is quite new to me.


    If it was a compiled application or eCommerce store I would totally stay away from any site without a phone number and address that I could not verify. There are too many scams out there. Which sadly I have fallen victim to. In this case I am going on more than a gut feeling which the news groups seems to support, but then again I could be wrong. We all have to take risks at some time and I am willing to gamble on this product for basic projects for now.

  2. >> You can use ComboBoxes with pre-filled items. Of course, filling more complex structures like an address field >> needs more comprehensive client side coding. What type of auto-fill is your requirement?


    I am wanting more complex structures, which would be address fields as well as other numeric data from a second file source.


    It would have to work client side from the browser if possible, which I do not know is possible other than creating a client-server application independent from being controlled by a browser, which we already have.


    Thank you for the rest of the information.


    John P.

  3. Hello,


    I am evaluating uniGUI and new to it. I have some questions for web and web server use. I am converting an application that processes delivery orders from client sites. I have some questions. We currently use an older version of Intraweb, TMS (with form fill), and Fast Reports for PDF generation. I am using Delphi XE running under Windows XP. I am very impressed with uniGUI so far.


    1.I am wondering how I can handle form fill options to allow users to automatically fill addresses in edit boxes or db fields, similar to lookups. I do not want the application to lookup data from a remote server as that would make things slow, plus each client has their own unique address list or data to fill in. What is the best way to handle this using only a web browser on the client side to fill in data with uniGUI.


    2 Are there any working components or tools such as Fast Reports that can create a PDF file or form fill options that works for WEB applications now. Any success stories?


    3.What other native Delphi or third party VCL components are developers using that can be used now with uniGUI. I would like to see about using other components. What other components are causing users grief and should one stay away from? Keeping in mind we are working under Windows. I look forward to chatting more about this with other users. Thanks.


    On a side note. It would be nice to know more about the creators of the uniGUI product. The site does not tell me where you are from or located, or anything about yourself or company. You should be proud of your product and where you are from.



    John P

    Saskatoon Canada

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