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Posts posted by johnp

  1. I am using SMI import tools by Scalibium Software for reading Excel spreadsheets cells from from a file. These components seems to work well with UniGUI in my IDE.  However, I have not tested under load with multi-sessions.  I


    In my case, the user that logs on may be given a different Excel sheet to read values. Many users will be reading the same sheets, and others will be reading different sheets.


    I am wondering if it would be best to define the SMI components in the Data Module or direct on the form that I need to get Excel data from.  I thought if I place in the Data Module there may be better session management or control.  Interested in seeing some comment. 




    John P.


  2. I have used SMI import tools by Scalabium software for regular Delphi projects. Not sure if it will work here with UniGUI.  SMI tools are very easy to use and have been very good for my needs. I will test in the upcoming weeks as my project also require this , unless someone else can comment.


    John P.

  3. I am using Delphi XE along with uniGUI 94.1017 with Fast Reports with DBISAM. Overall processing of data and my query results on grids etc. work fine. Speed and sorting is an issue on large tables. However, I am having problems with creating reports using Fast Reports.


    This Fast Report dataset property values rbcurrent and recurrent are not recognized on a second form and are treated undeclared identifiers as coded below.  Yet  works on my first form and I can nicely create a PDF file on the one form. I have all forms included in my uses list, which all FastReport components are stored in my data module. 



     DataModule.frxDBDatasetWaybills.rangebegin := rbcurrent;   // rbcurrent not recognized on second form
     DataModule.frxDBDatasetWaybills.rangeend := recurrent;    //   recurrent not recognized on second form
    My report code above on my first form works fine that somebody helped me with before. If I try to copy the same code as below and use on a second form using either the same or a a duplicate set of components I get a cache path error that cannot find the file. Also it does not work off a DBISAM query and only sends blank results, it only seems to work off a data table and not a query, which I would like to print the record that the pointer is on from a query. I had a similar posting on this before.
       FormUrlView1: TFormUrlView;
        fn:=  UniLabelShipmentID.caption +'.pdf'; // Create a name for report.
        DataModule.frxDBDatasetWaybills.rangebegin := rbcurrent;
        DataModule.frxDBDatasetWaybills.rangeend := recurrent;
        DataModule.frxReportWaybill.PrintOptions.ShowDialog := False;
        DataModule.frxPDFExportWaybill.FileName := UniServerModule.LocalCachePath + fn;
        DA3DataModule.frxPDFExportWaybill.DefaultPath := '';
       if Mainform.WebMode then begin
          DataModule.frxPDFExportWaybill.ShowDialog := False;
          DataModule.frxPDFExportWaybill.DefaultPath := UniServerModule.LocalCachePath;
          DataModule.frxReportWaybill.PrepareReport(); // Create Report
          DataModule.frxReportWaybill.Export(DataModule.frxPDFExportWaybill); // Export Report
          FormUrlView1.URLFrame.URL := UniServerModule.LocalCacheURL + fn ;
       end else begin
          showmessage ('Report condition');

    Hope someone can give me some insight on this. 



    John P.

    In Canada




  4. I see the installer now installs to Program files by default. My previous version was installing to a shared documents folder. I did not notice at first, and why I was having install problems as I was trying to work off the old installation folder at first. Once I completely deleted all folders and sub-directories I caught the error and saw that everything was installed under Program Files.  Maybe this may help others if they have installation errors, otherwise the instructions work perfect.



  5. I removed all my previous version files and installed the .94 beta. For some reason the installer is not placing components in my IDE palette, nor can I seem to find any BPLs. Do I have to compile package library files?  If so, which files?.


    I am using Delphi XE. 

  6. I just installed the latest build and I now get undeclared indentifier errors that is in Exdata.pas that refers to  FTplExtXTemplate : TExtXTemplate; How can I correct. Worked fine before the update.


    I am running on an XP Pro machine with Delphi XE.


    John P.

  7. The use of the parameter example worked for me.  I could not get to parse when using the wild cards in the other example, and when I did it showed all records with use of both wild cards, which I must not be putting my string together just right.


    Thanks for such great support and involvement of this board!


    John P.

  8. I am having trouble in uniGUI with some query results. For some reason if a my edit box contains numeric data I cannot get query results from a character field with numeric data, or results on a numeric field. I am using these statements to add to my SQL string.


    QryReference.SQL.Add('Select * From Orders WHERE REF = ' + QuotedStr(UniEdit1.Text));




    QryReference.SQL.Add('Select * From Orders WHERE REF like ' + QuotedStr(UniEdit1.Text));


    If my data and UniEdit box contains the data 'ABC' for example I get results for ABC or any other test characters I try that are in the table


    If my data and UniEdit box contains the numeric data  such as '123' for example I get NO results.


    Is this a bug or am I missing something for numbers?


    John P (Canada)


  9. The problem seems to be in the uniGUI grid. I removed the grid from my form and it is now very fast.  I am thinking because I customized the column order that this is slowing it down.  I am away for a day or two to try a grid in a natural field order or to try other property settings to see if that makes a difference. I could not see any other property settings that would seem to make a difference. Its seems the grid on the form is the problem for some reason, which I do not have any other events taking place.


    And thanks to those with the tips above, which I have used simular in the past in a VCL and database environment. (I come from the days when there was dBASE III as a new release)  In this case I would like to use the grid to compilement the find as an incremental search on a character field, and build on that.  So I am wondering what would be the best way for the browser or Internet environment.


    John P.


  10. << There is No difference between VCL mode and WebMode in server side table locating !


    In my case there is a huge difference. In VLC mode the find is instant. When I create a stand alone server of the very same project and go into server mode the performance degrades. In server mode I can actually see the records in my grid I have for that table sorting, and it seems to jump around and not in a perfect A-Z order. It seems like the sorting of the table is rebuiding every time, or not tagging on the index as it should, which I do not understand the connection between the browser and database server.  I thought it might be my LAN or Antivirus software, however, I am running other client server applications using DBISAM databases without any problem whatsover.


     The only code I have is what I have above. I did disable and enable controls without any effect.  Any more ideas or comments?


    John P.

  11. I have use the below code to locate a record in a table. Locally this works great, However over a browser on my LAN it is quite slow, too slow.  I have my tables indexed with less than 10,000 records.


    var txt, sfind :string;
       if uniEdit1.Text='' then


      //goto nearest match
      with Datamodule.MYDirectoryTable
        UniDBGrid1.Visible := true;
        UniDBText1.Visible := true;

        FieldByName('Company').AsString := UPPERCASE(uniEdit1.Text);
        //Gotokey;  //does not work



    John P.






    I have created a Fast Report and PDF export that can be seen in a browser using some snippets thanks to members of the board.


    The problem I am having is that I cannot seem to print the current record for the user logged into my application. My report seems to go to the first record.  I have also tried to set the properties as below.


     DataModule.frxDBDataset1.rangebegin := rbcurrent;
     DataModule.frxDBDataset1.rangeend := recurrent;



  13. First thanks for your help. I need further explanation on the use of the var FormUrlView1:TURLFrame; I have not seen TURLFrame before. I am not sure what else I need to create. Do I need to create a special uniGUI frame or view?




    BTW Sendfile does not work for me either. Does send file work? I tried a very simple path and the compiler does not recognize sendfile.


    You can use this:


    * I put the fastreport components in my DataModule.


    * I use this code 'Onclick' button.


    procedure TfrmMenu.MyFrxShowExp();
      fn:= 'R-' +FormatDateTime('hhmmss.zzz', Now()) +'.pdf'; // Create a unique name for report.
      DataModule1.frxReport5.PrintOptions.ShowDialog := False;
      DataModule1.frxPDFExport1.FileName := UniServerModule.LocalCachePath + fn;
      DataModule1.frxPDFExport1.DefaultPath := '';
      if Mainform.WebMode then begin
         DataModule1.frxReport5.PrepareReport(); // Create Report
         DataModule1.frxReport5.Export(DataModule1.frxPDFExport1); // Export Report
         FormUrlView1.URLFrm.URL := UniServerModule.LocalCacheURL + fn; // Displayed on UniURLFrame
      end else begin

  14. Hello,


    I am using FastReport with uniGUI. Works OK. I am able to export my report to a PDF and save to the server. I would like to return PDF to the client using sendfile once saved.


    This is the line of code I have


    Sendfile.(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'files\' + tempstr1,true);



    I cannot seem to send a file, or get this to work. Does sendfile work? Is there another way?


    John P.

  15. For some reason I am not able to display any query results on a grid or db labels even using simple strings such as

    SELECT * FROM ORDERS. I am able to connect my data sources to tables and get data from any table, but not a query.

    I do not get any error from trying to run my queries, just no results.


    Is there something special that need to be done with queries?





    BTY Happy New Year to all. May 2013 be a good year for you.

  16. I am trying to use lookup features and create and define lookup fields just as I would do with native Delphi inside the unidata module where I would define field type properties. For some reason I cannot get multiple field results into my tables from the lookup table other than the single field result from a combo box. I need to bring in all other field data into the other lookup fields as keyed. I am sure I have all indexes in place. Is this feature not working yet or I am missing something such as other code that needs to go along with this?

    Any help is appreciated.



  17. That looks like it would be easy. I will try that. Thank you.


    Why don't you use the classical Master->Detail schema from Delphi.

    You could have 2 grids, one with clients and one with the adresses

    that takes the data from a query with parameter client_code from the first query.

    Then you need only one button to select the adress id and go forward with your things.

  18. I am converting an application that I have in Intraweb with the use of TMS components to UNIGUI. This application processes delivery orders. Each of the clients have their own shipping or address lists that are unique to them. I am wondering if I can somehow write and read client data that would be used to fill in UNIGUI forms on the server side using UNIGUI only and somehow read the client side data or tables that have addresses unique to them, and without keeping several independent client lists on the server side.


    I do have a client-server application that does this very well, which connects to the server to process the orders once filled in in two ways. 1. It processes orders and posts each individual order. 2. Multiple orders can be entered then batch appended to the server. However for some clients they insist on only browser based applications where we cannot install software on the client side for security and other reasons.


    Is there a way I can read addresses that belong to each client from the client side without using cookies. Any help or input is appreciated.


    John P.

  19. If this is fixed, do you have any realistic target when the next beta release may be ready for download. Are we looking at days, weeks, or more than a month for a timeline. Sorry, I need to do some planning.


    John P.


    Issue #1282 is fixed.

  20. Issue logged #1282




    Assign a dummy OnExit event to all Edit fields in both forms.



    Can you explain further, or indicate if this is fixed. I would like to know how I can pass variable or contents of edit box values between many web forms that would be specific to each session. A public var does not seem to work for me, nor does the simple Delphi methods as shown in earlier posts of this thread.


    John P.

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