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Everything posted by freedowsRoO

  1. Hello guys! I have a question. How i can build a hybrid application whitout using mobile components? My ideia is create one desktop form and one 'mobile' using desktop components. This is possible? I need to do that this way because i'm building a dashboard and the mobile chart components is sucks ,the ideia is use the same desktop dashboard in mobile. Thanks in advanced.
  2. I don't know if i made a test case it will work because i made a new component based on unigui panel. I made a component and it works fine but when i try to add a CSS on the second panel "FPanelTopo" it doesn't work, just the first panel "Self" get the Style. constructor panelBI.Create(AOwner : TComponent); var borderStyle: TUniBorderStyle; aligControl: TUniAlignmentControl; cColor: TColor; begin inherited Create(AOwner); borderStyle:= ubsNone; aligControl:= uniAlignmentClient; cColor:= clWhite; self.Color:= cColor; self.Layout:= 'vBox'; self.Height:= 200; self.Width:= 400; self.BorderStyle:= borderStyle; self.LayoutConfig.Margin:= '5 0 5 0'; self.LayoutConfig.flex:= 1; self.LayoutConfig.Width:= '100%'; self.LayoutConfig.Height:= '100%'; self.ClientEvents.UniEvents.Add('beforeInit=function beforeInit(sender, config){sender.cls="gray_borders";}'); FPanelTopo := TUniPanel.Create(Self); FPanelTopo.Parent:= Self; FPanelTopo.Layout:= 'hBox'; FPanelTopo.LayoutConfig.Width:= '100%'; FPanelTopo.LayoutAttribs.Align:= 'middle'; FPanelTopo.Color:= $00F5F5F5; FPanelTopo.Height:=30; FPanelTopo.Width:=400; FPanelTopo.BorderStyle:= borderStyle; FPanelTopo.AlignmentControl:= aligControl; FPanelTopo.Top:=2; FPanelTopo.LayoutConfig.Margin:= '0 0 5 0'; FPanelTopo.ClientEvents.UniEvents.Add('beforeInit=function beforeInit(sender, config){sender.cls="gray_borders";}'); end;
  3. i'm using a UniGUi Complete - Professional edition not a trial edition.
  4. Sure! Unigui: Ext:
  5. Hi there! I've created a custom panel component with a second panel inside it and i'm trying to add a CSS class in these two panels but just de main panel got the CSS, the second panel did not get the CSS class. Here the code: Panel 1: self.Color:= cColor; self.Layout:= 'vBox'; self.Height:= 200; self.Width:= 400; self.BorderStyle:= borderStyle; self.LayoutConfig.Margin:= '5 0 5 0'; self.LayoutConfig.flex:= 1; self.LayoutConfig.Width:= '100%'; self.LayoutConfig.Height:= '100%'; self.ClientEvents.UniEvents.Add('beforeInit=function beforeInit(sender, config){sender.cls="gray_borders";}'); Panel 2: FPanelTopo := TUniPanel.Create(Self); FPanelTopo.Parent:= Self; FPanelTopo.Layout:= 'hBox'; FPanelTopo.LayoutConfig.Width:= '100%'; FPanelTopo.LayoutAttribs.Align:= 'middle'; FPanelTopo.Color:= $00F5F5F5; FPanelTopo.Height:=30; FPanelTopo.Width:=400; FPanelTopo.BorderStyle:= borderStyle; FPanelTopo.AlignmentControl:= aligControl; FPanelTopo.Top:=2; FPanelTopo.LayoutConfig.Margin:= '0 0 5 0'; FPanelTopo.ClientEvents.UniEvents.Add('beforeInit=function beforeInit(sender, config){sender.cls="gray_borders";}'); Any ideia to help me? Thanks in advanced.
  6. Any solution for this? Thanks in advance
  7. Hello guys, how you guys doing? I started 2 days ago working with UNIGUI and i have some questions about how to edit the style of my application. I need to know how i can remove default style of a component and add a new one, using CSS of course. I just need a basic example. Thanks....
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