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Everything posted by Rugge

  1. Hi! I'm currently developing an application using Delphi with uniGUI components and have encountered a performance issue. I use uniGUI version The application consists of approximately 2,000 objects, mostly visual components along with a few non-visual ones like datasets and datasources. However, I've noticed that the application is particularly slow to start. My question is regarding the resource consumption and optimization in uniGUI, especially during and after the creation of components. When a uniGUI component is created, it obviously consumes resources. My query is whether there is any sort of optimization that occurs for objects of the same type after their creation. Does uniGUI implement any optimization techniques for object management? I would appreciate an explanation on how this works in uniGUI. Understanding this will help me optimize my application and improve its startup time. Thank you in advance for your insights and suggestions. Best regards, Ruggero Scarano
  2. Hi. Sometimes I have a value from DB too long to displayed and I need two lines with a TUniDBText. How can I make a kind of wordwrap? Thanks! Ruggero Sorry, I'm new and I don't know how to reply to your question. And unfortunately, I don't know how to check my version and buil of UniGUI I have. Can you help me? Thanks and sorry... ;-)
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