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Everything posted by augusto.pellis

  1. Update : Looks like the svg contains classes and definitions (the svg's are made with adobe svg export plugin) which have same names so they collide and make the drawing bad. So no issues unigui side, thanks and sorry for disturbung Augusto
  2. The weird stuff : If I get one of the svgs and i create an uniHTMLContainer on main form, set it visible := False to make it invisible, then the svgs in the other frames gets drawn correctly. No idea why this happens! Augusto
  3. I'm confused. If I copy the whole frames which contains the svg's and paste it on a simple uni project form,they're rendered correctly. I mean the same exact frames. So the problem is nt on the html frame. No idea where the trick is though :-(
  4. Hi Sherzod, I will try. May I send it privately since it is copyrighted material? Augusto
  5. Good morning everybody, I hope everyone's safe. I have an issue on rendering a svg image. This is rendering inside an UniHtmlFrame : And this is rendering by opening the svg file on chrome : Chrome renders it correctly as expected. Is there an explanation why the UniHTML frame does not render the svg same way? Color depth ? I hav eno ideas. Thanks for your suggestions Augusto
  6. Impressive contribution, sir! I will test your code as soon as possible,. In the meantime please accept my best regards! Augusto
  7. Thank you for your efforts! Augusto
  8. Good morning, could anyone suggest me how to, after having copied cells content from an xls file, paste it to a uni grid, having each excel cell value pasted into a unigrid cell? Thanks for your time Augusto
  9. Good afternoon, I would like to suggestions about how to implement LayoutConfig.Width in a TUniDBNumberEdit since LayoutConfig is not pubished. thank you very much for your help Augusto
  10. I understand that. And nor I can extract a small example with the database etc. I hoped there was something so stupid I was missing that someone would have spotted it immediately. I will use a groupbox, then. Thank you anyway Augusto
  11. Hi everybody, sorry but I'm lost wit this issue and I cannot figure out how to solve, so please give me advice if possible. I've been using a TUniDBLookupComboBox tied to an integer DataField so I set UniDBComboBox mode to umNameValue. As expected at first tries, the value passed to database was the index of the item chosen in the combobox. After something I did (there's no code involved at all, just components on a container) the combobox raises an error when setting fields value 'xxxxxxxxx is not a valid integer value for field xxx' behaving just like mode was set to umNameOnly. What did I do wrong? Thanks for your help
  12. If interesting for anyone, the issue was the SVG having the same field id set with the same value. That created the not resizing issue. Augusto
  13. By creating the test case I've been using a generic svg and it works as expected. By using the svg's my designer created, then the problem arise. I guess it's something about the svg elements, then. I will contact the svg designer, then! Thank you!!!
  14. About this topic I have a strange behaviour. If I set 4 copied/pasted panels in a container hbox'ed (Imean the same exact panel with same html, ext events) only the first one gets resized correctly. What do I wrong this time? :-( I attach screenshot of the container with the four panels in a row. Mr. Sherzod I need your advice, again!
  15. That was it! P e r f e c t. Thanks for your invaluable help in these dire times! Respect. Augusto
  16. Hi everybody. From the example above, would it be possible to redraw the svg into the htmlframe when the browser window is resized? I guess to reassign svg's viewBox accordingly to the new dimension of its container. is it doable? Thank you
  17. Good morning, I need suggestion to solve my problem. In the testcase attached I've got a svg image embedded in a hmtframe. I put the svg source also in a label at the center of the form. I would like the svg to draw entirely within its parent and most important to resize accordingly to the user resizing the browser window. Any suggestions? Thank you and stay safe. Augusto TestCaseImageResizing.zip
  18. Hi Sherzod and thanks for your reply. At the moment I would need to have a button with rounded corners only. Same as UI='round' in mobile button but on the desktop version of it. Augusto
  19. Good evening, I would like some examples ho to customize a button's appearance. So far I think I've understood that you should define a class in CustomCSS of ServerModule then on OnInit of the control, I use config.cls with the newly created class. So far, no success so I must doing something wrong. Could someone help please? Thank you very much Augusto
  20. Good afternoon everybody and my auspices for these hard times. I need to prompt the user with a grid that looks like the attached image. Headers contains a combobox with few items selectable while grid is filled by user like an Excel grid. Any valuable suggestion? Thank you very much! Augusto
  21. That's exactly what I wanted. My respect. UniGUI keeps pleasantly surprising me every day. This program should be shipped with Delphi itself, hands down. Thank you Augusto
  22. Hi Sherzod and thanks for your reply. I would like to show text in the memo rendered as hyperlink, so clickable by the user. But instead of a usual http link it would make the application open a form (or generically speaking, execute a procedure) rather than navigate to a real url. Sorry for my English, am I clear now? Augusto
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