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Everything posted by MOGSY

  1. MOGSY


    Yes that is correct.
  2. This is very usful for many situations. Regards
  3. MOGSY


    Hi Sherzod It is not working, The value of HTMLFrame from above is undefined. regards
  4. MOGSY


    Hi var HTMLFrame = Ext.getCmp("_HTMLFrame"); The value of HTMLFrame from above is undefined. How to get the refernce to HTMLFrame? Regards
  5. MOGSY

    UniMap Markers

    I would like to use different marker on UniMap. Following code "https://jsfiddle.net/MuhammadArslan/faqok0c9/19/" gives extension to leaflet marker. leaflet_numbered_markers.css .leaflet-div-icon { background: transparent; border: none; } .leaflet-marker-icon .number{ position: relative; top: -37px; font-size: 12px; width: 25px; text-align: center; } leaflet_numbered_markers.js L.NumberedDivIcon = L.Icon.extend({ options: { // EDIT THIS TO POINT TO THE (or your own marker) iconUrl: '<%= image_path("leaflet/marker_hole.png") %>', number: '', shadowUrl: null, iconSize: new L.Point(25, 41), iconAnchor: new L.Point(13, 41), popupAnchor: new L.Point(0, -33), /* iconAnchor: (Point) popupAnchor: (Point) */ className: 'leaflet-div-icon' }, createIcon: function () { var div = document.createElement('div'); var img = this._createImg(this.options['iconUrl']); var numdiv = document.createElement('div'); numdiv.setAttribute ( "class", "number" ); numdiv.innerHTML = this.options['number'] || ''; div.appendChild ( img ); div.appendChild ( numdiv ); this._setIconStyles(div, 'icon'); return div; }, //you could change this to add a shadow like in the normal marker if you really wanted createShadow: function () { return null; } }); I would much appreciate it if one shows how to impliment it in UniGui. Thank you.
  6. MOGSY


    We have a small form I pass a string to it which is displayed on the screen. When the user presses a button I want to send a response to the server side. regards
  7. MOGSY


    Hi How to send an Ajax request from UnimHTMLFrame back to the server. Thank you
  8. Hi Hayri Any updates for the map icons?
  9. Hi have you manged to make it work on public IP, it is working on local but not on public IP. DO you have same issue?
  10. I have not tried on mobile yet, however the intension is to work on that. If I find out I will let you know. I am looking for the same solution.
  11. Hi what is ChaveStr := '_empresatoken=465421215'; and where is defined? Regards
  12. MOGSY


    Hi I have external third party applications that send information to our application and I would like to receive and process them. I have added two project here to similate this, one is the client that sends a JSON object, and the server receive it. The information that I recieve, although it is possible to see that information has been recieved correctly, it is not possible to process it. I tried to populate say an UniEdit box with that information and it appears that is does not recognise the UniEdit box as "undefined!" If I use the same process within one UniGui App, "having both server and client in the same app" it works OK. In the server app press the Post button and will populate both memo and edit box, however the same information is not populated if is comming from the third party app "the client app here" If you are testing could please run the Server app on port 8077 and the client on port 8088. Is it possible to initiate an event when the server receive the JSON object to process the data? The client app generally is not our app and it is always third party and we have no control over it except we receive the message and need to process it. Thank you. idHttpServer.7z ihHttpClient.7z
  13. MOGSY


    Hi Window messaging is to be avoided in UniGui, so is there anything to replace " PostMessage ". Thank you.
  14. Hi I would appreciate if one could show how to post a message to a particular session, or invoke a function in a particular session. I would like to run a function in a session and this happens when I get an external message in the server module. Thanks
  15. Hi Aslan Did you have a chance to look at this issue? Regards
  16. Hi I get occasional error message when placing a component or even editting in UniGui, any similar experience if so how did you resolve it. Example, I got the following error when pasting text into "UniHTMLFrame" HTML Text.
  17. Thank you very much Ron what are "uniMainModule.corsPort", "EventID" and "uniMainModule.operator" ? UniSession.AddJS('$.get("'+uniMainModule.corsPort+'?event='+inttostr(EventID)+'&op='+uniMainModule.operator+'", function( data ){' + ' ajaxRequest(TransactionForm.form, ["cashRegisterEvent"], { response : data }); '+ ' }); ');
  18. Hi Following code "https://jsfiddle.net/MuhammadArslan/faqok0c9/19/" gives extension to leaflet marker, these markers can allow UniMap Marker to have ID's on the marker. I would much appreciate it if one shows how to impliment it in UniGui. Thank you. leaflet_numbered_markers.css .leaflet-div-icon { background: transparent; border: none; } .leaflet-marker-icon .number{ position: relative; top: -37px; font-size: 12px; width: 25px; text-align: center; } leaflet_numbered_markers.js L.NumberedDivIcon = L.Icon.extend({ options: { // EDIT THIS TO POINT TO THE (or your own marker) iconUrl: '<%= image_path("leaflet/marker_hole.png") %>', number: '', shadowUrl: null, iconSize: new L.Point(25, 41), iconAnchor: new L.Point(13, 41), popupAnchor: new L.Point(0, -33), /* iconAnchor: (Point) popupAnchor: (Point) */ className: 'leaflet-div-icon' }, createIcon: function () { var div = document.createElement('div'); var img = this._createImg(this.options['iconUrl']); var numdiv = document.createElement('div'); numdiv.setAttribute ( "class", "number" ); numdiv.innerHTML = this.options['number'] || ''; div.appendChild ( img ); div.appendChild ( numdiv ); this._setIconStyles(div, 'icon'); return div; }, //you could change this to add a shadow like in the normal marker if you really wanted createShadow: function () { return null; } }); usage.js //Note that the text could also be letters instead of numbers if that's more appropriate var marker = new L.Marker(new L.LatLng(0, 0), { icon: new L.NumberedDivIcon({number: '1'}) });
  19. Hi I have tried sending httprequest as shown in the following using UniHTMLFrame. If I use a gateway the message is sent correctly, however if it sent directly it only sends "Option" issue with Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). How is possible to overcome this and not use a gateway? Thanks <script> var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); var HTTPServerIP = ""; var HTTPServerPORT = "8765"; var HTTPServerVersion = "V6"; var HTTPServerURL = "http://" + HTTPServerIP + ":" + HTTPServerPORT + "/API2/CITYGUIDE/" + HTTPServerVersion + "/"; var ContentType = "application/json"; var versionID = "v5"; request.open('POST', HTTPServerURL); request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", ContentType); request.setRequestHeader("authorization", 'BASIC TWFyYW5keTpDaXR5R3VpZGU='); request.responseType = 'json' request.send(JSON.stringify({ "command":"Testing","Message":"This is test message" })) </script>
  20. Hi There is an event "bounds_changed", how is possible to find out the bounds of the map in view? Thank you
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