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Posts posted by MOGSY

  1. Hi Tokay

    Thank you very much for your reply.

    Will the following function is running outside of the thread? 

    MakeQuery(FDataSource.DataSet as TFDQuery, FSQL, True);


  2. HI

    I get the following error when sending messages to other apps using http request. The request goes through OK, however not sure why this error occurs. 

    appreciate any clue for a solution.



    uniguiFT.exe: 00002418: 15:50:12 [TUniServerModule]:Server First Init.
    uniguiFT.exe: 00002418: 15:50:12 [TUniServerModule]:Start Path = C:\Dev\UniGui\FT-4\Win32\Debug\
    uniguiFT.exe: 00002418: 15:50:12 [TUniServerModule]:Global Cache Folder Erased. <268> Files deleted.
    uniguiFT.exe: 00002418: 15:50:12 [TUniServerModule]:Starting HTTP Server on Port: 8077...
    uniguiFT.exe: 00002418: 15:50:12 [TUniServerModule]:HTTP Server Started on Port: 8077
    uniguiFT.exe: 000014CC: 15:50:28 [Indy]:EIdHTTPErrorParsingCommand : Error in parsing command. : Addr: $006CCD42
    uniguiFT.exe: 000004C4: 15:50:28 [Indy]:EIdHTTPErrorParsingCommand : Error in parsing command. : Addr: $006CCD42
    uniguiFT.exe: 00003C44: 15:50:56 [Indy]:EIdHTTPErrorParsingCommand : Error in parsing command. : Addr: $006CCD42
    uniguiFT.exe: 00001034: 15:50:56 [Indy]:EIdHTTPErrorParsingCommand : Error in parsing command. : Addr: $006CCD42
    uniguiFT.exe: 00003EC8: 15:51:18 [Indy]:EIdHTTPErrorParsingCommand : Error in parsing command. : Addr: $006CCD42
    uniguiFT.exe: 00003D4C: 15:51:18 [Indy]:EIdHTTPErrorParsingCommand : Error in parsing command. : Addr: $006CCD42
    uniguiFT.exe: 00002418: 16:27:44 [TUniServerModule]:Shutting Down Server.
    uniguiFT.exe: 00002418: 16:27:44 [TUniServerModule]:Stopping HTTP Server.
    uniguiFT.exe: 00002418: 16:27:44 [TUniServerModule]:HTTP Server Stopped.
    uniguiFT.exe: 00002418: 16:27:44 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Terminating Session manager.
    uniguiFT.exe: 00002418: 16:27:44 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Stopping Cache Eraser...
    uniguiFT.exe: 00002418: 16:27:44 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Cache Eraser Stopped.
    uniguiFT.exe: 00002418: 16:27:44 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Destroying Worker Threads.
    uniguiFT.exe: 00002418: 16:27:44 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Session manager terminated.
    uniguiFT.exe: 00002418: 16:27:44 [TUniServerModule]:Server Shutdown Completed.

  3. Hi

      Attribs.Color := $FFDDDD;

    It is possible to set the background colour of the cells that there is a data on that column or row, however if the grid is not filling the area then the rest stay blank "white", how can we make the background of the grid have the same colour regardless of being blank.

    Thank you.

  4. Hi Sherzod

    I think it is difficult to get a test setup, however if possible I can show you on my laptop. What is happening is I have a dbgrid when any row is selected I display some information from the same row which is not displayed in the grid. I come across two issues on the grid, one is the scrolling is not very fast, also at time I get TUniCustomDBGrid.MoveToRow(): Unexpected Row number when scrolling fast. I believe this happens as if the underlining data has changed.



  5. Hi

    I have issues with the Undbgrid, not very responsive to up or down keys to move between rows, also at times when scrolling quickly between rows the focus jumps to a different control!

    any one come across this issue?


  6. Hi Sherzod

    Thank you for your reply, unfortunately the effect of this is that up arrow stops working and one can't press up arrow to move back up the records. 

    I have tried using dgRowSelect of the Unidbgrid options property, however the same issue occurs with disabling and enabling of this property, up arrow stops working and it appears that it changes the focus from the unidbgrid.


  7. Hi Sherzod

    I have a result grid that shows the result of a search, it is confusing when a row is highlighted while the grid has no focus, I need to highlight the selected row when the grid has focus, otherwise it gives the impression that the grid has focus.


  8. Hi

    How is possible to dynamically disable or enable selection. Following code disables selection how is possible to do this dynamically from the code.

    function beforeInit(sender, config)
      sender.disableSelection = true;



  9. Hi 

    Thank you for suggestions,

    The main point is the font colour need changing depending on a datetime value of a column from now, currently I am calling a function to evaluate the data and change the colour.

    Is there a way of firing UnidbGridDrawColumnCell?


  10. Hi

    I would like to change the font colour of a cell in UniDBGrid depending on time. I have tried followings but it does not work.

                UniDbGrid1.Columns[0].Color := clRed;
                UniDbGrid1.JSInterface.JSCall('view.refresh', []);

    How can we invoke the UnidbGridDrawColumnCell from code without refreshing the data from server?


  11. Hi 

    The issue with that is, it is OK for when data is fetched from the server, however as the time passes the colour remain the same. What is required is as the time passes the colour should change, so for example if 10 minutes passed the font colour could be yellow and after 20 minutes changes to red.


  12. Hi Sherzod

    I have a UniDbGrid with one field is date and time, what I need to do is if the record has not been modified for a defined period, I need to give the users feedback with change of colour of the field. However I do not want to keep retrieving data from the server and do the update on refresh, since the screen will flicker also avoid unnecessary server request.

    I would like to do this on the client side since no new information required from the server nor it needs to update anything.


  13. Hi

    I would like to change the font colour and background colour of a cell in UniDBGrid on client side depending on the value of a cell. The cell font colour may change just depending on how long the grid is displayed. I cant use OnDrawColumnCell since that event is fired when the underlying data has been updated. Here the data is not changing just the fact that time is passed the font colour of the cell need to be changed. Also I prefer not to update the whole Grid just the a specific cell.

    Thanking you in advance.


  14. HI

    I am using UniGui version

    Unfortunately this is happening occasionally and is difficult to repeat, however it does happen regularly.



  15. Hi

    I get the following error from one dbgrid and can't find what is the cause. The grid is connected to a datasource that generally returns less than 50 rows.

    "TUniDBGrid: Argument out of range."

    I appreciate any clue what may be the cause.


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