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Posts posted by HISPhilip

  1. Hi, I can't find event 'beforeInit' and I'm using one of the later beta versions because the latest release wasn't working very well with my project. uniGUI version: although I don't think this matters too much. I've been able to put the 'multi' setting on accordians on the ExtJS jsfiddles fine just having a hard time getting it to work from within delphi

  2. Hi I want to use the multi layoutconfig function of the Accordian layout and tried using ExtEvents to implement it:




    (Just add 'multi:true' within layout:{} and you can see behaviour in the jsfiddle example).


    This is my first time using ExtEvents and after trial and error the following will enable multiple panels to show:

    function afterlayout(sender, layout, eOpts)
      layout.setLayout ({
          multi : true

    But all panels except top can expand but then collapse/expand button do not work anymore. I.E. the collapse/expand button only works once (first panel is already expanded by default so after a collapse can't be expanded). I may be using the wrong event and if there's an easier way to implement that would be even better.

  3. Hi I've just discovered TUniNativeImageList via the desktop demo and wanted to use it for IconsCls within my TreeView. I am using the Editor which works however the UI is not intuitive at first in that the use of a combobox with a select range makes it seem like they are the only options. After trying to programatically implement other IconCls I went back to the editor and realised it works if you ignore the combobox and just write in the icon (i.e 'chart2' which is not in the selected range) you want and it works. Perhaps a possible quality of life suggestion to help first time users?

  4. So this used to be about login form but I've found the culprit of my list index out of bounds (3) error, and it is the number of tabsheets within my pagecontrol. I am trying to build my web app by having a main form with a page control and the tabsheets fitting a separate frame. However when I tried to implement a pagecontrol within one of those frames which is added to the main file then I've started to get the "List index out of bounds (3)" error which by itself isn't critical just annoying it appears after every login.


    If my practices are incorrect/strictly worse than some alternative feel free to let me know. I've tried deleting the nested page control yet it still appears.

  5. I am 21 and started uniGUI a few months ago when I was still 20, wondering if anyone else is younger than myself. Also work part time whilst doing a full time master in electrical engineering, did undergraduate in economics & finance and was hired based on my skillset and then my job evolved (I work in finance).


    So for someone like me with ~10 months industry experience part time and little usage of other languages, I so far enjoy the combination of Delphi + uniGUI (Learn from scratch) and I'm yet to deeply explore its capabilities.

  6. Hi I've tried a few of this solutions and nothing seems to help.


    My issue is the dark blue line that surrounds each tag sheet and I'm not sure whether it's the tabsheet or the pagecontrol that is causing it. You can see above the red lines another instance of the page control having a similar issue mostly just the top border.


  7. Hello, I am very new to operations/networking and as a result struggling to figure out how to get my uniGUI .dll online rather than just the LAN. We are using Windows Server 2016 in house and using a router and I have managed to have it running locally via using a connection it to localhost but beyond that I've been stuck for quite some time. I was wondering if anyone could suggest some resources/detailed steps on how I should proceed? I have looked into Port Forwarding and adding inbound rules for the Firewall but am struggling to get things working.

  8. Hi, I was wondering if anyone had experience trying to achieve a similar result with slick js as it's free for commercial license compared to slidershock.


    For example, I am unable to implement the following JSFiddle example into uniGUI. I suspect I am putting the JS in the wrong place (tried within UniHTMLFrame.HTML as a script and using BeforeScript/AfterScript causes the program to load indefinitely.

  9. No, I'm using a full version but I will shortly upgrade to the newest version and see if there's any difference.


    edit: Just tested with the latest version from the customer portal, still have the same issue.

  10.   UniSession.AddJS('document.body.innerHTML += ''<canvas id="canvas" width="600" height="300">' +
      'This browser does not seem to support HTML5 Canvas.</canvas><canvas id="canvas2" width="600" height="100"></canvas>'';' +
                       'document.getElementById(''' + UniHTMLFrame1.JSId +''').innerHTML = ''<canvas id="canvas" width="600" height="300"></canvas>' +
                       '<canvas id="canvas2" width="600" height="100">This browser does not seem to support HTML5 Canvas.</canvas>'';');


    Using this instead of UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Add works, but now the rest of the program freezes (Chart is still 'alive').


    edit: I can't figure out how to upload via unigui so here is an external link for the program: https://files.fm/u/y2exh6aw

  11. My specific task is to be able to dynamically create HTML5 canvas on a TUniHTMLFrame so that I can show multiple TeeChart HTML5 according to user input.


    I have seen sample projects such as the High Charts Demo, however since I need many TUniHTMLFrames with unique names as well as unique names for each canvas, I need to be able to programmatically achieve step 6) of Delphi Developer's guide within the High Charts Demo (which has helped a lot thank you).


    However using  

    UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Add('<canvas id="canvas" width="600" height="300">This browser does not seem to support HTML5 Canvas.</canvas>' + '<canvas id="canvas2" width="600" height="100">This browser does not seem to support HTML5 Canvas.</canvas>');

    does not load the chart onto the TUniHTMLFrame itself. And for some reason if I try


    it will load the chart in a new window like so (I am using someone's demo for testing but I cannot find the original source again my apologies) but I want it to load onto the UniHTMLFrame properly:




    For reference below is a snippet of the relevant code.

      UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Add('<canvas id="canvas" width="600" height="300">This browser does not seem to support HTML5 Canvas.</canvas>' +
        '<canvas id="canvas2" width="600" height="100">This browser does not seem to support HTML5 Canvas.</canvas>');
        'Chart1=new Tee.Chart("canvas");' +
        'Chart1.axes.left.title.text="Axis Y";' +
        'Chart1.axes.bottom.title.text="Axis X";' +
        'Chart1.title.text="Testing";' +
        'var series=Chart1.addSeries(new Tee.Line(Chart1));' +
        'series.data.x=[];' +
        'Chart1.panel.transparent=true;' +
        'Chart1.legend.visible=false;' +
        'Chart1.zoom.enabled=false;' +
        'Chart1.scroll.mouseButton=0;' +
        'Chart1.scroll.direction="horizontal";' +
        'Chart1.axes.bottom.setMinMax(200,499);' +
        'scroller=new Tee.Scroller("canvas2", Chart1);'
        'for (var t=0; t<1000; t++) {' +
        'series.data.values[t]=Math.random()*1000;' +
        'series.data.x[t]=t;' +
        '}' +
      'Chart1.applyTheme("minimal");' +
      'Chart1.applyPalette("lookout");' +
      'Chart1.title.format.font.shadow.visible=false;' +
      'Chart1.footer.format.font.shadow.visible=false;' +
      'Chart1.panel.format.shadow.visible=false;' +
      'for (var i=0; i < Chart1.series.items.length; i++)' +
      '{' +
      '  Chart1.series.items[i].format.shadow.visible=false;' +
      '}' +
      'Chart1.applyTheme("minimal");' +
  12. Hi,


    I want to be able to have my canvas fit/stretch to my TUniHTMLFrame but can't seem to find a client-side solution. Right now my HTMLFrame's height and width are managed on the client-side but I don't know how to access the height/width of the client-side HTMLFrame. If I try:

    UniSession.AddJS('document.getElementById(''Canvas1'').width = ' + UniHTMLFrame1.Height.ToString + ';'); 

    It will adjust the canvas to the VCL size/server-side, aka retain the same canvas size regardless of screen size. Also accessing LayoutConfig.Height and LayoutConfig.Weight do not give me the client-side values as desired.


    Thanks in advance,

  13. Hi,


    If I understand correctly you, uniGUI adopts SPA principle. (Single Page Application) There is only one url which initiates the app.


    Best regards,




    Thanks for the swift reply. I sort of realised that but was wondering if there was another simple way. I'm interested in using unigui to port features from an existing desktop app written in Embarcadero C++ Builder and using SPA would be advantageous for that. However I'm also wondering if perhaps the general 'website' (With all the information and so on aka non-members areas while the members area would be all the SPA stuff) should be done externally (and if so a good recommendation) or do the entire project entirely through unigui?

  14. Hi, I'm a beginner in Delphi in general and don't have much experience with IDEs as well as web application development so my language may not be clear. I was wondering how to 'change forms' (Don't know how else to phrase it). Instead I will explain what I want to accomplish. For websites in general, when you click on something it loads a new page and I want to achieve something similar in unigui without showing/hiding forms, or is this the only way? I've played around with a lot of demos and searched around but I can't find something similar. For example on the main form I want to be able to click a "About Us" button from the homepage that redirects to a form that has a website-like appearance rather than open a form on top of the main form.


    Thanks in advance

  15. Hi,


    I am having a similar problem in that I cannot compile a blank C++ unigui app. I am getting a multitude of errors but it seems to stem from the fact that the .hpp files uniGUIMainModule.hpp, uniGUIServer.hpp and uniGUIForm.hpp cannot be located, it seems to stem from uniGUIVars.hpp.


    I am using the latest trial version for RAD Studio Berlin 10.1

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