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Posts posted by frios

  1. I did something like that, but in c ++.

    I used this function, I don't know how to pass it to Delphi. (I only use delphi with Unigui)


    void TfrmEntrada::SemiTransparent(Graphics::TBitmap* dst, int x, int y, Graphics::TBitmap* src, BYTE op=50)
            BLENDFUNCTION bf;
            ZeroMemory(&bf, sizeof(bf));
            bf.BlendOp = AC_SRC_OVER;
            bf.SourceConstantAlpha = MulDiv(op, 255, 100);
            ::AlphaBlend(dst->Canvas->Handle, x, y, src->Width, src->Height,src->Canvas->Handle, 0, 0, src->Width, src->Height, bf);


    SemiTransparent(Imagen, EtiquetaPosX, EtiquetaPosY, ImagenEtiquetaVirtual, 99);

    The problem is that you work with jpg and there is no transparent channel, so the signature will leave you with a white box.

    I do not know if it will serve as an idea

  2. 55 years old

    But I develop with C ++, I only work with Delphi for UniGui.

    I sincerely believe that Embarcadero is Delphi's killer. It is a great tool, but the license is very expensive for current alternatives, and the latest versions are very heavy. I think they keep up with the high prices that licenses have, but as we say in my country, that's bread for today and hunger for tomorrow.

    My first computer was an msx, but I learned a basic language with a Casio PB 100 in college, although at that time there were no computer studies, it was all on your own.

  3. I don't know why, but suddenly the panels, or containerpanels, is the same, they have started to appear with some margins that I don't put anywhere. Any idea why it happens?

    attached image in design and execution

    thanks in advance





  4. Thank you,
    From your message I have reached another, where there is an example, which I had already seen, but it did not work correctly. I suppose the versions of the library were not correct. I added a call to a function that was missing ... and to work.

    I enclose the corrected example in case it serves you.



    Edit: I have put the component libraries in a post below


    • Like 3
  5. I tried to make a Call Callback to a web page that brings me some data, and since the desktop version works very well, but from the mobile phone (touch) there is no way.

    Should we change something? or simply is not possible

    Until now I had not used the tactile version, and surprisingly I see that it has many shortcomings with respect to the desktop version, when I thought they would be quite similar.:sad:

    Thank you

  6. Is there someone who know how to capture the signature from a mobile??

    I've been trying to apply  javascript libraries for several days, but, or d'ont work or I can not get them to communicate with Unigui to send them to database.

    I really need it.

    Any idea will be welcome.

    Thanks in advance

  7. Hi

    In mobile app when I try to shorten the title of a message with the following code it gives me the error "Ajax error" Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of undefined

             Showmessage('Usuario y/o clave incorrecta');
             UniSession.AddJS('Ext.select(".x-msgbox .x-innerhtml").elements[0].innerHTML = "CAYC"');

    Any suggestions?



  8. Hello, I hope to buy the license in one or two days, but I have a question.

    With the license that I will pay now I will get to have the mobile version of Unigui? Or is still so far away that will not come in the year of licence. My work is only for one client  and  he need the mobile versión.
  9. If all delays have been for go to a high quality product (it really is!), it has been worth the wait. 


    That said,

    I encourage you to release the commercial version when you can make it, we are waiting  eagerly, and if it come with mobile application, it would round it!
  10. Hi, 


    try this, 


    if (code==46) {
          var val = sender.getValue() ; 
          sender.setValue(val + ',') ;
          e.stopEvent() ;






    I only change (code==46) with (e.keyCode == '46' || e.charCode == '46') and his work perfectly.
    Thanks a lot  :)
  11. Has anyone have the code to change point of numeric keyboard to comma?
    It must be code from client side, but I can't code that correctly. 
    I have put the next code at clientEvents -> extEvents -> onKeyPress, and point is correctly cleared, but i can't know how put the comma.


    function keypress(sender, e, eOpts)
        if(e.keyCode == '46' || e.charCode == '46')
            //Cancel the keypress
            //e.KeyCode = '44';
            // Add the comma to the value of the input field
            //sender.val(sender.val() + ',');


  12. This is my last post at this thread, because I look like the bad guy, and it isn't. I only want to expose because I think only a few are willing to pay.



    PS: Intraweb is not free.
    What do you mean by saying "too small"? Can you elaborate?
    uniGUI targets web applications mostly for use in intranet and internet.
    In the morning, I work in government company, where all is based in web applications (in whose development I do not intervene), and all are made with php, javascript(I suppose) and lately with aspx.
    I don't doubt to Unigui power, just saying that when you are surprised by the few developers who are willing to pay you for your work, you have to assess the environment in which you move, and that isn't the medium or big company.
    I would not want it to end the project for lack of buyers or users, because as I said has been my lifeline.
    Farshad calls an act of faith, asking for money for a product still in production without a defined route, and even without knowing the final price .... I think it's very logical what has happened, many people are waiting to see how the product evolves.
    Variscan, if you want to sell a product, you have to always defend , in closed or open forum, and more for 1200 many potential customers. 
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