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Posts posted by Wicket

  1. Hi All,


    For the benefit of others I have found the solution.Took me awhile to find, and thanks to Marlon for his suggestions.


    The icons do not like virtual directories, such as http://localhost/myvirtualdirectory/apple-touch-icon.png


    while the default behavior of iOS is to look at the root domain even when you are hosting out of the virtual directory:

    Moving the icons here worked, and they now pull through.
  2. Hi Marlon,


    It just seemed strange to me that the icon would work fine whilst UniGUI is in standalone server mode, but not when using IIS - I am sure their is some technical reasons why, but my knowledge on IIS is limited at best.


    Thanks for your help - the tip to create a simple xcode app to host the app is a possibility for me.


    However I wanted to avoid creating native containers - and the iOS 'adding the bookmark' to the home screen is great as it makes the web application appear as a iOS app without the hassle of the apple store/native containers.


    Surely this must be achievable via IIS if it works using standalone server mode?

  3. Hi All,


    I use apple-touch-icon and apple-touch-icon-precomposed to be able to get a custom icon when adding my app to the homescreen on an iOS device. This then allows the app to open from the home screen with a customer icon, that I have specified on the server.


    All is fine when I use the UniGUI standalone server - it just pulls through as expected.


    Now, when I deploy using IIS - the icon is not pulled through and the icon is the default (a screen shot of the webpage)


    This is pretty important for me, as deployment requires that the web app, looks and feels like a 'native' iOS app, and part of that is having the correct icon on the homescreen.


    Any ideas? Do I need to do anything additional in IIS?







  4. Some thoughts include having a 'license' database table which stores the number of users (hashed if required)


    But I am still not sure how I can apply this value, is it enough to  set the ServerLimits > MaxConnections > AValue on the server module, or do I need to change something in IIS?

  5. Hi All,


    How do people generally restrict the number of concurrent users?


    I am currently writing an application (SaaS) and ideally want to limit the number of concurrent users per customer install. (So each customer has the same build of the software, but a different database backend)


    Is it enough to set the ServerLimits > MaxConnections > AValue ?


    If it is, how can I achieve this?


    My deployment method is IIS.


    I don't want to have to issue a totally separate dll (with a different MaxConnections value) per customer, if I can help it. I would rather it be dynamic, so that the value can be changed easily, without a build/redeployment.


    Also I would need to check this at the point of logging into the application, and provide a meaningful message to the user - if the login is unsuccessful, due to max users reached. 


    Any suggestions welcome,


    Regards, Dan.

  6. I've been doing some more research and found this - https://djaodjin.com/blog/jquery-plugin-to-annotate-images.blog


    This looks like it does exactly what I want.


    First question - is it possible to integrate something like this within UniGUI?


    I've been looking at the JQuery desktop demo that ships with UniGUI, however I am really struggling to know where to start to try an attempt to integrate this into a UnimHTMLFrame.


    Has anyone got any time to guide me through how to tackle this?



  7. Hi All,


    What is the best way to validate fields on a modal form?


    I need to check that the field is not empty before closing the form - usually I would do this on the button OK click, setting the modalresult = mrnone, then check the fields are <> '', then call modalresult = mrOK.


    I cant use this technique in unigui due to the multi-threaded nature.


    So, my question is how can i not close the form if I have a certain required field that is empty?


    Any elegant way to achieve this?





  8. Hi All,


    I need a bit of help to understanding how to annotate an image in a touch application.


    I have the Signaturepad working OK - which allows the user to record a signature with their finger, which utilises the HTML frame and js.


    What I need to do is not too dissimilar to this,


    1.Load an image into a unimImage

    2.Allow the user, to use their finger/pen etc to mark certain areas on the image, like the image attached.




    Any help on how to tackle this issue is greatly appreciated.


    **Edit, should probably move this to the Mobile section - my bad**


  9. *Bump*


    I too want a way of calling a total refresh when the DBGrid "refresh" button is clicked.


    How would you call a dataset close and dataset open within the block below.

    I have it working so it shows "test", but how to access the datasets on the form and call the required methods. Is this even possible?

    function afterrender(sender, eOpts)
      sender.pagingBar.getComponent("refresh").handler = function () {
        //your custom logic...

    Also can someone explain what this button on the grid does? It obviously doesn't refresh the underlying dataset, I am correct in saying it just refreshes the grid?





  10. Hi,


    I am running through some tests on the best way to deploy my mobile app using android/ios.


    Currently I have a clean Firemonkey project - which contains only a Browser. The only code is on the oncreate event handler, which loads the URL of the mobile demo 'allfeatures' unihui app. I have succesfully deployed this andorid app to a device and it loads up as you would expect.


    The issue that I have come across is when I navigate to the 'upload file' demo -and try to browse for a file, nothing happens - the modal upload form loads, I then click 'browse' expecting something to load to prompt me where to load the file from, but nothing.


    Now I have checked the firemonkey app and it has ALL permissions set to on.


    This all works fine on the device when using it through the browser.


    Any ideas?



  11. Cheers, I have been playing around - but after some reading up - it does seem likely that this is the issue. 


    Even after googling, I am no closer to know exactly what to do.


    My scenario is currently I have deployed a test Firemonkey app - with only a browser, that loads a test unigui url on create. So I have a Firemonkey app as a really simple container.


    Now from looking around it seems the browser component always uses the native browser on the device (in the google pixels case, google chrome), So I am stuck. 


    It seems only using a Sencha Touch app that I have this issue.


    Any help is appreciated.



  12. Mohammed, I cleared the cache/storage/history, and it didn't work.


    I'm thinking it could be the issue Delphi Developer posted, due to the fact using the firefox app on the pixel works with no issues.


    In the meantime, ill look at the fix suggested.



  13. Hi All,


    I have tried both the compiled trial demos and the hosted demo below - and it seems I can not get either to work on my google pixel phone, using chrome.


    The desktop demos work fine - but whenever I try to use the touch demos I just continuously get the loading screen, with the blue square.


    I am using a google pixel, with google chrome. I have cleared the cache, but it hasn't helped.
    It works perfectly on the firefox mobile app. 
    Any ideas?
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