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Posts posted by Wicket

  1. Hi All,

    I have moved my test system over to use hyperserver - so far so good. I just have a few questions reference the server status form.

    Is the server status tab still needed/valid? 

    • ServerLimits.MaxSessions := 250 on my server module, but shows as 20 on the server status dialogue
    • The sessions value does not increment.

    The hyperserver tab seems to show sessions correctly.

    I have attached an image to visually see my questions. I need to know if I should ignore the 'server status' tab when using hyperserver - or if I have an issue causing the values to be incorrect.

    If i should ignore it - it probably shouldn't be show if using hyperserver.

    EDIT - I have a default hyperserver.cfg (max_sessions=0 ) and im running on IIS.

    Thanks in advance.



  2. Unigui uses pdf.js to view pdf files, so test in isolation with just using pdf.js. If it's still slow then the problem js pdf.js rendering speed. So you would need to log an issue with them.



    Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk

  3. Hi All,


    I want to remove the favicon (Application Icon) from all modal forms - so that top left of the form it does not appear.

    However, I still want the favicon to appear on the tab of the webpage.


    Does anyone know if this is possible to do?



  4. Hi All,


    I have manage to retrieve a session list, each with its unique sessionid and the last time of activity.


    My scenario - I have a session list of all current sessions (only the admin has access to this) This list populates a ClientDataSet


    My question - is their a way to disconnect/end/remove/logout another session from this using the id of a particular session? for example, Session.Disconnect(ClientDataSetSessionId.AsString);


    I realise each session has a timeout, which I currently have set to 10 minutes - but what if I (as an admin) wanted to remove a session manually before the timeout - is this possible?





  5. ***EDIT*** Answered my own question below, but left here in case it helps anyone else.


    Hi All,


    I have a situation where on some occasions I pass in two parameters to the application, lets say encrypted username and password. I have code in UniGUIMainModuleBeforeLogin which handles skipping the login screen if these parameters are passed in. I use this functionality if a user needs to be directly routed to the application without seeing the login screen. It works great.


    However, my problem occurs when I want to logout, I call "ModalResult := MrOK" on my main form and this logs me out, but the original parameters are still there and thus I am logged back in, skipping the login form. Except in the case of logging out I want login form shown. 


    Is there anywhere I can clear the parameters? This would then allow the function in UniGUIMainModuleBeforeLogin to fail as the parameters would be empty.

    Alternatively could I redirect to a parameter-less URL.


    I have tried URLRedirects and trying to clear the parameters - but no luck.


    Does anyone have any ideas how I might achieve the result I need?

  6. OK, Once adding a name to the component I get 'Ajax Error' 'Unexpected Token' - which I guess means my JS is incorrect?

    number.ClientEvents.UniEvents.Values['beforeInit']:= 'function beforeInit(sender, config) {config.style = {''text-align'':''left''}';

    Can you confirm this is correct - perhaps the it does not like the double quoted string for {''text-align'':''left''} ?

  7. I iterate a dataset to create any items, this is the reason why I create at runtime, as I do not know how many items are needed at design time.

    I do not give the component a name


    Here is the code I use, which creates all items as I want, just the label alignment can not be changed of TUnimDbNumberEdit.


       number := TUnimDbNumberEdit.Create(FrmMain);
        number.ClientEvents.UniEvents.Values['beforeInit']:= 'function beforeInit(sender, config) {config.style = {''text-align'':''left''}';
        number.Parent := fieldSet;
        number.DataSource := dsList;
        number.DataField := _FieldName;
        number.FieldLabel := _Caption;
        number.FieldLabelWidth := 40;

    I will try giving the component a name and report back.

  8. Rather than opening a new thread I will ask here as the problem is related. The above code works perfectly for controls created at design time.

    However, I now need to create controls at runtime - and the alignment for the TUnimDbNumberEdit label is now incorrect, as per the image.


    What do I need to do to make the label alignment as other controls, as per the image.


    FYI - I am using touch 4.2, and build 1425 - I am hoping to upgrade to latest build ASAP, but for now I am stuck on this build, as I am just finishing the project.




    Thanks, Dan.

  9. Hi,


    I am in need of a  AutoWidth Columns for TUnimDBGrid. 


    The reason, is that I often use TUnimDBGrid, for multi-selection and it looks untidy when two columns do not utilise the available width of the grid. Currently the column widths are hard coded to a value, which also does not work great for multi-device, as obviously the size of the screen would be different.


    Ideally; to have a property that, when checked, would will fill the the whole width of the grid, with whatever columns are in the grid, e.g if we only have one column it takes the whole grid width. Much like the forcefit property on TUniDBGrid.


    This property would need to take into account orientation changed, so if the device is turned the grid would need to 'resize' the columns accordingly. 


    I couldn't find an elegant way of achieving this, so if someone has a work around I would be happy to use that, but I think it would be a nice addition to the mobile grid.





  10. Looks good Mohammad.


    What control/technique did you use for the add-on list multi select?


    I am looking to achieve something similar but I am using a dbgrid and it doesn't look as clean as yours with the tick as a check on multi select.


    Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk

  11. Hi,


    I use the attached code to capture a signature - however I have a small issue - when I sign, then rotate the device and sign again - it loses all position and does not follow the input.


    Has anyone got any ideas on how to stop this?


    I need to somehow reset/reload the url - but for some reason it does not seem to help. Does a method exist to reset after orientation? Something on the HTMLFrame?


    I have spent a few hours taking a look, but could not find a via solution.


    Thanks for any help,




    the project is compiling in the latest non beta unigui using 64 bit platform - 1425 


  12. Hi,


    I have noticed that TUnimDBGrid does not have a 'AutoWidth' (forcefit) columns or and equivalent property.


    Has anyone got a workaround or a different way of achieving this.


    In some situations I need to use TUnimDBGrid to display data on different devices - with different screen sizes, and it doesn't look great from a UI point of view when the columns do not take up the whole grid width.


    Any help appreciated,



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