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Everything posted by andyhill

  1. Farshad, I can only assume you have no idea how to fix at present by your lack of response ? Please advise that you are looking into it as it is a real problem (test it yourself on an updated iPhone).
  2. Thank you. My CloseButton = 1 so I actually had to make my TitleButton = 2 to work (it appears to be 1 based [not zero based]).
  3. I have a Mobile Form (MymForm) that has several Title Buttons. I want to change the Caption of TitleButtons[0] on the Form Show Event - please advise how - thanks. procedure TMymForm.UnimFormShow(Sender: TObject); begin if UniMainModule.tblData.Filtered = True then begin MymForm.TitleButtons[0].Caption:= 'ABC'; end else begin MymForm.TitleButtons[0].Caption:= 'DEF'; end; The code above executes without error but makes no difference to the Caption and the original IDE Caption setting remains.
  4. Could you show me how please because if I do not use FormB.Show; before the ajaxRequest(FormB.HTMLFrame, "_FormDRequest", []); it says FormB does not exist ?
  5. FormA calls FormB which calls FormC which calls FormD via ShowModal. Is this the best way to call FormB from FormD and execute my desired procedure ? procedure TFormD.UnimFormTitleButtonClick(Sender: TUnimTitleButton); begin case Sender.ButtonId of 0: begin // Seperator end; 1: begin FormB.Show; UniSession.AddJS('ajaxRequest(FormB.HTMLFrame, "_FormDRequest", []);'); ... procedure TFormB.UnimHTMLFrameAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); begin if SameText(EventName, '_FormDRequest') then begin ... After executing and building the necessary data in FormB for FormD I want to return to FormD and remove this activity from history so when the FormD Close Button is executed it takes me back to FormC.
  6. I would appreciate to learn how to access stored photos on an iPhone (not just camera/microphone) with the FileUploader component - Safari has the appropriate permissions and I am using the https transport protocol ?
  7. Farshad, I need to walk through a formatted address array and fetch the Latitude / Longitude from the Google Maps Service (I do not want to paint on map, just collect the Lat/Lng) can you please advise - thanks.
  8. No, at present I am Deleting and Adding on Change Event.
  9. For a busy website there will be too many DB fetches when there is no need to, it could have been loaded once and then filtered - this will be so much faster with less bandwidth.
  10. I have 2 TUnimSelects, the first acts as a Parent (holds about 10 items) to the second one acts as the Child to the Parent and holds about 100 items (averaging 10 items per Parent Item). Based on the Parent's ItemIndex I want to Filter the Child Items that are shown to the user. I see Select Enter and Exit Events but see no Item Visibility property. We obviously would need an Item TagID in order to filter against. Please advise how one would go about this (I do not want to delete and add items on each Parent change, I would prefer to Hide/Show items) ? Thanks
  11. I really need help here, can some one please advise - thanks
  12. I am only aware of FileUpload.Accept:= 'image'; // 'image', 'video', 'audio' FileUpload.Capture:= 'camera'; // 'camera', 'camcorder', 'microphone' FileUpload.Execute; On Mobile (iPhone) is there a "File" option (to access photos) for Accept ?
  13. Why does the prime.fmsoft.net UniGUI Touch Demo: File Upload - running on my iPhone allow access to my photos yet when I am using the mFileUploader in my project on my iPhone I can only access the camera - photos are withheld ? This is not the case on Desktop - files are accessible. Please show in code how to get the Mobile FileUploader to access either Camera or Files (photos) on iPhone - thanks.
  14. This is one of my many attempts but fails (any advice would be appreciated):- UniSession.AddJS('var gm = googleMap; '+ 'if (typeof gm == "object") '+ '{ '+ ' var imagecar = ''car.png''; '+ ' var searchBox = new google.maps.places.SearchBox(''1 Flinders Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia''); '+ ' var places = searchBox.getPlaces(); '+ ' if (places.length != 0) '+ ' { '+ ' places.forEach '+ ' ( '+ ' function(place) '+ ' { '+ ' markers.push '+ ' ( '+ ' new google.maps.Marker '+ ' ( '+ ' { '+ ' map: gm, '+ ' icon: imagecar, '+ ' title: place.name, '+ ' position: place.geometry.location '+ ' } '+ ' ) '+ ' ) '+ ' } '+ ' ); '+ ' } '+ '} ' );
  15. I have no problems getting current position Lat / Long. I have no problems going to Lat / Long. What I need help with is calculating the Lat / Long from a Formatted_Address within JavaScript below (how to use gm.SearchBox for Marker) ? address: '1 Flinders Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia' UniSession.AddJS('var gm = googleMap; '+ 'if (typeof gm == "object") '+ '{ '+ ' var imagecar = ''car.png''; '+ ' var carmarker = new google.maps.Marker '+ ' ( '+ ' { '+ ' address: ''1 Flinders Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia'', '+ ' map: gm, '+ ' icon: imagecar, '+ ' zindex: 0 '+ ' } '+ ' ); '+
  16. Yes I have looked at that info but it has Lat / Long hard coded ? How can I use ' var carmarker = new google.maps.Marker '+ ' ( '+ ' { '+ // ' position: myLatLng, '+ ' address: ''1 Flinders Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia'', '+ ' map: gm, '+ ' icon: imagecar, '+ ' zindex: 0 '+ ' } '+ ' ); '+ With an address instead of position Lat / Long ? Can you show me in code ? Thanks
  17. I have Google Maps working and locating current position - all fine. Can someone please show me how to geolocate an Address and return the Lat Long - thanks.
  18. How do we interrogate UniServerModule to count how many active live sessions there are ?
  19. Farshad, As you can see it is not an isolated issue with my project. It is a problem with both iOS and Android. Can you please provide a work around ASAP - thanks.
  20. Farshad, I would very much appreciate if you would advise how to accomplish Image Url Button ASAP - thanks.
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