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Everything posted by andyhill

  1. <img width="87" height="87" src="data:image/png; charset=utf-8; base64, .....
  2. It is attached above
  3. Please show me how to insert into HtmlMemo at runtime an InLine Image (data attached). My inline data attached works on any browser HOWEVER causes error in UniGUI, please advise - Thanks. UniSession.AddJS(HtmlMemo.JSName + '.insertAtCursor('+ Chr(39)+inlinedata+Chr(39) +')'); // FAILS UniSession.AddJS(HtmlMemo.JSName + '.insertAtCursor('+ Chr(39)+'<b>HELLO</b>'+Chr(39) +')'); // WORKS html-test.html
  4. I think I was the first to report this several versions ago. It auto corrected over successive updates then appeared again. I know at one stage I deleted the cache and it came good but since then it has gone bad again.
  5. I can remove NBSP if I refer to it as #$A0
  6. No, it fails to remove, try it (Delphi 10.3)
  7. Thank you Sherzod, I used the very same code however I could not remove the &nbsp; - do you have an answer for that ?
  8. Yes, I was hoping for UniGUI to provide this capability - Thanks
  9. Hello <b style=""><font color="#ff0000">Hello</font></b> I need text "Hello" only (no markup)
  10. How can I get the Plain Text from the HtmlMemo ? MyLines(TStringList) in code at runtime. MyLines.SetStrings(HtmlMemo.Lines); // I want plain text CRLF for each line
  11. tooltip now OK Please show how to add separator before the button
  12. ' iconCls: ''pictos pictos-action'', '+ ' hint: ''Process'', '+ Also Hint ?
  13. My humblest apologies - silly me. How do we add a separator before the button ?
  14. Thank you for your reply. My code:- HtmlMemo.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Clear; // s:= 'beforeInit=function beforeInit(sender, config) '+ '{ '+ ' config.listeners = '+ ' { '+ ' render: function(editor) '+ ' { '+ // ' editor.getToolbar().add( '+ // ' { '+ // ' xtype: ''separator'' '+ // ' }); , '+ ' editor.getToolbar().add( '+ ' { '+ ' xtype: ''button'', '+ ' text: ''Process'', '+ ' handler: function() '+ ' { '+ ' ajaxRequest(sender, ''process'', []) '+ ' } '+ ' }); '+ ' } '+ ' } '+ '} '; HtmlMemo.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add(s); Does nothing (ver 1531), also want separator before it and an icon on the button.
  15. Please advise how to add (or insert) button on HtmlMemo ToolBar - Thanks. UniSession.AddJS('fMain.HTMLMemo.toolbar.insert(2, '+ '{ '+ 'xtype: "spacer"'+ '} );'); UniSession.AddJS('fMain.HTMLMemo.toolbar.insert(3, '+ '{ '+ 'xtype: "button", '+ 'text: '+QuotedStr('Today')+', '+ 'id: "syncTodayID", '+ 'listeners: {tap: function(el, v) {ajaxRequest(fMain.form, "_syncToday", [])}}'+ '} );'); Does nothing ?
  16. 1524 (I believe 1531 may have fixed this).
  17. AjaxEvent ONE Inside AjaxEvent ONE at end of event call AjaxEvent TWO
  18. TreeMenu is now much more sluggish, also I had to put a lot of Ajax delays to use it. Here is my DYNAMIC TreeMenu runtime clear/add node code:- MainModule //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MainmForm.SystemMenu.BeginUpdate; MainmForm.SystemMenu.Items.Clear; MainmForm.SystemMenu.JSInterface.JSCode(#1'.getStore().each(function(item){item.remove()});'); MainmForm.SystemMenu.EndUpdate; UniSession.Synchronize(); MainmForm //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Init (TreeMenu is built from MyTreeMenuItems Visible Tag) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SetLength(UniMainModule.MyTreeNodes, 0); j:= -1; // Walk MyTreeMenuItems and Build TreeMenu SystemMenu.BeginUpdate; for i:= 0 to Length(UniMainModule.MyTreeMenuItems)-1 do begin // Make Visible ? if UniMainModule.MyTreeMenuItems.Visible = True then begin Inc(j); // Used To Keep Tag In Proper Sequence if ( (i < 16) or (i = 20) or (i = 26) or (i = 33) or (i = 40) or (i = 41) ) then begin // Parent Nodes (15, 20, 26, 33 have multiple Child Nodes) SetLength(UniMainModule.MyTreeNodes, Length(UniMainModule.MyTreeNodes)+1); UniMainModule.MyTreeNodes[High(UniMainModule.MyTreeNodes)]:= SystemMenu.Items.Add(nil, 'Parent'); UniMainModule.MyTreeNodes[High(UniMainModule.MyTreeNodes)].Text:= UniMainModule.MyTreeMenuItems.Name; UniMainModule.MyTreeNodes[High(UniMainModule.MyTreeNodes)].SelectedIndex:= i; UniMainModule.MyTreeNodes[High(UniMainModule.MyTreeNodes)].Tag:= i; LastParentIndex:= j; end; if ( ((i > 15) and (i < 20)) or ((i > 20) and (i < 26)) or ((i > 30) and (i < 33)) or ((i > 33) and (i < 40)) ) then begin // Children Nodes (they use last Parent Node[LastParentIndex]) SetLength(UniMainModule.MyTreeNodes, Length(UniMainModule.MyTreeNodes)+1); UniMainModule.MyTreeNodes[High(UniMainModule.MyTreeNodes)]:= SystemMenu.Items.AddChild(UniMainModule.MyTreeNodes[LastParentIndex], 'Child'); UniMainModule.MyTreeNodes[High(UniMainModule.MyTreeNodes)].Text:= UniMainModule.MyTreeMenuItems.Name; UniMainModule.MyTreeNodes[High(UniMainModule.MyTreeNodes)].SelectedIndex:= i; UniMainModule.MyTreeNodes[High(UniMainModule.MyTreeNodes)].Tag:= i; end; end; // Visible end; // for SystemMenu.EndUpdate; SystemMenu.Refresh; // New (required for Sencha 7.x) UniSession.Synchronize;
  19. Update, I blew away the cache and some icons now appear -however- all of my working TreeMenu code no longer works - investigating ...
  20. My legacy WebApp (pre Sencha 7) is massive, it is not easy to strip out 1,000's of lines of code. How about the other users who reported the same, is it resolved for them ?
  21. At the very start of this post I show images clearly depicting missing icons, also others have reported the very same issue along with images showing missing icons.
  22. Farshad, Sherzod, I have asked many times how to resolve pre-Sencha 7 projects icon paint issues, you say it was fixed in 1531 but it is not (I am using projects built before Sencha 7) - what do I have to do to make them work like they did in Sencha 6.7 ?
  23. When many Ajax Events are in the queue and each one when run takes time, I decide based on a particular user action at runtime I no longer want the remaining unrun queued events to run, I therefore need to STOP AND REMOVE ALL QUEUED EVENTS (DELETE). eg. while (!q.isEmpty()) { q.dequeue(); } $(selector).clearQueue(queueName) var stack = []; //put value on top of stack stack.push(1); //remove value from top of stack var value = stack.pop(); var queue = []; //put value on end of queue queue.push(1); //Take first value from queue var value = queue.shift();
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