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Posts posted by mos

  1. I have a UniHTMLMemo with ShowToolBar set to True.


    When I click the grow text button the text size increases but it stops increasing at certain point (my guess probably due to a set maximum size).
    I need to increase the text size beyond the maximum size value.

    How can I do this?


    Delphi XE2
    UniGUI Complete Professional:

  2. I have installed Build 1454 and have noticed that with scroll bars by default you have to drag the bar to scroll the contents.


    Previously with Ext JS 4 you could click anywhere along the scroll bar to cause the contents to scroll.


    Is there an option I need to enable to allow the above to happen?

  3. Hi Delphi Developer,


      If I have goRangeSelect enabled in VCL StringGrid  we can normally use the Selection property to find out what cells are selected.


     Is there a way of doing this in UniStringGrid as I noticed there is a goRangeSelect but no Selection property?

  4. Hi Delphi Developer, 



    ReadOnly = True ?


      I had already tried setting the Enabled to False but it grays out the grid.


      I want the grid to appear normally without any cell focus highlighted.

  5. Hi Delphi Developer,


      Is it possible to remove the cell focus highlight so that no cell is highlighted in the stringgrid?


      is it possible to set the background color of the column titles row when ShowColumnTitles is True?


      Also is it possible to trap the click event on column title cells and then be able to call some other Delphi code?

  6. Hi Delphi Developer,


      I got around this error doing this way instead:

    procedure TMainForm.UniTimer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
      UniTimer1.Enabled := False;
        UniTimer1.Enabled := True;

    Another Question: 


    With the fadeOut is it possible to be notified when the fadeOut has ended so I can then call some other Delphi code?  Based on what I have seen you can setup a CallBack but I am not sure how to do this and then get the CallBack to call my Delphi code?

  7. Hi Delphi Developer,


      I tried the following code to set the opacity of a Panel within a TUniTimer event with the following code:

    procedure TMainForm.UniTimer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
      UniTimer1.Enabled := False;
        UniPanel2.JSInterface.JSConfig('style', [UniPanel2.JSControl.JSObject('opacity: 0')]);
        UniTimer1.Enabled := True;

    But when I do this I get the error attached.


    Build 1413.


  8. Hi Delphi Developer,


       I found this code on the ExtJS site is it possible to get this working:

    Ext.Anim.run(panelOne, 'fade', {
      duration: 100,
       after: function() {
    Ext.Anim.run(panelTwo, 'fade', {
      out: false,
       duration: 100,
        before: function() {
  9. Hi Delphi Developer,


      Is it possible to get a ExtJS 4 version with a fix for this issue?


      Is build 1425 the latest ExtJS 4 version?


      If I were to move to ExtJS 6.5 I assume I would need to download the latest beta version?


      How stable is ExtJS 6.5 builds?

  10. I have attached a sample project.


    Essentially it has a StringGrid which has goRowSelect turn on and has a column which is updated by a Timer every second. 


    I am using BeginUpdate and EndUpdate inside the OnTimer event.


    What seems to be happening is if you highlight a row and the timer updates the cells when the EndUpdate has finished the StringGrid row position goes back to the top of the grid,

    rather than staying at the row you selected.  If I then try and scroll down the stringgrid the position gets reset to the top again after the timer has finished.


    If I comment out the BeginUpdate and EndUpdate this doesn't happen and the row selector stay at the last selected row rather than move to the top of the grid.


  11. Hi Delphi Developer,


      Is there update on this as I need to be able to center an image in a cell?



    Hi Delphi Developer,


      Another question.


      I need to center an image in a stringgrid cell and based on what I have seen I need to set the following in the DIV:


     I added the following to the CustomCSS in the ServerModule:

    .supergrid .x-grid-cell-inner {
       text-align: center

    What do I need to do to apply the above CSS to the DIV?

  12. And please, can you capture an area of your app and save it directly to .GIF, for example by using LICEcap, so that we can see what's happening ?


    In the attachment provided the row select bar is blue and the yellow first two columns are where the JS code was applied.


    In this example you can see that the blue bar does not cover the yellow cells when the row is highlighted.


  13. Hi Delphi Developer,


      Another question.


      I need to center an image in a stringgrid cell and based on what I have seen I need to set the following in the DIV:


     I added the following to the CustomCSS in the ServerModule:

    .supergrid .x-grid-cell-inner {
       text-align: center

    What do I need to do to apply the above CSS to the DIV?

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