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Posts posted by mos

  1. Hi Sherzod,

      What I need to do based on the HighCharts JFiddle example is to call: series.setData([y,  y*2, y+1, y/2]);

       I don't want to have to redraw the whole chart as the series data will be changing quite often.

       How can I do this in Delphi so that the chart just updates the series? 



  2. 14 minutes ago, Sherzod said:


    Which build?

    Can you please make a simple testcase to see the issue?

    Hi this is the build

    Version:1.90.0 build 1534

    But I've found the issue, it's about the time data being added to the event start and end date.


    So this instead is my issue now, is it possible to remove the timestamps on the side of the weekly and monthly view?


  3. Hi,


    I'm populating a unicalendarpanel via below:

      while not ADOQuery1.Eof do
          E := UniCalendarPanel1.Events.Add;
          E.CalendarId := 1;
          E.EventId := ADOQuery1.FieldByName('Key').AsInteger;
          E.Title := ADOQuery1.FieldByName('firstname').AsString + ' ' + ADOQuery1.FieldByName('surname').AsString;
          E.StartDate := ADOQuery1.FieldByName('startdate').AsDateTime;
          E.EndDate := ADOQuery1.FieldByName('enddate').AsDateTime;


    While the monthly view has no problem, when I switch to weekly and daily view, there seems to be no data showing for the dates with events.

    Thank you

  4. Hi Sherzod,

      The memo is not updating after I have changed the HTML source code via the Source Edit option e.g. if I change the text color to red using the hex value I would expect to see the text displayed in red after exiting the Source Edit option.



  5. If I modify the HTML code via the Source Edit option in a UniHTMLMemo and then exit the Source Edit, the contents of the HTML memo doesn't update.

    How can I refresh the contents in the HTMLMemo after someone has edited the HTML source so that the changes are visible?

  6. Hi Sherzod,

      Thanks that worked.

      However I have found an issue which I have attached a project which illustrates the problem.

      In the example I have a PageControl which has two DBGrids which both have the More Records custom button.

      The issue is when I click on the UniTabSheet2 tab cross icon to close the tab sheet the More Records button disappears in the UniTabSheet1 DBGrid.


  7. I have created a pagingbar button using the following code:

    function pagingBar.boxready(sender, width, height, eOpts)
                xtype: "button",
                text: 'More Records',
                width: 100,
                id: "moreRecsBtn",
                listeners: {
                    click: function() {
                      ajaxRequest(sender, "_moreRecs", []);

    In the OnAjaxEvent of the DBGrid I have the following code which is suppose to change the text color of the button when it's clicked but it doesn't:

    if EventName = '_moreRecs' then
        UniSession.AddJS('Ext.getCmp("moreRecsBtn").setStyle(' +
            '''' + 'color' + '''' + ',' + '''' + 'red' + '''' + ');');

    How can I change the text color of the button?

  8. I am trying to apply some styling to the border of a TUniCanvas using the following, but nothing appears:

    procedure TMainForm.UniFormShow(Sender: TObject);
      with UniCanvas1.JSInterface do
        JSConfig('style', ['border-style: solid']);
        JSConfig('style', ['border-width: 1px']);
        JSConfig('style', ['border-color: red']);

    If I comment out the border-width and border-color lines then the border appears.

    How can I apply all the border styling to the Canvas.

  9. I need do be able to do something similar.

    In the URL that launches the web app will be an identifier to indicate what company a user belongs to, and based on this I need to be able to load in a CSS file which contains their settings so it can be applied to the main form.

    How can I achieve this?

  10. I am trying to set the theme after my login form has been displayed and the user has successful logged in.

    However when I do this the theme doesn't change.

    The only way it seems to work is if it's done in the UniMainModule.OnCreate event handler.

    Is there away to set the theme after my login form has been displayed?

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