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Posts posted by Gabriel

  1. Hi Sherzod, 

    I Attach a small testcase...if you click on the first button (UniButton1) with a cell selected (column january) it would change the css of that cell adding (or subtracting) indentation. What i want is get the final indentation of all cells when i click the second button (getInfo).

    can you help me?



  2. Hi Sherzod, 


    Sorry but I misspelled. I will like to know the css applied to a particular cell. The user can change the "format" of the cell during execution, and at the moment of saving I will like to know the current style.

    Basically I need to access the Attrib attribute of every cell, but not using the OnDrawCell event



  3. On 9/16/2017 at 10:03 AM, Sherzod said:


    If yes, try like this,


    UniStringGrid1 -> OnDrawCell:

    procedure TMainForm.UniStringGrid1DrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer;
      var Value: string; Attribs: TUniCellAttribs);
      S : string;
      Val : Integer;
      S:=TUniStringGrid(Sender).Cells[ACol, ARow];
      Val:=StrToIntDef(S, -1);
      case val of
        0..1000 :
          Attribs.Style.Style := 'text-align: right; color: navy'
        1001..20000 :
          Attribs.Style.Style := 'text-align: left; color: red; font-weight: bold'



    I know this is an old topic, but, it is possible to access TuniCellAttribs for a UniStringGrid not using the OnDrawCell event?

    I will like to know the css apply to a particular cell (it can change during the execution)



  4. Hi Sherzod, 

    thanks for the answer. I was able to make it work on the TestCase with no problem, but, on the real project I set the properties as you describe, and when I open a modal window (a particular one, not all of them) and hit F5 it does not capture the event and still refresh the page, but this behavior happens only with mozilla. Chrome and internet explorer work like a charm.

    ¿Do you have any clues or any advice?





  5. Hi, 

    I have an issue with the MonitoredKeys. I want to prevent the user to refresh (F5) or go full screen (F11), so I set the following MonitoredKeys


    And inside keys: 



    This is for F5 (116) and F11(122). This works great at the beginning. But if I click on a cell to start edit and press F5 or F11 the event is handled by the browser.

    I was able to replicate this issue on Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer.


    I Attach the sample project. To be able to replicate is important to start editing one cell (any)










  6. Hello Sherzod, 

    To reproduce the issue simply add a couple of rows and time scroll down and up fast.

    Also happens if you select the first row and scroll down and up fast

    This is firefox;


    This is Internet Explorer


    I wasnt able to reproduce the issue with Microsoft Edge, but i just see that is the only one not showing the icon next to the url or in the tab title.


    The original post is with Chrome. 



  7. Hello, 


    I'm having an issue with the TUniStringGrid component. After I load all the info, and all is working great, I select the first cell of the grid and do scroll down and up fast it generates a blank space, like the image:



    At first, I thought it was because of my data, so I create an empty project (attached), and the result is the same



    The only difference is that I have to add some rows first.


    If anyone could help me, it would be great.





  8. 1 minute ago, Sherzod said:
    function form.afterrender(sender, eOpts)



    Ok, in any case, we will analyze


    is in the js file. Is one of the tests.


    That function load the menu on the left.



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