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Everything posted by Tonivi

  1. Tonivi

    UniForm2 Parent

    The solution is in the panel Layout := fit thanks
  2. Tonivi

    UniForm2 Parent

    Hi I'm trying to do this from the MainForm UniForm2.Show(); UniForm2.Parent := UniPanel2; // Panel of mainform UniForm2.Align := alClient; But it dosn't work is it possible? thanks
  3. Hi I have an application that I access to the forms as uniFrames var Fr: TUniFrame; begin Fr: = TFormFrame1.Create (Self); Fr.Align: = alClient; Fr.Parent: = panelParent1; How can I access from the mainForm to the FormFrame1 form ?. I put the uses but I do not access the properties of the components or the procedures of Formframe1. Is there any way to do it ? Thanks
  4. Where can I find Sync demos? Enviat des del meu SM-G925F usant Tapatalk
  5. when i click a button I want to change the caption of a label f.e. "working....", while I'm doing some instruccions. the label dosen't refresh, so in delphi we have the application.processmessages., but it dosen't work with unigui.
  6. Hi I've tried to send a unilabel.caption and force with application.processmessages, but no works Is there any similar instruction in unigui. Thanks
  7. Hi, I have an application with about 500 controls, about 20 are UniDbGrid. Running the program on LocalHost takes about 6 seconds and on remote about 20 seconds. I have reduced the number of components and the load is very fast. I would like to know how to create available forms or if I’ve to use the uniFrame, to reduce the loading time. I’ve notice that if I use frames, I lose UniForms properties, and I can’t access to the components of Uniframe from the datamodule, which has de uses. I need you guide me in the best way to use the application as we normally do in Delphi with the mdiform and mdichild forms. Best regards
  8. Tonivi

    Read file .msg

    I have been analyzing this software and it is not what I need. I need to read the body of an e-mail, directly from an .msg file and view it in html format. So the question is: Can I read the body of a .msg and view it in html, just like we do with a pdf and visualize it in PDFVIEWER? I have been analyzing this software and it is not what I need. I need to read the body of an e-mail, either directly from an .msg file or from a previously saved BLOB (Firebird) field, and view it in html. So the question is: I can read the body of a .msg and view it in html, just like we do with a pdf and visualize it in PDFVIEWER?
  9. Tonivi

    Read file .msg

    yes, outlook file
  10. Tonivi

    Read file .msg

    Hi How can I read an e-mail file, and show it in a viewer panel ? thanks
  11. Thanks, works fine with SubType 1
  12. I am trying to display a Blob field in a uniDBGRID. I activate the Displaymemo property in the Notes column, but I can not display the contents of the field, only (BLOB) I use Firebird 2.5 database, Firedac Components and Clientdataset With the demo example it works fine. Any ideas ?
  13. When I do the summary with the check option, the total field is not formatted correctly. See example http://uploadboy.me/bm1g4r8dfd5t/SummaryFormatted.jpg.html
  14. The problem was that i made reference to a label of a form that was not create yet. In delphi normally gives en Access Violation, but in this case, no error was given, and when I tried to load en image, give me the error that seems problem with access rights. It seems a bug, althought the error was mine.
  15. Hi, when i'm trying to load a picture with this instruction FormCRM.UniImage1.Picture.LoadFromFile('C:\Images\Image1.jpg'); The application give this error Uniimage1:TUniImage:Cannot create file "c: \Users\Toni\Documents\embarcadero\S tudio\projects\CRM1\Win32\Debug\cache\crm1_exe\vkZmavmZWFFE96C 30\LSWHTF17071821 0221833.jpg". El sistema no puede encontrar la ruta especificada Unigui licensed FMSoft_uniGUI_Complete_Professional_1.0.0.1399_RC Best regards
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