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Everything posted by FlavioMacedo

  1. Just like in the example I can drag from a local machine folder directly to the UniGui application browse I wish I could do the same thing on the reverse side. It would need to drag from a project folder that is run on the server (for example from a grid or treeview) directly to a folder on the desktop of the client machine. In the above example I have running the reverse path Client -> Server and Accurate Server -> Client
  2. Good morning everyone. I need some more help. I've seen a good example where you can load a file by opening a folder on the client machine and simply dragging the file to the server (http: //forums.unigui...&attach_id=3694). The question is: Would it be possible to do the reverse process, ie just download by dragging the file to the local machine? A great day out for everyone.
  3. OK my friend. I'll upgrade to 1384. Thank you.
  4. Good afternoon. This option is already set to True. It was working with the previous trial version and after installing the new release stopped working.
  5. Good afternoon. This option is already set to True. It was working with the previous trial version and after installing the new release stopped working.
  6. Good afternoon friends. I have the following problem? I'm trying to use the popup menu inside a grid but when I press the right mouse button in addition to my popup it also pops the Browse popup. How do I disable the Browse popup so it does not appear in my application? I downloaded the latest demo version today to do the tests. Thanks for the help of your friends.
  7. Boa tarde amigos. Estou com o seguinte problema? Estou tentando usar o popup menu dentro de um grid porem quando pressiono o botão direito do mouse alem do meu popup também é apresentado o popup do Browse. Como eu desabilito o popup do Browse para que ele não apareça em minha aplicação? Agradeço pela ajuda dos amigos.
  8. Boa tarde amigos. Estou com o seguinte problema? Estou tentando usar o popup menu dentro de um grid porem quando pressiono o botão direito do mouse alem do meu popup também é apresentado o popup do Browse. Como eu desabilito o popup do Browse para que ele não apareça em minha aplicação? Agradeço pela ajuda dos amigos.
  9. Muito bom trabalho Borges. TFA
  10. OK. This one is compiling perfect. I'll try. Thank you
  11. The path must be correct because the entire project is unigui including the examples are working correctly. It must be something else. The .pas file that is giving the error as I understand it is an Indy file. My indy is version 10 using with Delphi 10.1
  12. Yes. I'm using the trial version. Once the project is operational I will be buying the full version. I have the latest version of the site.
  13. I have already taken this example but at the time of compilation I get this error: Fatal Error] ulsGlobal.pas (535): F2613 Unit 'Windows' not found.
  14. Eu já tomei este exemplo, mas no momento da compilação recebo este erro: Fatal Error] ulsGlobal.pas (535): F2613 Unidade 'Windows' não encontrado.
  15. I have already taken this example but at the time of compilation I get this error: Fatal Error] ulsGlobal.pas (535): F2613 Unit 'Windows' not found.
  16. Thanks for the answers but some more questions. 1) there is then some way of being able to select multiple files at a time to upload them all together. I'm trying to use it with unifileupload because I can only select 1 file at a time and would have to upload an entire directory. 2) How do I keep track of the upload progress of the files? Thank you all for your help.
  17. I'll try to explain it better. I am making an application for managing files where the user has a treeview with the directory of his workstation and another one with the directories of the server. The server is OK but the local machine where the user could get their files, drag and drop into the server directory. In the location where the directory of the client machine should appear the server always appears. I am not able to direct the program to pick up the user's machine pastes so that it selects the file to upload. It's more or less like a dropbox.
  18. Good morning everyone. The problem is this: I installed the application where I have to present the directory tree of the client machine and I'm putting this in a treeview but it always mounts the directory tree where the application is running. I need this tree to be the one of the client machine and not of the server. Could someone help me with this problem? My code that mounts the memory table to show the directory looks like this: procedure TMainForm.DirTreeChange(Sender: TObject; Node: TUniTreeNode); var sr: TSearchRec; FileAttrs: Integer; theNode: TUniTreeNode; begin FileAttrs := faDirectory; if (Node.Level = 0) then exit; if (Node.Level = 1) then begin Ni1 := 'c:\' + Node.text; end; if (Node.Level = 2) then begin Ni1 := 'C:\' + Node.Parent.text + '\' + Node.text; end; if (Node.Level = 3) then begin Ni1 := 'C:\' + Node.Parent.Parent.text + '\' + Node.Parent.text + '\' + Node.text; end; ... ... ... if (Node.Level = 12) then begin Ni1 := 'C:\' + Node.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.text + '\' + Node.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.text + '\' + Node.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.text + '\' + Node.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.text + '\' + Node.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.text + '\' + Node.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.text + '\' + Node.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.text + '\' + Node.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.text + '\' + Node.Parent.Parent.Parent.text + '\' + Node.Parent.Parent.text + '\' + Node.Parent.text + '\' + Node.text; end; MemData_Diretorio.Close; MemData_Diretorio.Open; if FindFirst(Ni1 + '\*.*', FileAttrs, sr) = 0 then begin repeat if (sr.Attr and FileAttrs) = sr.Attr then begin if ((sr.name <> '.') and (sr.name <> '..')) then begin if Node.Level = 0 then begin theNode := DirTree.Items.AddChild(nil, sr.name); end else begin theNode := DirTree.Items.AddChild(Node, sr.name); end; theNode.HasChildren := True; end; end else begin MemData_Diretorio.Insert; MemData_Diretorioupdate.AsBoolean := false; MemData_DiretorioArquivo.asstring := sr.name; MemData_DiretorioModificacao.asstring := FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss', FileDateToDateTime(sr.Time)); MemData_DiretorioTamanho.asstring := inttostr(sr.Size); MemData_Diretorio.Post; end; until FindNext(sr) <> 0; FindClose(sr); end; end; Thank you all for the help. Thank you
  19. Bom dia a todos. O problema esta sendo o seguinte: Montei a aplicação onde devo apresentar a árvore de diretórios da maquina do cliente e estou colocando isto em um treeview porem ele sempre monta a árvore de diretório de onde a aplicação esta sendo executada. Preciso que esta árvore seja a da máquina cliente e não do servidor. Alguém poderia me ajudar com este problema? Meu código que monta a tabela de memória para mostrar o diretório esta assim: procedure TMainForm.DirTreeChange(Sender: TObject; Node: TUniTreeNode); var sr: TSearchRec; FileAttrs: Integer; theNode: TUniTreeNode; begin FileAttrs := faDirectory; if (Node.Level = 0) then exit; if (Node.Level = 1) then begin Ni1 := 'c:\' + Node.text; end; if (Node.Level = 2) then begin Ni1 := 'C:\' + Node.Parent.text + '\' + Node.text; end; if (Node.Level = 3) then begin Ni1 := 'C:\' + Node.Parent.Parent.text + '\' + Node.Parent.text + '\' + Node.text; end; ... ... ... if (Node.Level = 12) then begin Ni1 := 'C:\' + Node.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.text + '\' + Node.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.text + '\' + Node.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.text + '\' + Node.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.text + '\' + Node.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.text + '\' + Node.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.text + '\' + Node.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.text + '\' + Node.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.text + '\' + Node.Parent.Parent.Parent.text + '\' + Node.Parent.Parent.text + '\' + Node.Parent.text + '\' + Node.text; end; MemData_Diretorio.Close; MemData_Diretorio.Open; if FindFirst(Ni1 + '\*.*', FileAttrs, sr) = 0 then begin repeat if (sr.Attr and FileAttrs) = sr.Attr then begin if ((sr.name <> '.') and (sr.name <> '..')) then begin if Node.Level = 0 then begin theNode := DirTree.Items.AddChild(nil, sr.name); end else begin theNode := DirTree.Items.AddChild(Node, sr.name); end; theNode.HasChildren := True; end; end else begin MemData_Diretorio.Insert; MemData_Diretorioupdate.AsBoolean := false; MemData_DiretorioArquivo.asstring := sr.name; MemData_DiretorioModificacao.asstring := FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss', FileDateToDateTime(sr.Time)); MemData_DiretorioTamanho.asstring := inttostr(sr.Size); MemData_Diretorio.Post; end; until FindNext(sr) <> 0; FindClose(sr); end; end; Agradeço a todas a ajudas. Obrigado
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