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Everything posted by d.bernaert

  1. Hi, I'm still facing performance issues on our new servers even with all anti-virus, ... disabled. I would really like to have someone have a look at this as this is holding us from migrating to the new servers. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Dominique
  2. Hello, We have an online manual written in manula.com. The manual is hosted on manula.com and we would like to integrate it in a URL Frame by referencing the URL of the manual. This works perfectly, but each time we open the form, we get the message to accept the cookies for the website, which is not the case when visiting the site directly, there we only get the message once. Is it possible to keep the cookies for the page viewed in the URLFrame? Thx, Dominique
  3. Hi, I have a customer that would like to be able to preview most common file types directly from the browser. This includes doc, docx, Excel and graphic files. Is there any library out there that allows to preview these types of documents directly in a frame or so, so that the user does not have to download it and open it on the client machine. It's just previewing, nog editing. Thx, Dominique
  4. We now have disabled the complete antivirus on the server. It still does not work. I've taken a simple Unigui application for this (standard form and one button). I can open the server panel '/server' without a problem, but when launching the application itself I get an error in Chrome (/WAVEDESK/:1 GET net::ERR_INVALID_CHUNKED_ENCODING 200), in Firefox, I get nothing. Can anybody help me? I'm stuck installing the server. Dominique
  5. Yes, I think the hosting company installed an antivirus.
  6. Hi, I'm setting up a new IIS server. I've followed the steps described in the manual. I can access the server of the application but when trying to access the application itself I get nothing. When looking in the console of Chrome i get ERR_INVALID_CHUNKED_ENCODING. Anybody has an idea where to search? I'm accessing it now using http, SSL certificates will be installed when the server is completely setup. Thank you Bernaert Dominique
  7. Hi, This is not a question directly related to Unigui but to web development. We are using an external SMTP provider for sending mass mails. We would like to capture feedback from sending (bounced, delivered, ...). For this we need to setup a webhook that will get notifications from the SMTP provider. I cannot find any samples on the web for setting this up. Does anybody have experience with this? Thx, Dominique
  8. Hi, One of my customers sometimes receives an error message when filtering a dataset. There is a shortcut on the screen to filter the dataset by a certain criteria and now and then he receives the following error message and everything hangs.
  9. Hello, I'm using TsiLang for the translations. Everything works fine. Now I'm facing a problem, we are trying to implement reordering and persisting of columns, ... TsiLang uses the index of the field in the grid by default for the translations, which works fine as long as you don't change the order of the fields in the grid. After contacting TsiLang, they suggest to make the fields persistent in the dataset and translate the Displaylabel property in the dataset instead of the column captions. Problem is that when the column captions are changed, the column headers of unidbgrid do not change to the value of the displaylabel property of the dataset. Is there a way to make them change? Thank you, Bernaert Dominique
  10. d.bernaert

    Session mix

    Hello, This morning I got a strange call from a customer. He was working in a session and at a certain moment he started seeing to the logo of another customer on a print-out he was making. Is that possible? Each customer has his own database where the logo is stored. Could it be that there was a mix-up of sessions? Never heard that before, but the customer who does not know the other customer could very well describe the logo of the other customer he was seeing on his screen. Dominique
  11. Sherzod, Solved. It was an issue with the filename, it contained a # character. Thx, Dominique
  12. Hi, I'm having a problem uploading a .msg file to the server. When debugging i get a EUniSessionException with message 'Invalid session or session Timeout. (Invalid URI: /HandleEvent). How can this be solved? The code that should be executed in UploadCompleted does not get executed. Thx, Dominique
  13. Hi Farshad, The problem was caused with an update of Firefox. It was resolved by Firefox with a next update, it apparently was not a Unigui problem. Thx anyway for coming back on this. Dominique
  14. Hi, I would like to add a help button to the main form of my application that gives access to the knowledge base. This is the script that should be included: <script> window.fwSettings={ 'widget_id':80000001814 }; !function(){if("function"!=typeof window.FreshworksWidget){var n=function(){n.q.push(arguments)};n.q=[],window.FreshworksWidget=n}}() </script> <script type='text/javascript' src='https://euc-widget.freshworks.com/widgets/80000001814.js' async defer></script> I tried adding https://euc-widget.freshworks.com/widgets/80000001814.js to CustomFiles in the servermodule and added window.fwSettings={ 'widget_id':80000001814 }; !function(){if("function"!=typeof window.FreshworksWidget){var n=function(){n.q.push(arguments)};n.q=[],window.FreshworksWidget=n}}() to the script of the mainform but that does not seem to work.
  15. Hello, I'm trying to store the width of the fields, the order and the visibility in each unidbgrid of the application. For that I'm using these routines I have found on the forum. procedure SaveGridLayout(Mydbgrid: TUniDbGrid; GridName: string); var Lines: TStringList; i: Integer; my_visible: String; Directory: String; FileName: String; begin Directory := 'C:\UserSettings\' + UniMainModule.Company_account_name + '\user_' + IntToStr(UniMainModule.User_Id); FileName := Directory + '\' + GridName + '.txt'; if not DirectoryExists(Directory) then if ForceDirectories(Directory) = False then Exit; Lines := TStringList.Create; try with Mydbgrid do begin for i := 0 to Mydbgrid.Columns.Count - 1 do begin if Mydbgrid.Columns[i].Visible = true then my_visible := 'true' else my_visible := 'false'; Lines.Add(IntToStr(Mydbgrid.Columns[i].Index) + '~ ' + Mydbgrid.Columns[i].DisplayName + '~ ' + Mydbgrid.Columns[i].Title.Caption + '~ ' + IntToStr(Mydbgrid.Columns[i].Width) + '~ ' + my_visible); end; end; Lines.SaveToFile(FileName); finally Lines.Free; end; end; procedure LoadGridLayout(Mydbgrid: TUniDbGrid; GridName: string); var Lines: TStringList; ColumnInfo: TStringList; LineCtr: Integer; ColIdx: Integer; Cnt: Integer; FileName: String; begin FileName := 'C:\UserSettings\' + UniMainModule.Company_account_name + '\user_' + IntToStr(UniMainModule.User_Id) + '\' + GridName + '.txt'; if FileExists(FileName) then begin Lines := TStringList.Create; ColumnInfo := TStringList.Create; Try Lines.LoadFromFile(FileName); for LineCtr := 0 to Lines.Count - 1 do begin if Trim(Lines[lineCtr]) <> '' then begin ColumnInfo.Clear; ColumnInfo.Text := StringReplace(Lines[LineCtr], '~ ', #13#10, [rfIgnoreCase, rfReplaceAll]); Cnt := Mydbgrid.Columns.Count; For colIdx := 0 to cnt - 1 do begin if Mydbgrid.Columns[colIdx].FieldName = columnInfo[1] then begin Mydbgrid.Columns[colIdx].Width := StrToInt(columnInfo[3]); Mydbgrid.Columns[colIdx].Title.Caption := ColumnInfo[2]; if ColumnInfo[4] = 'true' then Mydbgrid.Columns[colIdx].Visible := true else Mydbgrid.Columns[colIdx].Visible := false; Mydbgrid.Columns[colIdx].Index := lineCtr; // StrToInt(columnInfo[0]); order instead end; end; end; end; finally Lines.Free; if Assigned(ColumnInfo) then ColumnInfo.Free; end; end; end; They work fine, but all of my grids have forcefit set to true and have 1 or more fields that have the property flex set to 1 to fill the free space. It does not seem to work correctly when flex is set to 1 for fields for what concerns the width of the fields. Is there a way to get it working correctly? For instance, 1 have 4 fields in a grid. 3 of them have a fixed with of 150 pixels, the 4th field has flex set to 1 to take the rest of the available space. If I make the 3 fields smaller, the new size seems to be ignored when restoring the grid. Thx, Dominique When I make the
  16. Hi, We have an invoicing module in our platform. We have the request of the customer to be able to use bold, italic and underline in the description of the articles and in the comments they enter. We use Fastreport for the generation of the invoice, it has support for bold, italic and underline tags in the strings, so that is not the problem. I'm looking for a way to have the user add or remove these 3 types to text in an easy way without using a html editor because the string needs to stay a string with just a bold opening en closing tag for instance. I can create a popup where they can select the desired tag and insert the tag before and after the selected text but is there a ways to display html text in for instance a memo or in a edit or dbedit field? Something like Textconversion set to txtHtml on unilabel? Thx, Dominique
  17. Hi Farshad, The problem of the upload size seems to be solved by making this adjustment. Now I'm facing another issue, that is a timeout message when uploading. Is there a way to solve that? Thank you, Dominique
  18. Hi Sherzod, this is running in production on IIS with hyperserver. Dominique
  19. Hi, I'm having a customer that is getting an error uploading files to the server. He get's error status = 413. This is a file of 35 MB. How can I prevent this from happening. That platform should at least support file uploads of max. 50 MB. Thanks, Dominique
  20. Hello, I'm creating dynamically tabsheets on a unipagecontrol. On these tabsheets I host Uniframes that are created together with the tabsheet. The user can close tabsheets. My question is the following, when the user closes a tabsheet, the tabsheet is freed. Will the uniframe hosted on the tabsheet also be automatically freed or does this need to be done manually? Thx, Dominique
  21. Hi Sherzod, I'm having another problem with the css you provided. My custom theme has a shadow and the shadow seems to disappear when using the css provided in the login screen. Very strange. Included you can find a screenshot of the shadow that is normally visible.
  22. Great Sherzod, thx! Is it possible to combine this with a small movement? All forms are centered, so if I could combine this with for instance a travel from 100 pixels below the center to the center with the same timing, that would create a beautiful effect I think. Is that possible? Dominique
  23. Hi Thx, but there seems to be a file missing in the download. Dominique
  24. Hi, I would like to add a small animation to my forms when showing, including the login form. For example this page: http://angular-material.fusetheme.com/pages/auth/login It slides in the form from the bottom but not completely from the bottom, only partly. Can this be done in Unigui? Thx, Dominique
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