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  1. Dear Sherzod! The latest Trial, so it is Thanx! :)
  2. Dear Friends! I saw in the FormWithParent2 demo app a Frame that is placed on the form at designtime. I tried to find out, what is the correct way to drop them on the form, but without any success... What is the right way to define a UniFrame and place it on other forms? Is it possible at designtime or do I have to do it at runtime? In the above demo when I switch to DFM source, the embedded UniFrame is shown like this: inline UniFrame11: TUniFrame1 Left = 321 Top = 0 Width = 414 Thanks.
  3. Thanx, guys! It is absolutely clear now. In the meantime I inspected the HTTP traffic between Firefox and the UniGUI server application with the built-in developer tools in FF, and it lightened me up... I saw all AJAX-messages and noticed the client-side object IDs and also the response was very clear. Thanx! Alex
  4. Dear Members! I've recently found UniGUI and immediately started testing it. It is a fantastic tool for a hardcore desktop VCL-developer... But there is a question that I could't answer based on the available documentation. Here is a sample code: procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); Var I:Integer; begin UniListBox1.Items.BeginUpdate; For I:=1 To 100 do UniListBox1.Items.Add(I.ToString()); UniListBox1.Items.EndUpdate; end; I know this code is run on serverside. All code on Delphi-level runs on server-side, right? So, my question is: what is the workflow of serverside events? I push the button on the clientside and it triggers an AJAX-request to the server module? After executing the Delphi-code, the ExtJS representation of the VCL-listbox receives its state from the server module? Is it right? Or is there any architectural diagram about the event-processing or about the workflow of the whole UniGUI framework? I am very newbie on this platforms. Thanx! Cheers: Alex
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