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Fábio Matte

uniGUI Subscriber
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Posts posted by Fábio Matte

  1. 9 hours ago, Sherzod said:

    And what kind of form? Do you use customJS code there? Are there any errors in the browser console?

    Also, Is the connection limit set? Firewall; Antivirus...

    1. I use a UniFrame;
    2. I am not using CustomJS;
    3. I opened the browser console, and it also has no error.
    4. I have not set the connection limit, where can I do it and how?
    5. Firewall and Antivirus is disabled in testing.

  2. Good night people,
    What happens ?
    My form goes blank a few times a day, happening 3 to 4 times in a row, and the only way to get back to normal is by refreshing the system page (F5 or restarting via the link).
    What can cause the form to lock up and go blank like this?



    Log Error:

    BetterFuell.dll: 00000290: 20:49:44 [SendCommand Error, Node: 0]:Socket Error # 10061
    Connection refused.
    BetterFuell.dll: 00000290: 20:49:45 [SendCommand Error, Node: 0]:Socket Error # 10061
    Connection refused.
    BetterFuell.dll: 00000290: 20:49:58 [SendCommand Error, Node: 0]:Socket Error # 10061
    Connection refused.
    BetterFuell.dll: 00000290: 20:49:59 [SendCommand Error, Node: 0]:Socket Error # 10061
    Connection refused.


  3. Display Panel over dbGrid

    Good morning, how to make a Panel stay above a UniDbGrid, because in the designe it gets normal, but when it runs the application it gets behind the Grid, how can I solve it?
    Attached images.




  4. Remove PageControl borders

    Good afternoon,
    How do I remove these borders (see attached image) that appear around the PageControl components, to make the look more elegant?

    Is it possible to do via CSS, if so, how should I do it? Or what other way is that possible?


  5. 6 minutes ago, Sherzod said:


    You are using "Uses Clipbrd", It works on the server side, not on the client.

    You need JS solution.

    Please try to search on the forum.

    As I speak Portuguese, I already researched several terms but I could not reach a link to help me.
    Is there a forum link to tell me or give me a direction?

  6. I need to copy the text that was selected in the UnidbGrid, through the option of a PopUp menu.
    I am using the following code:

       col: Integer;
       TextCopy: string;
       col: = gridSenhasLiberadas.CurrCol;
       Clipboard.AsText: = gridSeedLibrary.Columns.Items [col] .Field.AsString;
       TextCopy: = Clipboard.AsText;

    If I give a ShowMessage, I see the Clipboard, however I can not paste it anywhere else.
    Apparently it's not on the clipboard.

    How do I then get that dbGrid value and actually put it in the clipboard through a popup menu?

  7. Problems with two Unigui Applications on the same IIS Server

    Good afternoon,
    I have two Unigui applications running on IIS.
    One at port 81 and one at port 82.
    But if I open http: // localhost: 81, and then open a new window and try to open it to http: // localhost: 82, it keeps loading http: // localhost: 81 and in that situation I have to keep giving Ctrl + F5 several times until it opens at http: // localhost: 82.
    Once you have opened http: // localhost: 82 it is the APP http: // localhost: 81 which gives the same problem.

    How do I fix this? I already researched but could not find material or a solution.

    Note ..: PHP sites work normal, the problem is with applications made with Unigui.
    This happens if you try to open in the same browser (Tested in Chrome)

    Follows the images of the Pool configuration of the two applications


    APP 01


    APP 02


  8. How do I detect the browser that is running the application?
    Because this code only works right when I run in debugger:
       C: TUniClientInfoRec;
       label_ra.Caption: = UniApplication.RemoteAddress;
       C: = UniApplication.ClientInfoRec;
       label_bt.Caption: = C.BrowserType;
       label_bv.Caption: = IntToStr (C.BrowserVersion);
       label_os.Caption: = C.OSType;

    But when I run inside Apache or IIS, it is not returning me anything, it comes in white.




    If I understand you correctly, you can use these configs:

    function beforeInit(sender, config)
        //config.itemTpl = '<div style="color: green; font-weight: bold">{val}</div>';
        config.itemCls = 'myList';
    .myList {
        color: green;
        font-weight: bold;

    Thank you, that was exactly it.


  10. Hi,


    Sorry, can you please explain in more detail ?


    Image attached.
    I would like the icons to be bigger, examples: 24px or 48px, because it would make a better appearance in my application, because currently the IconCls are very small.


  11. Possible error in TUnimBitbtn's IconCls


    Good morning, I've set up my TUnimBitbtn with the IconCls property inside the Mobile App, but the icon is only displayed if the Caption property has a filled character. If the caption property is null or blank, the IconCls icon is not displayed, is this correct? Is there anything I need to do? Or it's a component bug!



    Image with the location of the information.

    Image with Caption filled in appears the icon.

    Picture without Caption filled in does not appear icon.




  12. How do I let UnimNumberEdit allow me to put a '0' on the left?


    For example:

    I have two situations.


    1st Situation:

    I need to put in a field the prefix of the phone 069, but when I leave the field it is only 69.


    2nd Situation:

    I have a vehicle registration, and in this register I inform him of his license as follows. In a UniEdit I inform the letters of the board: NBH and in a field UnimNumberEdit I must inform the numbers of the board: 0985, but when I leave the field UnimNumberEdit automatically it converts to 985. The final result should be NBH-0985, but it's getting NBH-985.


    So I need the UnimNumberEdit field to accept 0 on the left.


    Is there any way to do this?

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