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Everything posted by clement

  1. Thanks. It works by using UrlRedirect/BrowserWindow. But how can I open it in a new tab?
  2. Sorry for my poor explanation. Let me try to give another example. Due to the trial version cannot allow to change the Port Number, I use two PCs to test it. In the 1st PC, the UniGUI main application is installed and run in PC's windows service manager. In the 2nd PC, the UniGUI Sub application is installed and run in PC's windows service manager. I use the browser (localhost:8077) to open the main application, then I click the link in the main application for opening the sub application by: ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar('IP_Address:8077'), nil, nil, SW_ShowNormal); it should open the sub application in a new tab of the same browser, but it can't.
  3. I have one main application and one sub application. Both are created in windows service application, and installed in PC's service. In main application has one button to open the Sub application in a new tab by using the below code: ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar(vLocation), nil, nil, SW_ShowNormal); However, there is no reaction after I click the button (but it works if I run both application in debug mode) Is it because I am using the trial version? thanks.
  4. HI, I have two UniGUI windows services (winA and winB). the winB cannot open from winA in the browser, is it the trial version limitation? Thank You.
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