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Everything posted by tomward

  1. Just in case this is helpful for anyone else ... Looks like this was a bug in hyperserver which has since been fixed I had upgraded unigui framework but neglected to upgrade the hyperserver dl file to the latest one
  2. So have found that it is only a problem when using hyperserver Minimal test case: 1) Load unigui example 'HTTP Post Callback - URL Frame - Auto Target' 2) If compiled as isapi dll and run from https:// address, urls generated will have https:// on them (verify by inspecting the form before callbacks called) 3) If compiled as exe and run from hyperserver on https:// address, urls generated will have http:// on them
  3. Running latest version of unigui on hyperserver and app is using https: address. When I use CallBackUrlEx function it returns an http address - I then redirect to a banking form which then passes control back via this url, but get a 'Mixed Content' / 'was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure frame' / 'This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.' message and control never returns. Have tried manually inserting an 's' into the url but then the callback doesn't get called at all. Anyone have any ideas? Many thanks in advance if you do!
  4. OK, so managed to find the problem - removed the 'true,false' at the end and it worked. Looks like it was the last 'false' that caused the problem and had base64 turned off. Strange that this has been working previously. I had the last param as 'false' as had previously found that unless I did this the url wouldn't be recognised as valid on the payment processor page that I was redirecting to. I was running on an older version of unigui and recall seeing a bug fix that said something like a CR was being added by this CallbackUrlEx function so perhaps that was why the url wasn't being recognised previously. Still - doesn't explain why I didn't have that ajax error previously with base64 turned off. Anyway - working now so I'm happy!
  5. Have been tearing my hair out for last three days trying to find a single bug and completely stumped. It's hard to provide a simple test case as it's an ecommerce situation with rather complicated encryption, but basically boils down to: 1) CallbackUrlEx called to get a url (Sc:=UniSession.CallbackUrlEx('mycallback', Self, [], TRUE, FALSE);) 2) UniURL Frame with a form inside it, when submitted goes to an ecommerce platform. hidden inputs have various things in, including url from above function to return to 3) In OnAjaxEvent when the callback is hit, any attempt to do anything visual (showing messages, changing visible status of panel, etc), shows strange ajax error like attached image, but things that you'd expect to work server-side seem to work ok. The attached image is from a 'showmessage' but whatever you access seems to be undefined. It's like it's jumping back somewhere out of context. The error messages often seem to show javascript that is corrupted with missing dots, etc. Have latest version of unigui, but have tried earlier versions, and an old version of the app from backup which I swore was working previously but no idea what has changed. My subscription had expired so even tried upgrading to the latest commercial version, hoping in vain that it was a bug that had since been fixed, but suspect it's me who is doing something wrong. Does this ring any bells with anyone?
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