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Posts posted by docjones

  1. try
      Procedure(Sender: TComponent; Result:Integer)
            if Result=mrOk then Begin


    I just try creating a free form to search data, but when I call showmodal, error occurs (see attach).

    TSearchFreeForm is a simple empty Free form.

    I think that my code is correct.

    Versión Pro.







  2. Hi.


    I'm trying run my unigui (standAlone server) application on new machine without installing the fmruntime

    but when load url, stay loading message, and never load.


    Seems that error is related to uniroot folder (i never touch it,  set as default , uniroot = '[uni]\'  ).


    Using version 0.99.1150 pro



    thats the log.


    XREPORTS: 000004C4: 16:28:02 []:TUniThemeProps: File not found: C:\uni\css\uni-xtheme-gray.css
    XREPORTS: 00000EBC: 16:28:02 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: C:\uni\ext-unicommon-min.js
    XREPORTS: 00000C90: 16:28:02 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: C:\uni\ext-sync-min.js
    XREPORTS: 00000C68: 16:28:02 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: C:\uni\css\uni-ext.css
    XREPORTS: 0000057C: 16:28:02 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: C:\uni\css\uni-xtheme-common.css
    XREPORTS: 000008A8: 16:28:02 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: C:\uni\ClearButton\ClearButton.css
    XREPORTS: 00000434: 16:28:02 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: C:\uni\ClearButton\ClearButton.js
    XREPORTS: 000004F4: 16:28:02 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: C:\uni\AlwaysOnTop.js
    XREPORTS: 000007DC: 16:28:02 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: C:\uni\ext-unigui-min.js
    XREPORTS: 000009F0: 16:28:02 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: C:\uni\ext-treenode-plugin.js
    XREPORTS: 00000FE0: 16:29:34 [indy]:EIdConnClosedGracefully : Connection Closed Gracefully.



    i copied the next folders to my executable path






    and in my application when uniservermodulebeforeinit, I set exroot server folder to 'ext-x.y.z\'


    TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleBeforeInit(Sender: TObject);





    this was working on oldest versions, but now, in .0.99.1150, can't run without install fmruntime.


  3. Hi


    I'm doing a report intensive app using latest unigui pro + codegear xe2.


    using chrome, all is working perfect


    but using iexplorer (windows 7, latest iexplorer version 11), loading pdf into urlframe in tabsheet,  and forms are behind the pdf, it's dificult to explian, see attached images

    tried with acrobat and pdfjs, and same problem.


    Here is normal.



    Here the problem.






    i can open a new window to show the report and avoid the problem, but it will broke my interface filosophy.


    ¿ it's a iexplorer problem ? , ¿ how can i resolve ?.









  4. I think that it's a bad thing.

    You're telling to page all your inactive memory to disk. It obeys. The moment you touch any of that memory again, the OS has to page it back into RAM. You're forcing disk I/O that you don't actually know you need.

    and yes you are releasing memory, but you are forcing disk i/o, if your application is losing memory, that's not the way.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Use latest version of unigui

    if you change unicombobox.itemindex := value , combobox will be updated.


    another  solution :


    Create a table with the content of the combobox. (in database or in  memory)

    Put a UniDBLookupComboBox instead a combobox, ,  set listsource to a dataset to this table,  set listfield and keyfield,

    when you click in the dbgrid and OnColumnSort event is generated, set UniDBLookupComboBox.keyvalue to your columname or value.

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