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Posts posted by docjones

  1. Hi

    I'm have my unigui app installed in iiss 7, all it's working fine, except i'm using a custom js files included in servermodule and in files folder, and IIS could not locate, it's using a incorrect folder


    I only have that problem running into iis, running as standalone .exe all it's working fine.
    wpark.dll it's in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\WGpark\
    and that's my uniservermodule custom files.


    tested path ./files.. , /files .. \files , etc etc.. and same problem.., i don't know why IIS it's searching files in incorrect folder wgpark.dll/files adding wpark.dll to the path.







  2. Hi All.

    I'm doing and application that load a custom leaflet map in a uniHTMLframe (maps it's loading and working fine), this map create a custom points/poligons and i need to detect when the user click this points and show a unigui custom dialog.
    The problem it's that how to know the jsname of urlframe (inside javascript) to fire the ajaxrequest and catch the event in unigui application.

    i can see that urlfame1.jsname it's O2A, and if i put this name in ajaxrequest i can catch the event in the uniHtmlframe onajaxrequest event,   but how to get this jsname in jscript ?

    thats the jscript map.

    var geoMap = null;
    var pin = null;
    function onClicked(sender, args) {
        var go = sender;
        ajaxRequest(uniframe, 'customEvent',
          name: sender.text,
          id: sender.id
    function createTestMap() {
        var divName = "uni_map_leaflet";
        var zoomConf = new GeoMapZoomConfig(20, 10, 22);
        var config = new GeoMapConfig(GeoMapType.Default, "Mapa de test", 39.466667, -0.375000, zoomConf);
        geoMap = new GeoMap(divName, config);
        pin = new GeoAwesomeMarker(geoMap, "PIN", [new GeoPoint(39.476267, -0.375000)], "Pinde prueba", "", true, "frog", "red");
    setTimeout(function () { return createTestMap(); }, 1000);



  3. Hi All.

    I'm doing and application that load a custom leaflet map in a urlframe (maps it's loading and working fine), this map create a custom points/poligons and i need to detect when the user click this points and show a unigui custom dialog.
    The problem it's that how to know the jsname of urlframe (inside javascript) to fire the ajaxrequest and catch the event in unigui application.

    i can see that urlfame1.jsname it's O2A, and if i put this name in ajaxrequest i can catch the event in the urlframe onajaxrequest event,   but how to get this jsname in jscript ?

    thats the jscript map.

    var geoMap = null;
    var pin = null;
    function onClicked(sender, args) {
        var go = sender;
        ajaxRequest(uniframe, 'customEvent',
          name: sender.text,
          id: sender.id
    function createTestMap() {
        var divName = "uni_map_leaflet";
        var zoomConf = new GeoMapZoomConfig(20, 10, 22);
        var config = new GeoMapConfig(GeoMapType.Default, "Mapa de test", 39.466667, -0.375000, zoomConf);
        geoMap = new GeoMap(divName, config);
        pin = new GeoAwesomeMarker(geoMap, "PIN", [new GeoPoint(39.476267, -0.375000)], "Pinde prueba", "", true, "frog", "red");
    setTimeout(function () { return createTestMap(); }, 1000);



  4. * Solved.
    I Copied manually F:\XXXXX\Lib\COMUN\UniguiFramework\uniGUI\unipackages-6.6.0 , to  F:\XXXXX\Lib\COMUN\UniguiFramework\Framework\uniGUI\and now it's working.

    But the problem i'ts that uni-package installer install it in diferent folder (tested again) i don't know why...

  5. they are in diferent folder.

    unigui in F:\XXXXX\Lib\COMUN\UniguiFramework\Framework


    And unipackages in




    They are in diferent folders. , May be thats the problem.

    but i don't know why theme-pack installed in diferent folder., theme-pack installer don't ask where.



  6. Hi

    I'm using latest full registed version (1.7.x)

    Installed FMSoft_uniGUI_Theme_Pack 1.7.x, but this themes not showing in unimainmodule themes property, only list default themes.



    And if i set one of theme pack in UniGUIMainModuleCreate(Sender: TObject)  like theme:='carbon' or theme='uni_carbon' , not working.., i don't know what happend.

    How can i use theme-pack ?



  7. I think it's not possible at the moment.., and i don't know if this functionality will be included in the future.
    now nodes are limited to same hyperserver machine.

    and another question about escability..

    ¿ how many connections can handle hyperserver ? , becouse if hyperserver need create and maintain a thead (and session) in every connection we have the same thread's proccess limitation,  and that can not be very efficient if we want to have a lot of users (3k or 4k ?¿)








  8. hi

    Hyperserver it's limited to balacing in only one machine becouse nodes only can spawn in the same machine as hyperserver, right?
    what happend if i want balancing a 20.000 concurrent users in unigui app width hyperserver? , one machine it's enough?
    ¿ there are any way to balacing unigui app in several machines ? . will be nice and better improvement if nodes can spawn in several and diferent machines



  9. I know,  but i don't want all users have same theme.

    I want change theme after user logged, becouse is when i  know who is logged and which is the prefered user-theme (every user can have a diferent prefered theme).


    then, it's not possible that diferent users have diferent themes...., becouse when user login i must reload the app to apply the user-theme, and then user must be loggeed again.

  10. I think that you can use mormot framework server / client.


    Create a mormot server that have the services / push notifications.

    add a mormot client to your form, or unimainmodule


    or  easy way , your server save your data in a table , and unigui refresh data-table / unicontrols in unitimer.

  11. Hi


    I can change the Theme when main module is created, but, if i try change the theme after user login (in Tuniloginform) then not works.


    I want that diferent users have diferent theme , but it's not possible if only can apply the theme in onmainmodulecreate.


    there are any way to do this ?



  12. it not necesary put the focus in edit control,  there are several ways to do it, you can show new form to read, or read in focused control, or read all keys presed in active form / all controls.


    See attached example. , it capture all keys pressed in all controls (no necessary focused on edit),  and determine if all keys are pressed fast (when reading from scanner all keys are typed very fast)


    there are not diference using a non unigui app, the method is the same, you must capture all key's pressed and control when or where keys are pressed.





  13. What is key send barcode scanner ?

    sorry, i don't understand what are you asking.


    open a notepad or word, then scan the codebar and see what happened


    For your unigui app is the same, it's  like if you are typing the code and pressing intro with the keyboard.

  14. Yep..I need to access the printer on the browser side at the customer location.


    you can not  access the printer on the client side.  it's a general browsers security, client browsers don't allow that web page have access to local hardware like printers, disks, etc.

    U must have clear that unigui app is running on the SERVER side, and this app never can access to the 'client printer side', only can access to the SERVER printer becouse is running on the same machine.


    Your unigui app must export your report in pdf format, and load it in a unihtmlframe. (there are a several examples in the forum).

    The client browser show the pdf report, and user must click on print button, that's the only way..


    If you have several pdf's that same client/user must be print, fist compose a big pdf with all the pages to print (or generate a composed report and export to pdf), then load only one pdf instead several's.

    • Upvote 2
  15. Estoy empezando y tengo algunas dudas. Cómo lo están haciendo sus proyectos? Algún tipo de formas moduralização? Se están creando dinámica? Realizada en BPL? O están compilados con el proyecto en un único archivo ejecutable? Y cuando tienen que actualizar el cliente, ya que hacer?



    Usar BPL o módulos DLL donde se implementen diferentes funcionalidades , o segmentar el aplicativo en diferentes módulos, ya es cuestión del aplicativo y la arquitectura elegida. 

    Pienso que en un aplicativo unigui, no tiene mucho sentido utilizar BPL's, creo que aportaría mas inconvenientes que ventajas.


    Yo lo que hago es que cuando  la web es muy grande y hay módulos que puedo separar y diferenciar, lo separo en varias webs (varias app unigui),  y desde una web principal, enlazo con las url's de los diferentes módulos, pasando parámetros al llamarlas y mostrandolo en un htmlframe


    Por ejemplo, podrías tener una app unigui, que únicamente se encargue de los reports y que generará el informe / pdf en función de los parámetros que le pases, o una app unigui que contenga determinados formularios cargando uno u otro al pasarle un parámetro, por ejemplo http://localhost:8079?page=clientes&empresa=1&token=************

    Además de esta forma la aplicación es mas escalable, pudiendo tener diferentes módulos en distintos servidores.

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