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Everything posted by hm5161

  1. Thnx, but: Unfortunaly no luck. White space/borders right and bottom still present. I have a single panel on a form with align = client. Borders on window indeed disapear but the panel is 10px smaller then the window. The 10px are on the right and bottom size. If a use a use a padding of 5px the panel is in the middle of the window again (logic of course) So it seems that the panel is always calculated 10px smaller then the window. regards
  2. I try to show a new window/form without borders. Did the following: function window.beforerender(sender,eOpt) { Ext.apply( sender, { border:false, bodyPadding: 0, padding: 0, margin:0, baseCls: '', frame: false, maximizable: false, resizable:false });} and: function window.afterrender )sender,eOpt) { Ext.get(sender.id).el.setStyle("padding",0); Ext.get(sender.id).el.setStyle("margin",0); } This still leaves a white border on the right and bottom, aprox. 10pix Anyone any idea how completely get rid of the borders?? Thnx
  3. Is the nested dbgrid already available? I found the RowExpander.js but it is not clear how to implement that. regards, Hein megens
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