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Everything posted by diegojmap

  1. I thought maybe I had another way. For example, create a control that you can use in more than one place using parent.
  2. This form is a set of forms, each tab is a form. Through the parent command in vcl I reaproveite forms and controls in a UniContainerPanel. In unigui I can pass the form by parent, but not a control. I've attached the example. Was it a bug? Could not you also use parent in controls? TesteParent.rar
  3. I tried using InputMask in a DateTime field in a ClientDataSet, if not inform value it writes to the database 30/12/1899. You have any way around?
  4. I have a function in VCL to write Unigui it works, but returns this error loading table: "c is not a constructor" //vcl function ExisteFormulario(NomeFormulario: TComponentName): TUniForm; var I: Integer; begin Result := nil; for I := 0 to unisession.FormsList.Count - 1 do begin if Result = nil then begin if TUniForm(UniSession.FormsList.Items).Name = NomeFormulario then begin Result := TUniForm(UniSession.FormsList.Items); Break; end; end; end; end; //unigui function ExisteFormulario(NomeFormulario: TComponentName): TForm; var I: Integer; begin Result := nil; for I := 0 to Screen.FormCount - 1 do begin if Result = nil then begin if Screen.Forms.Name = NomeFormulario then begin Result := Screen.Forms; Break; end; end; end; end;
  5. I have a routine in vcl I use a lot and I'm testing in unigui, when I try to pass a button of a form to another using "parent" does not work and this error message. I can for an entire form for UniContainerPanel another control does not. It has a form or another is a bug or do not like to do? for I := 0 to Form.ComponentCount - 1 do begin if ((Form.Components is TUniSpeedButton)) then begin TUniSpeedButton(Form.Components).Parent := PnlSuperior; end end TuniSpeedButton.SetParante(): Parent.OwnerForm must be same as Self.OwnerForm(H:\Framework\uniGUI\Source\Core\uniGuiClasse.pas, line 4705)
  6. It seems that validate fires every letter typed, is there any setting for this? I did not find it
  7. InputMask + UniDBEdit Its use masks in dbedit and write to the database without masks? Usually in Delphi used the masks as well 000000000-00;0; _ the last 0 defined that would record without masks
  8. I'm testing the OnValidade ClientDataSet event, this code: TUniMainModule.ClientDataSet1CODIGOValidate procedure (Sender: TField); begin ClientDataSet1DESCRICAO.clear; if ClientDataSet1CODIGO.AsString = '01' then ClientDataSet1DESCRICAO.AsString: = 'first'; if ClientDataSet1CODIGO.AsString = '02' then ClientDataSet1DESCRICAO.AsString: = 'Second'; if ClientDataSet1CODIGO.AsString = '03' then ClientDataSet1DESCRICAO.AsString: = 'Third'; if ClientDataSet1CODIGO.AsString = '04' then ClientDataSet1DESCRICAO.AsString: = 'Room'; if ClientDataSet1CODIGO.AsString = '05' then ClientDataSet1DESCRICAO.AsString: = 'Fifth'; if ClientDataSet1CODIGO.AsString = '06' then ClientDataSet1DESCRICAO.AsString: = 'Sixth'; if ClientDataSet1CODIGO.AsString = '07' then ClientDataSet1DESCRICAO.AsString: = 'Seventh'; if ClientDataSet1CODIGO.AsString = '08' then ClientDataSet1DESCRICAO.AsString: = 'Eighth'; if ClientDataSet1CODIGO.AsString = '09' then ClientDataSet1DESCRICAO.AsString: = 'new'; if ClientDataSet1DESCRICAO.AsString = '' then begin MainForm1.MessageDlg ( 'Invalid Code', mtInformation [mbOK]); abort; end; end; The problem is that the type 0, it triggers the event, have some form of so trigger the event when I give Tab or Enter? Version Tryal
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