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Posts posted by gerhardhziegler

  1. Good evening, folks!

    As you may know, most mobile browsers like to interpet the UnimSelect in a separate (modal) popup, where the user needs to pick and confirm. For some reasons I would always like to have the dropdown like an UniComboBox (I can place it within the mobile, but it works with causing an error). I tried to place a boostrap componentent, but its limited to the HMTLUnimFrame, so it doest fit as well.

    Any ideas?

    Best regards, Gerhard

  2. I have some problems using the UnimMenu in different forms.

    Example: MainmForm has a UnimMenu with ViewportMenu=True (any other configuration always and immediately shows the menu - which I dont want -  and doesnt mask the rest). Once I opened the menu in the second form and return to the mainform, the UnimMenu in the Mainform doesnt open with visible:=True.

    This complete effect seems to appear only when ViewPortMenu=True. 

    It would be also nice to know what Cover and Reveal really does. Well I Have a little idea, but...

    Find enclosed my test project!


  3. Update: Works, shouldnt be placed into a Panel.


    Seems not to work.

    Didnt get anything at the "OnAjaxEvent" of the label neither on the "OnClick"-Event? What use has it?


  4. 6 minutes ago, bahry said:

    I just would like to mark (select) a part of that text



    I use the following in UniEdit 

    ClientEvents --> UniEvents 

    function beforeInit(sender, config)

    and it's working as expected.






  5. Good evening! I would like to implement that feature for an UnimDBEdit (or UnimEdit). 

    Are the same parameters and is the same script valid?

    Where do I add the function? The MainM doesnt offer a script property.


    Regards and thanks

  6. Good afternoon!

    I need an answer or help in following questions (I am using Mobile Triton Theme)

    1.) How could I change the size of an image, used in UnimTitleButton or UnimBitBtn. It seems always to be reduced to 16 x 16 pixel. I assume, its somehow x-button-icon-size, but cant find, thou it seems I dont have the right reference.

    2.) I tried to work with with IconCI's (

    ) Example from Sharzad wich seems to work a while, while now I can define any Symbols from the Pictos, but the "Hamburger" doesnt work anymore, with any name. Also its not possible to change the size of that symbol.

    3.) Change the look of that Title and Title buttons: That look like WindowsXP in triton. Isnt it possible, to make the smybols bigger (see 1.+2) and probably have the same color for the button? How can I change the color for the Toolbar?

    Best regards and thanks to all!

  7. Good afternoon,

    some of the themes, like W10, do not mark the selected row neither the mouseover with a color (neptune or default do so).

    Anyway I tried to change this by some css, like explained (here at the forum) for all other grid types, but it did not work with the UniDBTreeGrid. For me it seems, there is some other CSS I could need, but I could really need some advice now.

    Best regards from Berlin,




  8. Dear friends,

    I try to use CSS that Mark posted above but it doesn't work in my case ( I created Frame, set it's parent as MainForm. If UniDBTreeGrid palced on Form all works fine but if it placed on Frame, it doesn't work. What's wrong? 

    same problem?

  9. Dear friends!


    The example is wonderful, but I would really need these functionality in the DBTreeGrid. It seems, some properties and events are missing there, so I can implement a proper drag & drop (within the grid, fe. exchanging rows) solution there.

    Any suggestions?

    Help is really welcome.


  10. Dear Mohammad,


    the example is fine, but i am still looking for a "inside" drag & Drop solution for the DB Tree Grid (not all events f. the example are available there). I really could need some help now.


    Greetings to Palestine!

  11. Update 19:20 MEZ:

    Could use the LinesGame now for drawing, but its simple not performant enough. Though its server side bitmap manipulation, the mouse events are processed there in LinesTools.MoveDownEvent. I simply dont get how to use the "internal" js functions from unimcanvas-min.js for the usage of drawing while mousemove.

  12. Hmmm.. doesnt work. I used a frame now, containing the Canvas.

    Anyway on opening the mobile form, that is containing the frame, the error "Ext.Form.Canvas is not a constructor" occured.

    So did I understand anything wrong? I am not completely sure I understood the concept behind the demo. I did include the JS library, then the constructor error vanished. 


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