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Posts posted by BantuKumar

  1. 13 hours ago, FabioMorcillo said:



    I need add new properties to columns in UniDBGrid, i have inherited to new component and change the property columns to new object, but property editor don´t show my new property.


    Any here can help me ?

    Thank you,

    I am just confirming if you have added under published section?

  2. This did not work for me? My code looks like


    Chart_Average.JSInterface.JSCall('chart.series.getAt('+IntToStr(i+1)+').setTitle', [QryOperatorsOPERATOR_NAME.AsString]);


    This gives me JS error with message GetAt not a function.

    Any other workaround?

  3. Hi 


    I am planning to use Test Automation tool for regression testing on UniGUI forms. I was wondering if there is something that uniquely identifies the HTML element of UniGUI Form at run time and that will not change if there is any changes in corresponding Form. Very first thing that I thought of using is ID but I am not very sure about it.


    Can anyone suggest something or some workaround?






  4. Hi,


    I am struggling with a strange issue with TUniDBCombBox


    There is avDBComboBox on my form and a datasource is assigned to it, additionally I specify few items for dropdown manually at design time. Now here comes the issue when in case there are no records coming from datasource, then the combobox does not show items that I have manually added into it however if there are records coming from dataset, it shows union of the items.


    I was wondering if this is an expected behaviour.


    My expectation is to see my design time added items always in the dropdonw.



  5. Hi,


    Is there any possibility that I can use image sprite to assign image icon to my buttons or toolbar menus. I want only one server trip to download icons for all my controls on the form. Initially I thought of UniImageList will do this for but no it does not. Imagelist generates multiple server trips to download images assigned to it.


    Can anyone suggest a resolution for my requirement!




  6. I am new to UniGui, just started using the trial.  


    I can debug the program, but I must click run, then run->attach to process.


    Is there a way to run and get it to attach to a process automatically?


    Are you using ISAPI dll?

  7. Hi


    I am trying to build a grid with multiple inline editors like memo, text, date time picker etc.. This form will behave as a base and will be inherited by many other child forms.


    I am unable to find a way to specify a value in UniDBGrid.Editor property? Can you explain a procedure to do so??



    Thanks & Regards,


    Got it from Demos folder.



  8. Please open the related Form and save it again.


    I already tried following

     - Opened the Forms design view and saved it again but not worked.

     - Checked the DFM there no such property mentioned 

     - I tried to just re-publish them .Add a published section in the Form and add them again for example:


    property ClientWidth;

    property ClientHeight;


    It worked but after this I received the same error for Caption I did the same for Caption as well then I get the error for OldCreateOrder and it is not stopping so I am not sure if it is a right track to follow.


    Can you please help me with it?



  9. I am getting following error when I try to load my form.



    Debugger Exception Notification


    Project w3wp.exe raised exception class EReadError with message 'Error reading FrmMainOrder.ClientHeight: Property ClientHeight does not exist'.


    Break   Continue   Help   



    I checked my DFM and there no property with name ClientHeight.


    I am using version of UniGUI.


  10. Hello!

    I'm deploying an ISAPI DLL on IIS 7 server. When trying to access a DLL, I get an IIS 404 error.

    I made a configuration according to the uniGui Developer's Manual. What could be happening? Thank


    Hi Fabrega Gabriel,


    The reason for 4O4 error is server is unable to find the ISAPI DLL. Few more things that you can verify on server configuration is is execution is allowed for ISAPI DLLs and under advance setting 32bit DLL is checked.


    If you can send us the configuration details then we can give you more precise answer.

  11. I'll check. thanks.


    I do n't see any unigui reference in delphi parser


    It is not a direct conversion tool however you can customize it to convert all your standard Delphi controls to corresponding UniGUI controls.

    For example TButton will converted to TUniButton, TEdit will converted to TUniEdit, TForm will converted to TUniForm and so on.


    Best Regards,

  12. Hi


    I can't figure out how to use a UniNativeImageList  as the picture source for a UniImage.

    I've tried all the obvious ( to me at least ) assignments without luck  even resorting to this horror ! >>  




    I'm sure it must be simple to do.


    Anyone care to enlighten me ?


    Many thanks




    You can try as follow

    UniNativeImageList.GetBitmap(0, UniImage2.Picture.Bitmap);


    Best Regards,

  13. hi.


    when does unigui create the forms contained in an app?


    in vcl development, I create the forms in runtime, and destroy when user closes the form.


    but in unigui, it seems that the forms is created in app startup.


    No! its not true for all forms. UniGUI creates the form in app startup which is declared as MainForm. You register your main form using RegisterAppFormClass(formName). Other form contained in the application can be created and destroyed as per your requirement.


    Best Regards,

  14. hi.


    in a unibutton onclick event:


    messagedlg('ERROR', mterror, [mbok], 0); <- this shows the message in the server side


    showmessage('ERROR'); <- this shows the message in the client side


    showmessage has less funcionalility than messagedlg.







    Yes ShowMessage(...) is has lesser functionality than MessageDlg.


    Please use following syntax instead of what you are using for MessageDlg.


        MessageDlg('ERROR', mtError, [mbOk], nil);



    Hope this will be helpful.



  15. Hi,


    I'm having trouble setting Stype to csDropDownList in uniDBComboBox wich i create on the fly in runtime. I'm setting it like this MyDBcombobox.Style:= csDropDownList. What am I missing? I get error Undeclared identifier.




    Add following unit in your uses clause of the unit where you are trying to set this value.



    You can add this unit either in interface section or in implementation section.


    Hope this will be helpful.


    Best Regards,

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