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Posts posted by Volk65

  1. Hi all!


    How it works now:
    1. You are prompted with a login form
    2. User cookies are read
    3. The login password fields are filled in
    4. The user clicks on "OK"
    5. There is a check in the database
    6. If all is well, then Modalresult=mrOK

    Is this possible(?):
    1. Cookies are read before the login window is displayed
    2. If url parameters were passed at startup (UniApplication.Parameters), it checks the user in DB with his / her cookies.
    3. If the check does not pass (for example, cookies are not saved), the login window is displayed.
    4. But, if the check user in DB = OK, the LOGIN WINDOW is NEVER DISPLAYED and opened from the Mainform

    I was able to check the user and close the window. I used the "onaftershow" event. BUT, login window displays 0.5 seconds, after which the main window opens. But I want the login window never to be displayed. If the parameters have been passed and the user verification has passed.

  2. Привет!


    В папке установки есть файл помощи uniGUI.chm

    у меня это: C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Docs\uniGUI.chm


    В этом файле есть раздел Instalation. Если всё внимательно прочитать, и выполнить каждый пункт, то проблем быть не должно.

  3. Hi!

    There are several controls on the form. All controls have code written to the OnKeyPress event that moves the input focus by pressing the "Enter"key.

    In UniMainModule.NavigateKeys.SelectText: = True. When you switch from one control to another by pressing "Tab" - all the text is highlighted. But when I click on "Enter" a transition to another control occurs but the text is not highlighted.

    I need the whole text to stand out at the entrance to cotnrol . Or can it be done differently?


  4. Hi all!


    If you enter a date on the numeric keypad at the national layout, instead of a "dot" ('.') prints a comma. And the date looks like this: 12,03,2018.

    How can I replace the comma for a point?

    Replacing key value in the event of OnKeyPress and Onkeydown will not work.



  5. Hi.

    There are two UniDBGrid. They are on different frames. Both grid have a popupmenu. Both this menu appears.


    But on the same grid by clicking on the right mouse button, the cursor moves to a new record, and the other grid record row does not change. I compared all the properties in the DFM they are the same.

    What am I doing wrong?

  6. Partially.

    As I said, all is not so simple. Sorry. :rolleyes: But in one of the menu item invokes another dialog: enter a range of dates.



    after displaying the dialog "date range" - the OK button does not fire the event "OnClick" of the dialog "Set Filter".


    Let's do the following. I withdraw the question. In the end, it's not super important. But if suddenly you find the solution - write.

  7. Thanks for the help!
    Sorry I have not only combobox, but there are uniDBComboBox, uniDBLookupCombobox. Maybe there's some other solution?

    I use these forms to define the filter entries and is used in many forms/frames:


    It is often used in the web interface shows a form (not modal), and one click of the mouse outside of the form - the form is closed. This is a beautiful solution to which users quickly get used to.

  8. Hi!
    Nice to see people who think about optimization.

    Unfortunately (and I should know) it is not possible.
    Data extraction deals with TDataSet. But this component does not have Paging.
    FireDac, when properly configured, can extract data page by page, but there's still a Library (ADO), TDBF, and other data access components that have no idea about paged data retrieval.
    And there are methods of Tdataset, which negates the whole optimization data, for example: 1) Locate the method that should go through the whole dataset (millions of records), 2) the method SetFilter, which should select only 100 records out of a million.
    That is, to produce the final dataset component, the server must make a selection of all data.
    It has nothing to do with UniGUI. If you can do paging sample in VCL, then it will turn out in UniGUI. But Grid has nothing to do with it. DbGrid does not have to know anything about the components, which provide him data.
    Everyone can organize such, but it's almost impossible to make universal.

    Sorry for my YandexTranslator-English, but I hope that main idea is clear.

  9. Hi!
    Yes works, BUT if you click the mouse on the form itself or any control on that form also closes. I made a simple example.


    Note: normally, to close a form in VCL I use the TForm.OnDeactivate, which is triggered when focus is lost.
    I saw in ClientEvents.ExtEvents the trigger window.deactivate, maybe it can use?


  10. Hi


    I not correctly explained. Correctly so:

    When FieldLabel is empty, then no colon, but the alignment of the CheckBoxes are ugly. Leveling to was beautiful, I put the FieldLabel one space. Then, the alignment control is correct, but shows the colon.


  11. Hi


    I use FieldSet. Add a Checkbox which FieldLabel:=", and I see this picture:



    But I can't remove the colon from Checkbox, it has no properties FieldLabelSeparator.

    How to overcome this problem?

    (This RunTime created form)

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