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Posts posted by dieger

  1. Hello everyone,

    I am sharing my version of Ribbon Menu (such as Office) and created from various internet examples with ExtJS 4.

    I have received several requests over time and I apologize for not having found the time to build something that could be easily understood (my first version was in ExtJS 3 and created from a complex code, out of uniGUI) .

    I hope you enjoy, and be involved in the evolution of this example.
    (This sample was made with Delphi XE7 and uniGUI Pro






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  2. Is there any way to detect the version of the framework that is installed? 
    We have units with shared among different projects using version 0.89 and version 0.95 features in different machines. 
    For example, in previous versions we used ObjName.ExtControl and the latest version is the syntax ObjName.JSControl and with {$IFDEF} we can treat these cases.


  3. Hi Farshad,
    I´m setting this code on OnCreate event of a frame:
    FormRegion.ExtControl.JsCode ('autoscroll: true');
    This provide a great option to design pages with scroll funcionallity inside the main form loading frames inside it.
    But It is possible to provide the AutoScroll property on a TUniFrame at design time to build frames with size larger than the screen? Acctualy i need to maximize form at design time to show the all form components, because the scroll functionally is not allowed.
    This can permit for example to develop a login page inside a frame before show the main form (that can reside in another frame) and allow developer to design larger forms like traditionall web pages.
    Ps.: i´m using mfPage model.





  4. But it is a new component inherit from unigui ?


    Farshad could add it as unigui component ?


    Not a component, but I'll see if I can turn it into one. As it is, I call several methods and events to build it.

  5. Hello,


    I would to know how can I use new toolbars of ext4


    Sencha ext 4 toolbars




    Hi KingOrmon,


    I developed this toolbar in my application uniGUI manually using the extension "Ext.ux.Ribbon.js." I'm still using ExtJS 3 and do not know if something changed to version 4. It was a bit tricky, but if you want I can help you build yours. I'm posting a picture.


  6. Galera o site está fora do ar a 4 dias isso é muito preocupante vocês acham que esse projeto pode parar????


    Pra ser sincero, não acredito muito que deva parar. É um ótimo projeto e acho que em breve ele deve anunciar algum investimento externo (Embarcadero, por exemplo) ou reestruturação do time de desenvolvimento da sua empresa (ou até fazer um anúncio de uma versão comercial). Seria uma pena que este excelente framework fosse descontinuado.

  7. KingOrmon,


    This is not the best way to solve this, but while Mr. Farshad don´t indicate the best solution you can try this to force resize again:


    procedure TMainForm.UniBitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject);
     Width := Width + 1;
     Width := Width - 1;





    I attach a simple case, thank you.


    Steps for reproduce:


    1. Change image3 via button open

    2. You will see that autosize is not triggered. Only when you resize form manually.

  8. The following code generates error when running








    Database1.Rollback ;





    Can not execute the operation to a closed database





    The process runs the StartTransaction if not,


    what should be the right way


    Thank you for your attention



    Where is your Database component? Same form, another data module?

  9. Is it possible to get the MAC of a remore client ?

    I know Indy in 9 version could do that.



    I think that isn´t possible because of security.


    The problem is that browsers don't allow you to get the mac address, because it would allow users to be identified uniquely. In IE you can get around this by writing an ActiveX control, and script that with javascript (which you did), but ActiveX is something only available in IE on Windows. Other solution can be a Java applet.


    Code to IE:


    var macAddress = "";
       var ipAddress = "";
       var computerName = "";
       var wmi = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}");
       e = new Enumerator(wmi.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled = True"));
       for(; !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) {
           var s = e.item();
           macAddress = s.MACAddress;
           ipAddress = s.IPAddress(0);
           computerName = s.DNSHostName;

  10. Is it possible to get a list of connected clients ( IP/SessionId )

    and eventually "kill" one of the sessions ?










    procedure TMainForm.UniBitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject);
     I : Integer;
     ASessionList: TList;
     ASession : TUniGUISession;
           for I := 0 to ASessionList.Count-1 do
           ASession := TUniGUISession(ASessionList[i]);
           if not ASession.IsTerminated then
             memo1.Lines.Add( ASession.UniApplication.RemoteAddress );

  11. Thanks everybody!


    My first web 32 bit app demo runned with IIS 7.5 64bit Windows 2008 Server!


    For note for Newbies; After start with ISAPI Module empty project, I realized that I compiled my first application with Standalone Server Mode.


    I closed Standalone Server mode. Then build as dll and successfully started..



  12. Hi Dieger,


    I have already read these documents and double check all of it, It seems there is no missing settings.


    My Server is Windows 2008 server + IIS 7.5, not Win7, therefore IIS windows installing is different.



    My server is Windows 2008 server + IIS 7.5 64bits too and everything is working fine. Besides trying a blank uniGUI, also try to compile a simple WebBroker ISAPI project to test your settings.

  13. I made lots of setup for IIS 7.5 but stil get this error:


    "HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error

    There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, so it cannot be displayed."


    Result of Microsoft site search, http://support.microsoft.com/kb/943891

    > It is said:


    "500 - Internal server error.


    IIS 7.0 defines the following HTTP status codes that indicate a more specific cause of a 500 error:

    500.0 - Module or ISAPI error occurred."



    Does It means IIS server does not work?


    One point that unigui IIS7 documentation does not mention "Default Documentation" which is searching Default.htm, Index.htm etc. in application directory.

    I add to Default Documantation "myApp.dll". It seems to me right but I am not sure.. Is it correct (missing in documentation) or unnecessary changing?


    I will start to a project if I could overcome this problem..


    please help..





    Try to follow the links above to configure ISAPI on IIS7:




    or maybe this,







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