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Everything posted by jameswong

  1. how to get the value after selected, it can only get the value before selected
  2. hello,i see the example of dbgridlookup, i do the same project . how to change the resultlist when i change the lookupdataset , now i changed the lookupdataset, but the droplist is not changed
  3. by the way ,the from2,from3 is temporary. like from2:=Tform1.create(); but i don't know how to write this on unigui. the from2 and from3 can display at the same time in different frame.
  4. hello: i create a uniform1, i want to create from2(inherit from uniform1) on frame2, and create from3(inherit from uniform1) on frame3... how to do this on unigui
  5. i had do it ,and i am not sure that it is a bug, i only want to get a judge when the grid is unselectedall
  6. hello, multiselect is true ,selectedrows is one when i don't select the dbgrid any. i want to get the event to prompt the user when i don't select the dbgrid any,how to do it? like: if DBGridList.SelectedRows.Count <= 0 then begin​ end;
  7. you are right ,the demo is that, but many people like to use mouse to select ,anyway ,this is sugguestion only ,haha
  8. hello, i use the 1251 now,the multiselect is very good, and i have a suggustion. we only can multiselect on the checkbox, i think we can multiselect on cell of selection is better ,because it change to select row very easy now when click on the cell of select but not checkbox
  9. how to use multiselect in unidbgrid​, i have set rowselect ,checkselect , multiselect to true, but only select a record everytime.
  10. the demos all use uniAlignmentClient, so i don't know the difference of uniAlignmentClient and uniAlignmentserver
  11. hello,i had solved the problem. i change uniAlignmentclient to uniAlignmentServer. by the way ,what is difference in them
  12. by the way ,i suggest you can add the function of bmunidbgrid next version. it can be used to ie , but not edge and mobile. the unidbgrid can be used to all ,but the function is not better than bmunidbgrid
  13. ok,I'm working now. tonight I will send a test case to uniGUI Discussion Forums<info@fmsoft.net>
  14. hello, i open a new frame on the unitabcontral , and then open another new frame, there is a white gap in the unitoolbtn and unidbgrid when i switch the first frame , and the pagecount of unidbgrid is not displayed. by the way ,it happen on ie11 and windows10 64bit。edge has not this situation
  15. it can't used on the win10'edge and android mobile , it display the information which is "object is not found " . ​but it can't happened when i used unidbgrid
  16. hello, i open a new frame on the pagecontral , and then open another new frame, there is a white gap in the unitoolbtn and unidbgrid when i switch the first frame , and the pagecount of unidbgrid is not displayed. by the way ,it happen on ie11 and windows10 64bit。edge has not this situation
  17. has the unidbgrid CANVAS? i want to draw a checkbox on the unidbgrid's title and the type is boolean
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