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Posts posted by heromo80

  1. Hello Delphi Developer, 


    It worked fine!








    Can you try this approach?:

    function treeMenu.afterCreate(sender)
        sender.el.setStyle('overflow-y', 'auto');
  2. Hello,


    Sorry, can you clarify your question?


    the scroll is not activated to navigate through all the nodes without having to collapse the previous node.
    Scrolling works well with a unitreeview when it expands completely.
    Thank you
  3. Hello,

    Is it possible that a treemenu has the default scroll activated when expanding a node?

    This when the nodes that are at the bottom are hidden and the treemenu is embedded in a panel


    Thanks for your help

  4. Hi,
    In the app1 where the user is authenticated, a string is formed with the user parameters, database, random control code is encrypted and passed as a parameter for the app2. in the app2 it is received and the application can only load if the parameters are valid in front of a common database that verifies that the control id is valid. You could also use the sessionID of the app1, which would have greater security by ensuring only once the use of the parameter step to the app2.
    The important thing is that once validated the controlID or sessionID is marked as used so that they can not reload the previously formed url.
    This applies when you need to have a control system for many databases and users and it is required to have the unigui 24x7 application and be able to have a basic load balancing. It is the practical way that I found and it has worked for several years.


    • Upvote 2
  5. Hi,


    That's the same thing I do for load balancing. In the application 1 where the user is authenticated I have a table with the Urls of the application 2 (main) with addresses to the servers and a field that activate / deactivate the URL, with this I can massively update the application 2 rotating between servers without have to get the users out. I apply for each user an Url depending on the active server (to minimize the download of the js, css, images, etc of ExtRoot and UniRoot), that's why it's important to have a CDN, since if you left the urls randomly every session the user had to download these previous files and it was delayed or the user had to try the load several times.
    Best regard



  6. Hi,

    We use a load balancing strategy with multiple IIS servers with multiple deployed pools and applications. Each user is assigned a final application. Each application on average has 8-10 users and concurrently can reach 3-5 users.

    With this we have distributed a low load of cpu and memory. During hard work hours 400-500 users can be connected. The main application of unigui has more than 500 forms.

    One of the properties we miss and hope it will be implemented is the CDN route to host files extjs, unigui and other js libraries. This topic is discussed here http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/4297-extjs-unigui-cdn/?p=20971


    Thank you





    • Upvote 2
  7. Hi,


    Any idea if this can be implemented,








    The Extjs, UNIGui Js, touch Js other JS files, image files, video files and other static resource files saved on the CDN server
    1) WEB improve service response, because CDN optimization based ISP
    2) while reducing bandwidth web services, because CDN assign data streams to a different CDN service node
    将Extjs、UNIGui Js、touch Js 等其他JS文件、图片文件、视频文件等静态资源文件保存在CDN服务器上


    For example:



    In the existing

    UniServerModule.ExtRoot = D: \ ext- \
    UniServerModule.UniRoot = D: \ uni-,
    UniServerModule.TouchRoot = D: \ touch-2.4.1 \
    UniServerModule.UniMobileRoot = D: \ unim- \

    Based on the increase

    UniServerModule.ExtRootUrl = http: //*.yourdomain.com/ext-
    UniServerModule.UniRootUrl = http: //*.yourdomain.com/uni-
    UniServerModule.TouchRootUrl = http: //*.yourdomain.com/touch-2.4.1/
    UniServerModule.UniMobileRootUrl = http: //*.yourdomain.com/unim-

    Open the Web page to generate the following code:

    <Link rel = stylesheet href = "/ uni- / css / uni-ext.css" />
    <Link rel = stylesheet href = "/ ext- / resources / css / ext-all.css" />
    <Script src = "/ ext- / ext-all.js"> </ script>
    <Script src = "/ uni- / ext-unicommon-min.js"> </ script>
    <Script src = "/ uni- / ext-sync-min.js"> </ script>
    <Script src = "/ ext- / locale / ext-lang-zh.js"> </ script>
    <Script type = "text / javascript">
    /{这里指向CDN服务URL 也就是UniServerModule.ExtRootUrl

    // URL CDN service point here is UniServerModule.ExtRootUrl

    Ext.Loader.setConfig ({enabled: true, paths: {"Ext.uni": "/ uni- /"}});
    </ Script>
    <Script src = "/ uni- / AlwaysOnTop.js"> </ script>
    <Script src = "/ uni- / ClearButton / ClearButton.js"> </ script>
    <Link rel = stylesheet href = "/ uni- / ClearButton / ClearButton.css" />
    <Link rel = stylesheet href = "/ uni- / css / uni-xtheme-common.css" />
    <Link rel = stylesheet href = "/ uni- / css / uni-xtheme.css" />
    <Script src = "/ uni- / ext-unigui-min.js"> </ script>




    not cache  & first load unigui


    CDN VS no cdn

    cdn not cache first load unigui



    no cdn no cache first load unigu


  8. Hi,


    the application works ok if I run it as an exe. When I run it as a service, the number and currency symbol's changed, moreover when I pass characters to a query does not work. I load the same service at Win 7 and works ok.


    Of cource I cave checked the Region settings at control panel.


    Does anyone has an idea?


    Thanks for your time


    Hi, you can try...



    • Upvote 3
  9. dear agmoro7622 


    we can create and send to xls or csv to user. 

    it is possible




    it is true that you can create xls third component, but not CreateOleObject ('Excel.Application') in ISAPI mode.


    I have the same problem and yet discard CreateOleObject.
  10. I usually use calculated fields...


    procedure TUniMainModule.dtFamiliaCalcFields(DataSet: TDataSet);
      dtFamilianombre.AsString := '<p class="x-p-infofam">' + dtFamiliafamilia.AsString + '</p>';

    and css...


    .x-p-infofam {
    word-wrap: break-word;
    white-space: pre-line;
    padding: 2 5 2 5;}


    • Upvote 1
  11. procedure TFormAccountInlog.UniBitBtn_SaveClick(Sender: TObject);
     if Length(UniEdit_InlogUserName.text)=0 then begin
        ShowMessage('<br/><div align="center">Het invulllen van een gebruikersnaam is verplicht!' + '</div><br/>', procedure (res:integer) begin



  12. El método no aplica en el unidbgrid, esta en el dataset que se utiliza como persistencia a la grilla... cuando se selecciona un campo del Fields Editor del dataset esta el evento OnGetText en el cual puede jugar con las etiquetas html y el contenido a mostrar. También se puede utilizar campos calculados en el dataset estos se pueden construir incluyendo etiquetas html. :)



    • Upvote 1
  13. Se puede hacer todo lo que quiera dentro de una celda de un tunidbgrid, en el metodo OnGetText del campo se incluye codigo html


    procedure TMainForm.dtOrderspicurlGetText(Sender: TField; var Text: string;
     DisplayText: Boolean);
     if Length(Sender.AsString)>0  then
       text := '<img src="' + Sender.AsString + '" />';
     end else Text := '';


    O con un campo calculado incluyendo etiquetas html... :)


    Un ejemplo:


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