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Posts posted by vbdavie

  1. As mentioned prior, it's uniGUI version

    I didn't mention that it's TRIAL, so maybe that makes a diff, don't know.


    When I was talking about the ZIP file, I was refering to the fact that I wanted to attach a ZIP file to my posted message. I couldn't see how to do that in the forum's editor. That is why I copied/pasted all the source code into the message page.


    Thanks for looking into this.



  2. Hello all;


    I have had an issue for qute some time and just now figured out what's going on.



    A TuniChart line graphs looks garbled<junk> when some panels have their visible property changed in the main form's OnCreate method. If i remove these visible property changes from the OnCreate, then the uniChart looks perfect.


    Very odd. It only happens to a chart sitting on a PageControl tabl. It does NOT happen to a chart sitting in TabControl tab. And it does NOT happen, when it's just sitting on the main form. Very wierd.


    uniGUI ver (bug has existed for over a year)

    FireFox (all versions that I've tested, including 52.1.0 <32bit> )


    Another odd thing, is that it works on some older versions of InternetExplorer. Haven't tested on newer versions. AND it works on my latest CHROME version as well. It seems to be isolated with FireFox.


    I have a ZIP file that contains the test project that shows the problem. But I don't know where to place the ZIP file. I thought I could just attach it to this message, but I don't see how to do it.


    Darn, I can't find how to upload attachment. Here is the main.pas file



    unit Main;





    Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics,

    Controls, Forms, uniGUITypes, uniGUIAbstractClasses,

    uniGUIClasses, uniGUIRegClasses, uniGUIForm, uniButton, uniChart,

    uniPageControl, uniTabControl, uniGUIBaseClasses, uniPanel, uniImage,

    uniCheckBox, uniURLFrame, uniProgressBar, uniComboBox, uniSplitter,

    uniBasicGrid, uniDBGrid, uniMultiItem, uniListBox, uniEdit, uniLabel,

    uniGUIFrame, uniImageList, Vcl.Menus, uniMainMenu, uniToolBar,

    uniBitBtn, uniTreeView, uniTimer, uniMemo;



    TMainForm = class(TUniForm)

    UniContainerPanelX: TUniContainerPanel;

    UniPageControl1: TUniPageControl;

    UniTabSheet1: TUniTabSheet;

    UniPanel1: TUniPanel;

    UniButton1: TUniButton;

    BHideStuff: TUniButton;

    UniButton3: TUniButton;

    UniContainerPanel2: TUniContainerPanel;

    UniPageControl2: TUniPageControl;

    TSChartValuation: TUniTabSheet;

    ChartValuation: TUniChart;

    UniLineSeriesValTotal: TUniLineSeries;

    UniChart1: TUniChart;

    UniLineSeries1: TUniLineSeries;

    UniTabControl1: TUniTabControl;

    UniChart2: TUniChart;

    UniLineSeries6: TUniLineSeries;

    UniLabel1: TUniLabel;

    UniTimer1: TUniTimer;

    UniContainerPanel1: TUniContainerPanel;

    UniMemo1: TUniMemo;

    UniLabel2: TUniLabel;

    procedure UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject);

    procedure BHideStuffClick(Sender: TObject);

    procedure UniButton3Click(Sender: TObject);

    procedure UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject);


    { Private declarations }


    { Public declarations }

    procedure BuildCharts;



    function MainForm: TMainForm;




    {$R *.dfm}



    uniGUIVars, MainModule, uniGUIApplication, ServerModule,

    uniStrUtils, uniGUITheme, UniGUIJSUtils;




    T H I S I S W H E R E T H E B U G I S


    procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject);





    // 1. When these lines are active, then the bottom chart doesn't build properly

    // 2. When these lines are NOT active, then the bottom chart looks great, after clicking BUILD CHART button





    function MainForm: TMainForm;


    Result := TMainForm(UniMainModule.GetFormInstance(TMainForm));



    procedure TMainForm.BHideStuffClick(Sender: TObject);







    procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject);






    procedure TMainForm.UniButton3Click(Sender: TObject);







    procedure TMainForm.BuildCharts;







    For X:=1 To 30 Do













    And here is the main.dfm file...


    object MainForm: TMainForm

    Left = 219

    Top = 197

    ClientHeight = 634

    ClientWidth = 771

    Caption = 'MainForm'

    OldCreateOrder = False

    MonitoredKeys.Keys = <>

    OnCreate = UniFormCreate

    PixelsPerInch = 96

    TextHeight = 13

    object UniContainerPanelX: TUniContainerPanel

    Left = 0

    Top = 0

    Width = 771

    Height = 634

    Hint = ''

    ParentColor = False

    Align = alClient

    Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]

    TabOrder = 0

    ExplicitLeft = 203

    ExplicitTop = -14

    ExplicitWidth = 792

    ExplicitHeight = 844

    object UniPageControl1: TUniPageControl

    Left = 0

    Top = 0

    Width = 771

    Height = 634

    Hint = ''

    ActivePage = UniTabSheet1

    Align = alClient

    Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]

    TabOrder = 0

    ExplicitTop = 41

    ExplicitWidth = 705

    ExplicitHeight = 617

    object UniTabSheet1: TUniTabSheet

    Hint = ''

    Caption = 'Main'

    ExplicitLeft = 0

    ExplicitTop = 0

    ExplicitWidth = 256

    ExplicitHeight = 128

    object UniPanel1: TUniPanel

    Left = 0

    Top = 0

    Width = 763

    Height = 52

    Hint = ''

    Align = alTop

    Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]

    TabOrder = 0

    Caption = ''

    object UniButton1: TUniButton

    Left = 8

    Top = 25

    Width = 161

    Height = 25

    Hint = ''

    Caption = 'Make 3 charts to SHOW BUG'

    TabOrder = 1

    ScreenMask.Enabled = True

    OnClick = UniButton1Click


    object BHideStuff: TUniButton

    Left = 184

    Top = 25

    Width = 113

    Height = 25

    Hint = ''

    Caption = 'SHOW CHARTS'

    TabOrder = 2

    ScreenMask.Enabled = True

    OnClick = BHideStuffClick


    object UniButton3: TUniButton

    Left = 312

    Top = 25

    Width = 97

    Height = 25

    Hint = ''

    Caption = 'HIDE CHARTS'

    TabOrder = 3

    ScreenMask.Enabled = True

    OnClick = UniButton3Click


    object UniLabel2: TUniLabel

    Left = 16

    Top = 4

    Width = 715

    Height = 13

    Hint = ''

    Caption =

    '1) Click MAKE CHARTS, 2) Click SHOW CHARTS, 3) You will see that' +

    ' the bottom chart is messed up., 4) Please read memo text on rig' +

    'ht side of screen'

    TabOrder = 4



    object UniContainerPanel2: TUniContainerPanel

    Left = 0

    Top = 52

    Width = 763

    Height = 554

    Hint = ''

    ParentColor = False

    Color = clSkyBlue

    Align = alClient

    Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]

    ScreenMask.Message = 'Loading...'

    TabOrder = 1

    ExplicitLeft = 8

    ExplicitTop = 42

    ExplicitWidth = 834

    ExplicitHeight = 631

    object UniPageControl2: TUniPageControl

    Left = 0

    Top = 371

    Width = 763

    Height = 183

    Hint = ''

    ActivePage = TSChartValuation

    Align = alBottom

    Anchors = [akLeft, akRight, akBottom]

    TabOrder = 1

    object TSChartValuation: TUniTabSheet

    Hint = ''


    Font.Height = -13

    ParentFont = False

    object ChartValuation: TUniChart

    Left = 8

    Top = 8

    Width = 377

    Height = 145

    Hint = ''

    Title.Text.Strings = (

    'Account Valuation')

    Legend.Font.Height = -15

    Legend.Font.Style = [fsBold, fsUnderline]

    LayoutConfig.BodyPadding = '10'

    ScreenMask.Enabled = True

    TitleAlign = taCenter

    object UniLineSeriesValTotal: TUniLineSeries

    Title = 'Stocks'





    object UniChart1: TUniChart

    Left = 16

    Top = 32

    Width = 385

    Height = 145

    Hint = ''

    Title.Text.Strings = (

    'Account Valuation')

    Legend.Font.Height = -15

    Legend.Font.Style = [fsBold, fsUnderline]

    LayoutConfig.BodyPadding = '10'

    ScreenMask.Enabled = True

    TitleAlign = taCenter

    object UniLineSeries1: TUniLineSeries

    Title = 'Stocks'



    object UniTabControl1: TUniTabControl

    Left = 16

    Top = 184

    Width = 393

    Height = 177

    Hint = ''

    Tabs.Strings = (


    'Tab 2')

    TabOrder = 3

    object UniChart2: TUniChart

    Left = 8

    Top = 24

    Width = 369

    Height = 145

    Hint = ''

    Title.Text.Strings = (

    'Account Valuation')

    Legend.Font.Height = -15

    Legend.Font.Style = [fsBold, fsUnderline]

    LayoutConfig.BodyPadding = '10'

    ScreenMask.Enabled = True

    TitleAlign = taCenter

    object UniLineSeries6: TUniLineSeries

    Title = 'Stocks'




    object UniLabel1: TUniLabel

    Left = 24

    Top = 8

    Width = 164

    Height = 19

    Hint = ''

    Caption = 'THIS CHART IS GOOD'

    ParentFont = False

    Font.Height = -16

    TabOrder = 4


    object UniContainerPanel1: TUniContainerPanel

    Left = 408

    Top = 8

    Width = 217

    Height = 46

    Hint = ''

    ParentColor = False

    Color = clWhite

    TabOrder = 5


    object UniMemo1: TUniMemo

    Left = 416

    Top = 60

    Width = 337

    Height = 305

    Hint = ''

    Lines.Strings = (


    'It appears that when you set the visible propery for some panels' +

    ' in the ONCREATE method, it messes up the bottom chart that is s' +

    'itting in a PageControl. The other two charts don'#39't appeart to b' +

    'e bothered.'



    'If I remove the panel visible property changes and put them into' +

    ' a uniTimer or some other buttonClick, then it appears to work f' +




    'Very wierd that it only blows up when I attempt to do it in the ' +

    'OnCreate method.'



    'Also, wierd that it only happens to the chart sitting in the Pag' +



    'Can someone figure this out?'



    ParentFont = False

    Font.Height = -13

    TabOrder = 6






    object UniTimer1: TUniTimer

    Interval = 1

    RunOnce = True

    ClientEvent.Strings = (



    ' '


    Left = 472

    Top = 8






    I wonder if anybody knows what's going on with this strange interaction.




  3. I see the "Layout" property. Many choices.

    What I'm trying to do is to make a panel that has TWO charts on it. Simple so far. Then as the window is stretched wider or narrower, I want the two charts to resize so that they always take up have the window. Basically the left chart will be 50% width and the right chart will also be 50% width.


    How to do?



  4. I am using unigui version

    Using FireFox version43.0.1


    When I use the layoutperc.dfm  and add some controls on it, they don't resize as I would expect. So, I'm probably doing something wrong.


    I put a combobox and tabcontrol and mem and several others To the right-most panel. I set the ANCHORS so that the "right" anchor was "true". Thus, I was expecting the control to widen and shrink according to how wide the panel was. So, if I made the form full screen, then all the panels widen. Thus I would expect the controls that had the "right-anchor" to also widen.


    This is not happening :(


    Therefore, I think I must not be doing something that I should be doing.


    Please help




  5. As I mentioned before, the company I do work for will want to get the real product instead of the trial version. There is no obvious place/link on the home page that says "Buy" or "Purchase" like most other web sites.


    So, tell me the steps to tell the person paying the bills... in order to get this thing ordered and paid for and what the various options are.




  6. Okay, I downloaded it again and the filesize matched what you wanted. I compared it against the file I downloaded a couple days ago and it's the same file. I used WinMerge to do the file compare and it says "files are identical". That means I would get the same results.


    So, I decided to go back and look what the uninstaller left behind. There were a bunch of dcus and project cache files. I removed them manually and then it installed. So, I believe these remnants are the culprit.




    P.S. I'll remember to remove these additional files after running the uninstall next time :)

  7. Hey. The company I work for is ready to register the UNIGui, but I wanted to come back and install the latest version. We had been busy on other projects over the past 2 months. When I went to compile and install the components like I did back in Oct and Aug, I am getting errors.


    I am using the UNIGUI2013PlusGroup, I started to compile and install the various bpls and when I got to the UNIGUI17.BPL, I am getting errors with MISSING DCUs.


    Such as uniGUIControlLogin,dcu and UniScreenMask.dcu and there are probably others. I looked in the DCU folder for 2013 "X:\Program Files\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Dcu\Delphi2013" and those DCUs were not there :( I am using XE3 and I have used the Delphi2013 before when I installed back in Aug and Oct.


    What can I do to resolve this?





    Wow, I would have never thought that the issue was with RDP. See, I have an old pc in my living room. I work from there and remote desktop into my kickass machine in my green room. All audio transfers to my local living room's pc just fine. Never had an issue. I can play youtube, vlc player, windows media player. I can click on the speaker in the system tray and they all produce sound onto my living room pc. But the audio from the HTML5 did not.


    So, I thought, huh, I'll go back into the green room and use the machine. That way i'm not using RDP. WOW, the WAV file played. The oog and mp3 did not, but that's understandable. So, the wav played locally. Very interesting that that sound didn't redirect to the local machine in the living room when all the other sound was.


    Oh well.


  9. There are two issues here.



    How to get FastReports to generate a PDF file for output?



    Why does the PDF have missing graphics when viewing on an IPAD?


    I will discuss each of these. I will make assumptions that you know what the frReport object is, and what the frxPDFExport pas file is.



    FastReports into a PDF File:

    I had looked at tons of forum threads from all over and they all had "similar" properties to set. They weren't all the same. So, I mashed them all together into a working piece. There are two variables that I look at in order to determine if I should SEND the file to the browser or to stick the PDF into a URLFrame. These variables are "   FDownLoad" and "FUniURLFrame".



    procedure TFReports.PreviewModal(Const QR:TfrxReport);
       fn:= 'R-' +FormatDateTime('hhmmss.zzz', Now()) +'.pdf'; // Create a unique name for report. there are much better ways

       frxPDFExport1.FileName := UniServerModule.LocalCachePath +fn;  // Your session unique PDF filename
       frxPDFExport1.DefaultPath := '';

       QR.EngineOptions.SilentMode := True;
       QR.EngineOptions.EnableThreadSafe := True;
       QR.EngineOptions.DestroyForms:= False;
       QR.EngineOptions.UseFileCache:= False;
       thr:= TThread.CurrentThread;

    // You can't use the global data set list, so they must be added manually

    // My report uses 7 data sets

       QR.PrepareReport(); // Create Report
       QR.Export(frxPDFExport1); // Export Report

       // Reset to normal operations

       if FDownLoad Or (FUniURLFrame=Nil) then
          UniSession.SendFile(UniServerModule.LocalCachePath +fn, fn);
          FuniURLFrame.URL := UniServerModule.LocalCacheURL +fn; // Displayed on UniURLFrame




    PDF Images MISSING when viewing on an IPAD?

    This fix is simple and REQUIRES that you have the source code for FastReports. More specifically, that you have the source code for frxExportPDF.pas.


    Go into the source file and change one line of code. Yup, that's it.


    There will be a line of code that looks like this....

    '/H ' + IntToStr(TempBitmap.Height) + #13#10'/CS /RGB'#13#10'/BPC 8'#13#10'/I true'#13#10'/F [/DCT]'#13#10'ID'#13#10);


    CHANGE IT so that it looks like this...

    '/H ' + IntToStr(TempBitmap.Height) + #13#10'/CS /RGB'#13#10'/BPC 8'#13#10'/I true'#13#10'/F [/DCT]'#13#10'ID ');

    The old bad code had an extra CR/LF at the end of the line. Huh, who would have thunk.


    NOTE: You will need to INCLUDE this frxExportPDF.pas file as part of your project, otherwise you will be linking in the old buggy version of the code. Seems obvious, but thiought I would mention it.


    NOTE: If you do NOT have the source for that file, then there are a fiew links that may be of interest to you.





    Hope this helps anybody that's having PDF/FastReport issues.



    • Upvote 3
  10. I have no problem viewing PDF files on my IPAD.


    I USED to have probems, especially with FastReport PDFs, but now that is solved :)


    I read at least 30 to 40 threads on the subject and was very disappointed. I had 2 ways in which I was going to solve it, but didn't like either of them. It was kind of like brute force or hard coding. Hate them. BUT, I found a post from a guy that was laughing at all the people claiming that FastReports produced wrong PDFs and that they needed to be PDF/A and so on. And he said "Just change this ONE line of code in the PDFExport pas file.


    So, I did. and WOWOWOWOWOW. It fixed it so that all my PDFs could display on the IPAD and the text and graphics all displayed perfectly. Amazing. So, I am going to make a forum post and shows the simple trick.


    I know that FastReports is NOT your product, but I feel that a lot of people use it and that newbies to this web framework may feel that their reports not displaying properly is a bug in your software and will ask you why the pdfs don't show :)


    So, by me posting the solution, it's a win win again.


    Does that make sense?




  11. I changed my web browser URL to


    instead of



    Just to see what would happen. And FireFox(FF) asked me if I wanted VLC to playt it, I said sure. Then it downloaded the file and played it in VLC and of course I could hear it. But from the full featured demo, and using the HTML5 audio frame, none of the 6 buttons worked. not Client, not server. Nothing.


    So, I have no idea what the problem could be, but at least I have an idea to be able to track it down!


    So, this begs a question. There have been several times where I WISHED that your demo page would contain the latest demo instead of some old thing. It would provide many benfits to people like me. IE: If I saw it work on YOUR demo page, then I would know that if mine isn't working, then I AM probably doing something wrong and then I would not have to bother with the forum. The other benefit is that YOU Farshad would NOT have to listen to people's dribble about how certain things aren't working when in fact it was the developer's bug/issue/problem.


    So, in short, both sides win. AND when new people visit your site, they will of course see all the NEW features and ho cool they are.


    So, it's a WIN, WIN, WIN situation.


    See, if I were able to click on your full featured demo running on your server and tried the audio stuff, then we would know where the real issue is.


    Does that make sense?



  12. Not sure what you mean by that.

    iOS doesn't support downloading files to system storage. That's an iOS limitation/restriction.


    So, you are saying that a statement like....     

    UniSession.SendFile(UniServerModule.LocalCachePath +fn, fn);

    Will essentially do NOTHING? If so, then very interesting. I guess you would have to provide a clickable link or button on the web page for the user to get a file?


  13. Okay, sorry man.


    Okay, I just double checked and it is the latest version. I just had removed the "Laypout Management" from the "files" folder. The executable/dll is still from the latest FullFeaturedDemo project.


    I resolved the issue and hopefully others may benefit from this. It has to do with SSL. I have my site now under SSL and with IE9 it gave me a hint. It said that some content was not secure "Only secure content ....." message appears at the bottom of the web page. When I clicked to allow, the page refreshed and the google maps worked.


    The insecure thing was this.



    I found this out because IE9 allows you to press F12 and then go to the console mode and it shows the URL in question.


    So, the fact that this URL is used, I guess, makes the SSL contain MIXED mode content :(


    Okay, so for Chrome, it was kind of irritating because I would have thought that a more noticable indicator would appear, but instead it's a light gray shield. I decided to click on it and it gave me the option to ALLOW mixed mode content. Poof, the google maps then worked as well. I'm guessing that the IPAD browsers already had the mixed mode turned on for all site. Hmmm. Wierd that I can't find any shiled or message or warning from the IPAD Safari or IPAD Chrome..


    Anyway, hope this helps some other poor sap that runs into this.



  14. I'm using FullBlown demo build 1205 (trial version)


    The problem is that GoogleMaps used to work and now it doesn't <with chrome>. It does however work on my IPAD. In fact on Safari it works very nicely with the dragging of your finger.



    I am using many different browsers. Here is what's happened. The maps USED to work with my Chrome with my old uniGUI build 1187. Now that I upgraded from 1187 to 1205, it doesn't work with Chrome anymore. My chrome version is Version 45.0.2454.93 m.


    I also noticed that it doesn't work with my FireFox version 40.0.3 either. It gives the same type of AJAX error message that I have attached as a screen shot.


    I also have IE8<ugh>, and it doesn't work with that either, but I can't remember if it worked with build 1205. The IE8 issue is NOT a big deal, since the vast majority of the people will NOT be using it. I jsut thought I would provide you with all my experiences.



    I also have an IPAD with Chrome and Safari. It's wierd that they operate differently.

    Safari: You can drag your finger around and the map scrolls around - Cool.

    Chrome: You can NOT drag your finger around, but at least it shows the map.


    Anybody else experience this?




  15. I am using FireFox 40.0.3, downloaded last week or so on my Windows machine.

    I am using Chrome and Safari on my IPAD.


    Using the full blown UniGUI demo build number 1205 (trial version)


    When I do the HTML5 Audio, there are 3 buttons to play audio. None of them do anything. I don't hear any sound. But, I can hear sound in app my other apps and youtube and VLC player etc...


    Odd that it doesn't work on Window or IPAD.


    Any ideas?



  16. I'm using the Full Demo build 1205.

    I have an IPAD with Safari and Chrome installed.

    When I click on the "Download & Upload" then "Advanced Download", I can click on any of the 4 download buttons, but nothing happens. I don't see a visual clue that anythnig has happened.


    Is there an issue on the IPAD where we can't do the download function? I didn't try with FireFox since it's NOT my IPAD. So, I could only try with Safari and Chrome.


    Anybody else experience this?



  17. Here I asked about version which you've mentioned. OK. Then I've asked for your edition (trial or not) which you haven't mentioned.



    You are correct sir. I gave you the version number, and did NOT tell you if it was trial. Sorry. I am new to this project and thought the version number was good enough. Sorry to disappoint. From now on I will always start a topic with version number and if it's a trial or not.

    Thanks for your wonderful understanding on this matter.


    • Upvote 2
  18. Off-topic posts erased... moderation completed!


    Now better keep our focus on technical issues.

    Very funny.


    So that I don't have an issue in the future about replying about version numbers, tell me what I should reply with so that you know that I replied. I don't mind that you removed my post, but I need to know what I did wrong in relation to version numbers, so that I do NOT goof up in the future. I pointed out that I replied to all but one, but it must not have been in the expected manner and I just need to know the expected manner.


    I am asking for guidance. I think it's possible there is a language barrier, so I'm really trying to comply.



  19. Yes, the message from app can be more clear, but when expiration date arrives Delphi IDE refuses to load uniGUI packages with a clear "License is Expired" message in a message box. So if you have opened Delphi today you should have seen this message and it would give you the idea.

    My XE3 is flaky on run debug run for most of my apps. When I finally DO get it to not crash<IDE>, I simply keep XE3 up and running. So, my XE3 stays running for many many days at a time. Sometimes up to a week. I found out recently, most of the issues were from the buggy SmartBear add-on that came with XE3.

  20. I have apps that had been working perfectly and all of a sudden, today, none of them work. I've tried them on several machines where they "HAD" been working, and no luck.


    I didn't change any code in them, they just no longer run. What happens is that I run the EXE or DLL and when I get into the web page, after about 10 seconds.... POOF, I see the "Authorization Failue: 0x0071".


    Has anybody run across this?


    Very frustrating, I was showing the company's CEO the preliminary work that I had done, and it just gave this error.


    Authorization Failed: 0x0071

    Restart application


    So, I went back to the ZIP file that contained the callback issue and luckily it had the EXE inside the zip that I had uploaded here a couple of days ago.


    I ran that exe that was working perfectly AND IT TOO has the same issue. So, I have come to the conclusion that you have something in your core code that gets linked in that now prevents it from running properly. In the past I could be using it for about 180 seconds. Then it would time out. That's fine, even though I can only get about 15 seconds of worthwhile testing because it takes me awhile to get past my login and options screens.


    Anyway, it seems that now, this 0x0071 error occurs randomly. Anywhere from ZERO to 30 seconds it blows up with the error.


    Any thoughts Farshad?


    I'm starting to have a lot of egg on my face and I need to keep the "confidence" level high where I'm doing the work. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I don't think so.



    I had 3 debug apps to debug unGUI issues and 1 demo app used to show off the uniGui app. They were all running on two differerent machines perfectly fine until today. Now none of them work on any machine.



  21. Farshad;


    I couldn't tell from your response, if you were also fixing the issue of the callback being called "many" times IF YOU CLICK ON THE "X" many tijmes quickly.

    And for fun, when you click the login button on the login form, it should enter........


    To make things easier to test, put in a sleep(3000) in my callback to test this out. I clicked the "X" to close the form, I clicked it about 6 times in a row and then waited and sure enough, my callback was called 6 times.


    On my form properies, I set the ScreenMask.enabled to true, but it still allowed my to click on that button multiple times. Seems like some synchonization could be done to fix that. Otherwise, I might have to be relagated to using the following scheme.


    procedure TMainForm.LoginCallBack(Sender:TComponent;ModalResult:TModalResult;HomeLink,ThemeSkin:Integer);

    If FBusyLoginCallBack<>0 Then Exit;

    Sleep(3000);  // Give user time to click the "X" on the form many times.
    ShowMessage('Form is now closed: ModalResult = '+IntToStr(ModalResult));


    What are your thoughts? Don't know what else to do. BUt I am new to this way of thinking, so maybe you have magic bullet?


    Thanks in advance



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