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Everything posted by Lena

  1. Hi. After install build 1182 I see true;false in bool column. How remove it? Thanks.
  2. Lena

    uniChart to PDF

    Hi. Please tell me how to save the uniChart contents to a file in the PDF format. Thanks.
  3. Lena

    UniCalendar align

    Please fix it when use just object inspector. Thanks.
  4. In the new project the exact same problem.
  5. If add comments in all Grids error disappears. function beforeInit(sender, config) { sender.titleAlign = 'center'; //sender.titleAlign = 'right'; //sender.titleAlign = 'left'; //Ext.onReady(function () { //sender.headerCt.getMenu().items.items[2].hide(); //separator //sender.headerCt.getMenu().items.items[3].hide(); //}); }
  6. Hi. V. I am adding Login Form in my project and I got error. Where my mistake? Breakpoint stops here: ustring.h // Constructors UnicodeString(): Data(0) {} Login Form code: void __fastcall TUniLoginForm1::UniBitBtnCanselClick(TObject *Sender) { ModalResult = mrCancel; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TUniLoginForm1::UniLoginFormShow(TObject *Sender) { UniEditLogin->SetFocus(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TUniLoginForm1::ACallBackLogin(TComponent *Sender, int AResult) { if(UniEditLogin->Text == "") { UniEditLogin->SetFocus(); } else if(UniEditPassword->Text == "") { UniEditPassword->SetFocus(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TUniLoginForm1::UniBitBtnEnterClick(TObject *Sender) { try { if(UniEditLogin->Text == "") { ShowMessage(L"Enter login", &ACallBackLogin); return; } if(UniEditPassword->Text == "") { ShowMessage(L"Enter password", &ACallBackLogin); return; } UniMainModule()->FDQueryLogin->Active = false; UniMainModule()->FDQueryLogin->ParamByName(L"LOGIN")->AsString = UniEditLogin->Text; UniMainModule()->FDQueryLogin->ParamByName(L"PASSWORD")->AsString = UniEditPassword->Text; UniMainModule()->FDQueryLogin->Active = true; if(UniMainModule()->FDQueryLogin->RecordCount == 0) { ShowMessage(L"No user"); //ModalResult = mrCancel; } else if(UniMainModule()->FDQueryLogin->RecordCount == 1) { //test: ModalResult = mrOk; //I am here } } catch (const Exception &E) { // } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Main Form I also have event OnShow and OnBeforeShow. And all my grids on Main Form have event: function beforeInit(sender, config) { sender.titleAlign = 'center'; //sender.titleAlign = 'right'; //sender.titleAlign = 'left'; Ext.onReady(function () { sender.headerCt.getMenu().items.items[2].hide(); //separator sender.headerCt.getMenu().items.items[3].hide(); }); }
  7. Hi. How to block editing UniDateTimePicker from the keyboard? void __fastcall TMainForm::UniDateTimePicker3KeyUp(TObject *Sender, WORD &Key, TShiftState Shift) { Key = 0; } It does not work.
  8. The user fills in by yourself parameters client. For seconds I will be use ComboBox. Other people are also faced with this. I found a topic: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/5187-tunidatetimepicker-with-seconds/?hl=tunidatetimepicker
  9. Yes. I need the whole day. The devices send data. It is important not to lose them when SQL query. I use TUniDateTimePicker in query parameters. .
  10. Thank you for your help. UniDateTimePicker not be suitable to show the the whole day. This component may not show the exact time: 23:59:59 What advise to replace? Thanks.
  11. I want use Query in MainModul and I need OnCloseUp. Please fix it for OnCloseUp in next build. Thanks.
  12. Hi. How set time in UniDateTimePicker? void __fastcall TMainForm::UniFormShow(TObject *Sender) { TDateTime dtTime1 = StrToTime(L"00:00:00"); TDateTime dtTime2 = StrToTime(L"23:59:59"); UniDateTimePicker1->DateTime.CurrentDate() - 1 + dtTime1; UniDateTimePicker2->DateTime.CurrentDate() + dtTime2; } It does not work.
  13. No, And drop dawn arrow in UniDBLookupComboBox is missing.
  14. Sorry, I did not understand. What do you mean? Button and UniDBLookupComboBox located on form.
  15. I need this property for event OnFormShow: UniNumberEdit1->Text = "";
  16. Hi. If I add this code in Form event OnBeforeShow I see drop dawn list with db data in UniDBLookupComboBox. All good: //OnBeforeShow FDQuery1 SELEST SQL UniMainModule()->FDQuery1->Active = false; UniMainModule()->ClientDataSet1->Active = false; UniMainModule()->FDQuery1->ParamByName(L"IDORG")->AsInteger = 14; UniMainModule()->FDQuery1->Active = true; UniMainModule()->ClientDataSet1->Active = true; If I delete this code from OnBeforeShow and copy in Button event OnClick then make Click my UniDBLookupComboBox is empty. Why?
  17. I also encountered this. It would be correct in the future. Thanks.
  18. Thank you very much!
  19. Hi. Please explain why not work in this code Key = 0? In VCL project not problem. void __fastcall TUniFormAddDat::UniEdit1KeyPress(TObject *Sender, System::WideChar &Key) { //Can only type numbers Set<char, '0', '9'>Dig; Dig << '0' << '1' << '2' << '3' << '4' << '5' << '0' << '6' << '7' << '8' << '9'; if(!Dig.Contains(Key) && Key != VK_BACK) { Beep(); //I hear the sound! Key = 0;//<- But this does not work. UniEdit1 displays all, and numbers and letters //try test delete does not work //UniEdit1->Text.Delete(UniEdit1->Text.Length()-1, 1); } }
  20. Hi. I thought UniNumberEdit component only for correct numbers but I can add dashes between numbers. Please improve UniNumberEdit. Thanks.
  21. Lena

    UniCalendar align

    Thank you so much for your great help!
  22. Lena

    UniCalendar align

    Hi. How to align the calendar the center of the panel? Thanks.
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