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Posts posted by marquesrb

  1. Hi.


    I have some code on a button "ClientEvents -> ExtEvents -> Click" that enable/disable browser full screen. If I click the button the code works fine but if I run some code like "Button.Click" the code doesn't work. I also tried to use "UniSession.AddJS(btnEnterFullScreen.JSName + '.btnEl.dom.click();');" but I didn't work either.


    Is there a way to do that?





  2. Hi.


    In fact I need to to swap "n" columns.


    I set this:


    UniDBGrid1 -> ClentsEvents -> UniEvents ... add beforeInit


    function beforeInit(sender, config){
      config.enableColumnMove = true



    That allows me to swap every column to any order I want. Then I would like to save these positions and load them further.

    But when I swap the column, the property "Column[X].Index" still is "X" (old position) and not the "new X" (new position).


    Sorry if I'm not explaining it well, and thanks for your help.



    Renato Marques

  3. Hi,


    Sorry, the example is not my real case.


    I figured out that headerCt.move() will not help me in this case because I can reorder all the columns and, in the end, some columns would be scrambled.

    Is there any other feature to move columns order?





    Renato Marques

  4. Delphi Developer, please, let's see if you can help me...


    I'm planning to create some configurations where the user can choose the order of the columns.




    Orginal order:

    Column A (idx 0), Column B (idx 1), Column C (idx 2), Column D (idx 3)


    Reorganized order:

    Column C (idx 0), Column A (idx 1), Column D (idx 2), Column B (idx 3)



    Using the technique above (.headerCt.move()) if I move the column 1 to 3 and 3 to 5, the result is moving column 1 to 5, which I don't want to.

    Is there a way to do what I want?



    Renato Marques

  5. Hello Renato.


    I don't think that we can have more accurate computation of distance than Google.


    But , if you want the full point list of each step , see the the UniDBGrid1CellClick procedure of DirectionsForm in demo project.

    If you iterate through these points you can calculate the progressive distance.


    You will also need the functions TUniGMap.DecodeLatLngPath and TUniGMap.ComputeDistanceBetween.


    Hi lema.


    Sorry bothering you. 
    I forgot completely about your demo source files. I saw that you use "OnAjaxEvent" to get that information and I was looking for it in the component properties.
    Now I think I can get what I need.



    Thank you.




  6. Hello lema.


    I've seen your examples and they're pretty nice. I'm using the feature "Route" to trace a route between 2 coordinates. So far it's ok, but I need to get the polylines among the route to compute a more accurate distance between my origin and destination. Is it possible to do it?


    Thank you.




  7. Hi,


    One of the possible solutions, try:

    procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject);
      UniSession.AddJS('Ext.util.CSS.createStyleSheet(".x-grid-group-title {font-size: 12px;}")');

    Best regards.




    It worked, thank you very much.




  8. Hi lema, it's me again.


    Sorry to bother you with the same issue, but I put the files on that folder and worked for a while. Now it's not working again  :(

    I'm using the workaround while that.


    Is there anyone else facing this problem or it's just me?






  9. Hi Renato.

    Now I see that you didn't include the required files





    Please add them in the corresponding folder and try again.


    Hi lema.


    I can't believe was just that. A little weird that the map runs without that files.


    Thank you very much  :)




  10. Hello.

    For debug purposes remove Map.InitializeMap from UniFormShow and call it on demand from a unibutton.


    It would be a great help if you could attach a sample project demonstrating the problem.




    Before I test your suggestion I did the following:

    I added a unitimer with "RunOnce" as true to execute 1 second after the form is loaded.

    It worked, but it's a quick fix.

    I'm adding an example as you asked.






  11. Hello Renato.

    Do you have a unigmap component on your main form ?

    If not, try it (you can set visible:=false).


    Hello lema.


    Thanks, but it didn't work. 


    I have this code on the "UniFormShow" method:



    An as I said, first time I load the form, works fine. If I close the form and reopen, it doesn't. 3rd time runs ok, 4th it doesn't and so on.

    Any other idea?






  12. Helo lema.


    I've got an issue like this:

    I have a form and on "OnFormShow" procedure I use the InitializeMap procedure of the map component.

    First time works fine, second time the map doesn't load, third time works fine, fourth time it doesn't, fifth time works fine, sixth it doesn't and so on.

    Have you ever faced it? If somebody did, please help me.





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